Chapter 32

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"I love you,Danny."Josh wrapped his arms around me.
"I know you do,"
I laid back down on Josh's bed.
Josh laid down beside me."now that you've met my parents what do you want to do?"
"I don't know,"
"Okay,lets just not do anything."I curled up next to Josh.
"You seriously just want to sleep after you slept for six hours?"Josh wrapped his arms around me.
"Yeah,being with you is just tiring."I joked.
Josh pulled me closer to him."what do we do if my parents catch us?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged
"Maybe they won't care,"
I turned around so, I could face Josh.
"They probably won't my parents don't care that you slept over."
"Yeah but I was sleeping in a chair and not in a bed with you."
I looked into Josh's electric blue eyes. "You also had a lame excuse,honestly they wouldn't of cared if you just told them that I wanted you to stay."
Josh grabbed a blanket and covered is up with it. "That's true but my parents are unpredictable."
I kissed Josh a teensy bit harder than before. "You are too,that's why I love you."
"I love you because you're just so perfect and I love everything about you."Josh kissed me roughly.
" Why so rough?" I joked.
Josh laughed,"I don't know,"
I shoved Josh playfully away from me and I took the blanket."Hey!"Josh complained.
I curled up into a ball. "No,"
Josh yanked some of the blanket off of me and covered up with it.
"Your so difficult,"He half joked.
"I know,"
After a few peaceful minutes of silence,Josh's mom walked in.
"Josh,d you want to have a Bon fire tonight since it's going to be really nice out?"Mrs.Adams asked.
"Sure,what time should I text everyone?"
"Your only aloud to invite a few people,not some huge party okay? Maybe around eight?"Mrs.Adams clasped her hands together.
Then I realized that Josh and I were still cuddling on his bed. I nudged Josh so he would understand. Josh sat up and I sat up and scooted beside him.
"I think I might invite Jack,his girlfriend Cassidy and Jake."Josh quickly said.
"Oh,what about Alex and Matt?"Mrs.Adams looked at Josh questioningly.
"They're in London,"Josh reminded his mom.
"Oh,yes I forgot,why don't you two come down stairs,Your father made hamburgers for lunch."Mrs.Adams walked out of the room.
Josh and I got up we walked downstairs to the kitchen hand in hand.
Before we made it to the kitchen Josh
stopped,it sounded like Mr. and Mrs. Adams were talking.
"Steve,I walked up stairs and Josh and Danielle were laying on Josh's bed,I think they're getting pretty serious should we give Josh 'the talk' again?"
Josh tried to hold in a laugh.
I mouthed,'Yep,we're so serious,'
Josh rolled his eyes. 'I know we've only been dating for like a couple months.'
"Caroline, they're just kids,let them enjoy themselves,eh?"
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of."
Before they could continue talking Josh pled me into the kitchen with him.
"Danielle,Josh,Are you guys ready to eat lunch?"Caroline,er,Mrs.Adams asked.
Josh looked at me and I nodded. "Yeah,mom we're ready."Josh said,a little awkwardly.
Mrs. Adams nodded and handed us both a plate filled with golden fries and a juicy burger.
"Everything is homemade,"Mrs.Adams smiled warmly.
I nodded,"It looks amazing."
Mrs.Adams blushed,"Thank you,the potatoes are from Josh's grandparents farm."
Mr.Adams nodded."They sure are,it took us hours to harvest everything,maybe you could come to the farm sete to see it and maybe ride a horse?"
I grinned,"that would be so much fun."
Josh looked at me and smiled proudly. "Do you know how to ride a horse,Danny?"Mr.Adams stuffed a fry in his mouth.
"No,I haven't even rose a horse before but,I heard its a ton of fun."
Mr.Adam took a swig of his beer."it is,"
Mrs.Adams looked at her husband annoyed. "Steve,let them eat,"
Mr.Adams rolled his eyes."fine,"
Josh grabbed my hand and took me out side and we sat down at the table.
