XXIX. A Unforgettable Night

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XXIX. A Unforgettable Night

We arrived in Chicago and Emily finally came outta the restroom. To be honest we had all forgotten she was even here. Opps....

Anyways we were staying here in a hotel for one night then tomorrow we were leaving. The guys have a meet and greet here so that's why it's just a quick stop. Paul hurried us into the hotel and we all headed to our rooms to take shower and change. We had three hours before the meet and greet.

I changed into a coral long button up shirt and some jean shorts. I pulled the sleeves of my shirt halfway up. I braided my hair quick and walked outta my room. We all met up downstairs in the lobby, even Emily was going, then headed to the mall where the meet and greet was taking place.

"My hands are gonna hurt afterwards." Harry said. "But it's worth seeing the happy faces of directioners."

"Don't worry I'll massage them." I told Harry.

"What about mine!" Louis said.

"You have Eleanor." I said. "You guys are gonna start dating soon anyways. And same goes for Liam and Danielle and Zayn and Perrie. Yes Zayn I know who you've been busy texting the last few weeks. I know everything!"

Cher and Olly laughed at everyone's expression.

When we arrived we were lead to a long table. We all sat down. On the right end was Harry, Me, Niall, Jason, Eli, Eleanor, Louis, Liam, Danielle, Zayn, Perrie, Cher, Olly and Emily the last one all the way in the left. Paul stood behind us. Paul's always watching. Always. It's kinda funny and scary at the same time.

Someone handed microphones to the guys and Cher and Olly.

"How's everybody?" Liam asked.

The fans screamed.

"I guess that means good." Zayn said. "Thanks to you all for coming. We really appreciate it."

"Let's start." Niall said.

The first people were told to go ahead. They asked for the guys autographs and it surprised me when they also asked for mine. When I asked them why. They just said.

"We subscribed to your YouTube channel! I love how you sing and play the guitar!" She said.

"What YouTube channel?" I asked.

"The one I made." Louis said. "I've been posting videos of you singing for the last few weeks. Over a thousand views and people love your voice."

"What! You've been recording me!" I said. There was a difference of me singing in their concerts one of their songs and me singing when I'm with them about silly stuff and just playing around.

I signed her shirt and she moved on. I didn't expect for anyone else to ask for my autograph but after awhile everyone was asking. I didn't wanna disappoint them by saying no so I signed. Now I understand why the guys sign all those autographs. The faces of the fans are just to hard to say no to! In the end my hand hurt and instead of my massaging Harry's he was massaging mine.

"How do you do this!" I said laying on the sofa with my head on Harry's lap meanwhile he massage my hand and Niall gave Harry looks and they talked to each other with their eyes. We were back in the hotel. We were in Harry's and Niall's room. I was sharing with Ele. Dani and Perrie are sharing with Cher.

"We are used to it." Louis said.

"Oh by the way." I said. "Louis why the heck did you post videos of me singing in the Internet!!!"

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