Chapter 38

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(I think this is going to be the last chapter)The last four days of summer flew by,today was our last day of summer an Josh's cousin Jake was going to have a huge party.
I went into my room to find Josh scrolling through Instagram in his iPhone. "You ready for the party?"I asked.
Josh nodded."Yeah,"
-At Jake's house-
I knocked in Jake's front door. We were greeted by Jake,who was probably drunk. "Hey guys!"Jake slurred.
"Hey,"Danny smiled at Jake.
Jake winked at Danny and started checking Danny out. "You ready to swim?"Jake stumbled into me.
"Yeah,"I grabbed the drink out of Jake's hand."You don't need anymore,"
Danny laughed."Josh is right,Jake you're pretty drunk."
I kissed Danny's cheek. "I'm always right,"I joked.
Danny rolled her eyes playfully and followed Jake outside. "Do you wanna swim?"I asked.
Danny nodded."I brought a swim suit so don't worry. "She joked.
I kissed Danny on the lips. "Good,"
-At Josh's house after the party-
"Danny,I'm going to miss you,"I kissed her softly in the lips.
"I'll miss you too,"She kissed me back and hugged me.
"I love you so much,"I pulled Danny closer to me.
Danny grabbed a blanket off of the couch and covered us up."I love you more,"She giggled,knowing it would drive me crazy.
"I'm not going to start with you,since I'm leaving tomorrow for college."I
Kissed her forehead.
Danny blushed. "I am going to miss you so much,"
"Hey,I will visit you and you'll come and visit me."
Danny nodded,clearly upset. "I know,I just don't know if I can handle it,Jack is going to WVU and I won't see you as much and what if we go to different colleges."
I cupped Danny's face. "Don't worry about that,"I kissed Danny softly.
She nodded."For now I won't,"
"I should probably take you home,its getting really late and we have school."

Josh walked me to my door step. "I love you so much,you know that right?"I asked.
Danny nodded and kissed me. "Yeah,I know."
I tucked a price of hair behind her ear. "Hey,I promise I will visit,Will you watch me play football?"I hugged Danny tightly,not wanting to let go.
"I promise,I love you."A tear fell off of Danny's cheek and I wiped it away.
"Danny,I'm still going to see you." I promised.
She nodded,trying to hold back the tears. "Okay,promise me you won't do anything stupid."She stifled a laugh.
"I promise,"I gave Danny one last hug and a kiss and walked back to my car.
"I love you,"Danny whispered it was barley audible.
I turned around and smiled. "I love you too,"

Thank you so much for reading my book it Means the world to me
Their might be a sequel!!
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Also comment if you want a sequel to Broken.

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