"Sorry about my parents,"He handed me a can of coke.
"No,its fine,they're so nice."I bit into my burger.Once I finished the bite I looked at Josh. "This is amazing,"
Josh grinned,"I hope so because if you didn't like it my dad wouldn't like you anymore."
I took a sip of my coke."Are you serious?"
Josh had a mischievous look in his ice blue eyes. "Yeah,"
I raised an eyebrow."Oh really?"
Josh nodded.
I picked at the hem of my shirt."I guess I'm glad I like it."
Josh laughed."Yeah,but don't worry they love you."
I threw a fry at Josh."of course they do!"
Josh caught the fry and ate it. "Yeah,your just so lovable."
I took another bite out of my burger. "I know,"
Josh threw a fry in my coke.
"Hey,I was going to drink that!"I whined.
Josh bit into his burger."Aw,that to bad."he threw another fry into my coke.
"Okay,just stop."
Josh threw another fry. "How do you do that it's such a small hole?"
Josh shrugged. "It takes some serious skill."
I rolled my eyes and ate a fry.
Josh picked up a fry,about to throw it.
"Josh,quit throwing fries!"Mrs.Adams scolded.
Josh immediately put the fry down. "Sorry mom,"
I tried to hold back a snicker by eating my burger but I almost ended up choking Josh laughed at me.
"At Least I'm not the one who got in trouble,"
"Your not completely innocent,"Nosh smirked.
I popped the last piece of my burger in my mouth.
Josh threw another fry but this time it was at me.
I rolled my eyes. "Could you not?"
Josh ate the last bit of his burger.
I grabbed Josh's coke and drank the rest of it. "Hey!"
"That's what you get for throwing fries into mine."I shrugged.
Josh grabbed the last handful of my fries and stuffed them into his mouth.
"Gross,Josh you know I would've just given you the rest."
Josh nodded,his mouth still full."I know but I like annoying you better."
I rolled my eyes."Thanks,"
Josh swallowed his fries. "you better watch out my mom is watching us."Josh smiled flirtatiously.
"You shouldn't be doing that if your mom is watching us."
Josh rolled his eyes and kissed me."your mom is going to kill you."
Josh rolled his eyes."does it look like I care?"
"Well sorry,"I joked.
Josh was about to kiss me again until his mom barged out onto the deck.
"Josh,don't even think about it!You leave that poor girl alone!"Mrs.Adams put her hands on her hips.
Josh rolled his eyes."Mom-"
"Don't even,"She warned.
"Okay,well Danny and I are going to set up for the bonfire. "Josh stacked our plates together and handed them to his mom.
"Okay,your dad is going over to the neighbors for a Baroque,and I will go out to the store to go get s'mores."Mrs. Adams left the deck and went inside.
"Okay so let's put up the tiki torches."Josh had a mischievous glint in his eye.
"What do plan on doing now?"I stopped at the bottom of the deck stairs.
"Nothing just getting ready for the party."Josh lead me to the front of the house to go in to the garage.
"So who are you inviting?"I asked.
"I think I am inviting Jack,Jake and Cassidy."
"That's it?"I asked,shocked.
"Well when my mom means 'small party' she literally means like three people."Josh handed me some tiki torches and he took the rest.
"Just set them up around the pool."
"Wow your decorating for only three people."
"My mom likes everything to be perfect you know how that works."Josh rolled his eyes.
I laughed."yeah,thats why your house is always picture perfect."
I followed Josh to the pool. We put the torches all around the pool.
"Wanna swim?"Josh asked.
"I don't have a anything to swim in."
"That's to bad,"Josh picked me up and threw me into the pool.
"Josh!"I shrieked as a was flung into the water.
Josh laughed and jumped into the water next to me.
"I can't believe you did that!"I splashed water at Josh.
"At least I jumped in with you."Josh threw his shirt and it made a wet slap onto the pavement.
"What if your mom sees us?"I splashed Josh again.
