Everdream ; Akaashi X Reader

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Au in which Akaashi lives in the "anime world" and you live in the "real world."


You hated yourself for one thing.

Falling in love with an anime character.

Akaashi hated himself for one thing.

Falling in love with a real person.

What the two of you haven't realized, is that you both are aware of each others existence, yet the last thought in your minds is ever having an actual real life chance at being together.

Your crush on Akaashi has developed so widely, that it prevents you from ever flourishing a crush on any living being in your dimension.

Akaashi's crush on you, had started off gradual, as he knew the consequences of falling in love with someone he could never be with.

Yet he let himself fall.

And fall.

And fall.

Until he reached the point of no returning.

You never told anyone, but you often wished you could do anything to travel into the anime world.

Not only because it seems like such an upgrade from reality, but it would allow you to take a look like never before at the boy who managed to snag your heart.

Sadly, most people don't see your point of view when they somehow find out about your crush.

They just can't fathom how a real living human being can fall in love with an animated character simply made up by Japanese artists.

But they're not the only ones.

The very few people in Akaashi's life who have managed to receive knowledge on his crush, can't even bear the thought of having a crush on a character from the world that is completely split off and non-existent in their minds.

But you and Akaashi pay no mind to those people.

Even though you both have come to terms that your love for one another will never be requited, you simply hang onto the dreams that will never come true.

Well, until the day nobody expected.


"I think life hates me. It actually hates me." You sneer as you trudge home in the pouring rain, covered in odious items that had managed to cover you throughout the day.

First, some little brat of a child decided it'd me funny if he smudged chocolate ice cream onto your white t-shirt.

Second, as you attempted to wipe the treat away with paper towels and water in the restroom, you had stepped in someone's repulsive piss. And all you could think was "how the fuck does that even happen?!"

Third, as you had given up and decided to just start your walk home, a car had rushed past you and sprayed murky road water from the nights previous rain all over your body.

Lastly, it had started down-pouring halfway through your walk home.

"The only good outcome from this rain, is the fact that it's helping with the process of washing all of this disgusting ass shit from my body." You huff, glaring at nothing in particular.

"Once again, I just wish I could leave reality, and join the world that seems to be much more of a dream." You groan, scuffing your feet against the wet sidewalk.

Haikyuu X Reader ; One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now