Olympian ; Tsukishima Kei X Olympian! Reader

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Nobody expected the infamous Tsukishima Kei to have an obsession. Let alone, have the obsession be about a certain girl.

(L/N)(F/N). An aspiring Olympic Gold Medalist.

To put it simply, you are a Japanese volleyball player. You attended your first Olympic volleyball match at the age of 13. So, extremely young. Your team lost, on your first appearance. But at ages 14, 15, and 16, your team managed to come back, and fight for another opportunity to enter the Olympics once again 4 years later. Now, at the age of 17, you hope to win gold and make your country proud.

Tsukishima Kei just happened to grow obsessed with the girl. He had seen one of your matches on TV when he was in Junior High. He stared in awe at the girl swiftly moving about on the screen. Her receives were perfect. Her spikes were perfect. Her blocks were perfect. Her serves were perfect.

"She was perfect." Tsukishima thought.

And ever since Junior High, Tsukishima has watched every single one of your matches. He's never missed one. He'll sometimes even skip last period so he can go home in time for your match. He looks up to you immensely.

As of now, Tsukishima is walking to the school gym, headphones covering his ears. He soon gets to the gym, and walks into the boys locker room. He stuffs his duffle bag in a locker after pulling out his practice gear. He strips off his school uniform and neatly folds it. He places it into the locker, before getting dressed into a white t-shirt and black shorts. He slides on his knee pads as well as his volleyball shoes.

He walks out of the locker room, and into the gym. He spots his fellow teammates and joins them in stretching. The team talks excitedly amongst one another. Yamaguchi, his best friend, spots him and waves at him. He walks towards Tsukishima and sits next to him. The two quietly stretch together, before Coach Ukai calls the team together. The boys gather in a circle and sit crisscross.

"Sensai and I have some news."

The team nods, initiating for Coach Ukai to keep talking.

"We have a special guest coming in later today. She'll be helping you guys with your skills. She'll meet with each of you individually, and will be focusing on things you need to work on, and give you tips on how to fix them. Hopefully you'll take advantage of this opportunity, as well as enjoy yourselves."

The boys nod, before a couple of them raise their hand.

"Coach, when is she coming?" Sugawara asks.

"She should be here in about a half hour."

"Who exactly is this girl?" Kageyama questions.

"That's a surprise." Coach Ukai smirks, knowing how surprised the boys will be.

Especially Tsukishima.

The boys stand up from the polished floor and get to practice. Coach Ukai says to start off easy today, and warm up what they need to. They'll get to work more when the guest arrives. For now, each boy is simply serving balls over the net. Some bumping a ball back and forth.

Soon enough, a half hour passes by. Right as the clock strikes 4:30, a quiet knock is heard on the metal, gym doors. The team is too engrossed in themselves, and hear no such knock. Luckily, Coach Ukai hears the knock. He walks towards the gym doors, and slides them open. A familiar figure is stood on the steps, a smile present on her face.

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