"Who cares she'll think it's cute."Josh grabbed me before I could swim away.
"Put me down!"I tried to squirm out of Josh's strong arms.
"Okay,"Josh threw me near the diving board.
"Josh!"I shrieked.
Josh swam over to me and started to laugh. I splashed him. "That wasn't funny,"I protested.
"Yes it was,"Josh swam closer to me and grabbed my arm before I could swim away. Josh kissed me softly.
"Okay I'm sorry,"
"You better be,don't do that again."O warned.
Josh tuck a wet price of hair behind my ear. "I won't,"he smirked.
I kissed Josh,"You better not,"
I heard the sliding door open. "Josh put the poor girl down!"I heard Mrs.Adams shouted.
Josh's immediately set me down. "I hope you didn't throw her in there,it seems like something you would do."She continued.
Josh went silent.
"That's what I though,"And Mrs. Adams left.
Josh pulled me back into him.
"It's almost six we should go get ready."Josh said checking his watch.
Josh set me on the edge
of the pool. I stood up and twisted my soaked hair into a bun.
Josh got out of the pool and stood next to me. "Everyone is going to be here in and hour and it's almost dark,I can't wear this!"I cried.
Josh picked out his shirt. "You can wear one of my sweatshirts or something."Josh shrugged and lead me inside.Mrs.Adams handed Josh and I huge fuzzy towels.Josh lead me up to his room and tossed me a pair of pajama shirts and on of Josh's football sweatshirts. "Can I take a shower so I don't smell like chlorine?"I asked Josh.
Josh nodded."yeah,but hurry up I want to take a shower to."
-outside 1hr later-
"Thanks,"I grabbed my swim suit from Jack.
"Yeah,next time I am never doing that."Jack look at me horrified.
"There was nothing in there."
Jack just laughed and sat next to Cassidy.
I walked over to Josh and Jake who were in a deep conversation but they stopped when I walked over.
"Jack brought my swim suit."I grabbed a price of chocolate and popped it into my mouth.
"Good because we're going to swim soon and this time you better be prepared for it."Josh joked.
I rolled my eyes. "Oh really?"
Josh's eyes lit up and he kissed me. "Yeah,"
I stuck a marshmallow in my stick and stuck in the fire. "Just let me eat my s'mores first and we can swim."
After I finished my s'more and changed into my swim suit.Josh picked me up and he threw me into the pool.
"Josh!"I shrieked. I landed right beside Cassidy and Jack.
Jake and Josh flipped off of the diving board.
"Danny,I love your swim suit!"Cassidy chirped.
"Thanks,yours is really cute too,"I smiled.
Josh snaked his arm around my waist. "I told you not to throw me."I jokingly whined.
Josh kissed my soaked cheek. "I know,"
"I love you,"Josh kissed me again but this time on the lips.
"I love you too,"I kissed Josh.
"No PDA!!!!"Jake whined.
I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure you would do the thing."
"Only if it was with you."Jake winked at me.
I rolled my eyes. "You really should stop."
Jake smiled flirtatiously,his white teeth shining in the darkness.
"Your such a flirt.Just go flirt with Cassie."
Jake rolled his eyes and swam over to Cassie and Jack.
"So Danny do you want to go inside?"Josh asked. "Maybe watch a movie with everyone?"Josh added.
I nodded."Yeah,"
Once everyone left we started watching Texas chain saw massacre.
I curled up on Josh's lap and hid my face into his shirt.
"Josh I don't want to watch this anymore it's to scary."I whined.
Josh pulled me closer to him and kissed the top of my head.
"Do you want me to turn it off?"Josh asked.
I nodded into his chest. Josh turned of the TV and stretched out onto the couch. I laid on top of Josh.I shivered in fear. Josh rubbed my back. "Danny it's not that scary."Josh told me.
I nodded."For you it wasn't."
Josh laughed and pulled a blanket overtop of us and we fell asleep.

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