Chapter 22

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"Josh?"I said,nervously.


I sat back down on my bed. "Why are you acting so strange?Well we both are."

"I know ,Danny but I think it's because we both are worried about what mike could do to you. And we both aren't thinking strait.I hate to say his but Danny,I think you need some space right now,I love you.Josh kissed me on the forehead and left. I called for Alex.Alex made a mad dash towards me."Why Did Josh just leave?"

"We both need space from what happened I pointed at my swollen cheek.

Alex nodded. Then she gave me a sad hug.

"I think it's for the best."She reassured me.

I nodded."Hopefully,"I choked out before I started to cry.

Alex hugged me tighter. "Hey,Danny,Josh is doing this to help you it's not like he doesn't want to be with you,He clearly does. This is just to help you."Alex explained to me."Josh doesn't want this to freak you out or move to fast!"I heard Matt say. I looked around my room,Matt was standing in the doorway. He shrugged."Got bored,"

I rolled my eyes wiped away a few tears. "Can I go talk to Josh?"I asked.

"Yeah,but not looking like that!"Alex gestured at what I was wearing. I rolled laughed and decided to get ready.

-30 minutes later-

I wrapped the towel around my body. And stood in my closet,trying to figure out what to wear.

"Alex,Did you find anything for me to wear?"I shouted

She nodded her head violently. Her curly blond hair flying everywhere.

"I found you a shirt that you could wear with shorts. I awkwardly walked over to Alex,I still wasn't used to my boot.

Alex smirked. "Here,"She threw a lime green crop top at me.I nodded and went to my bathroom to go and change.

After I was changed,I let Alex curl my hair.I plugged the curler in and sat down at my vanity.

"Do want me to curl it and do a water fall braid?"She asked.

"I don't care you do what every you want. "

She shrugged. Once the curling iron was hot. Alex started to curl my hair.

"I feel so dumb looking like this.I mean look at my face,Nothing will cover it!"I cried.

"Let me fix it."Alex 's eyes where trained on my hair.

After about twenty minutes of silence,Alex was fixing my makeup. "There!Perfection!"Alex shouted.

I looked in the mirror nervously. The bruise was gone but my cheek was a little puffy but of well. I didn't look fake,It all looked natural.

"Wow,your amazing,Thanks!"I stood up and hugged Alex.

"No problem now let me drive you to Josh's!"

We made our way down stairs and outside to Matt's car.

"Why are we taking Matts car?"I asked dumbly.

"Duh,I still haven't gotten my own carI still have to share with my parents."

I nodded. "Right,sorry,forgot."

Once we both were in the car we made our way to Josh's house.

"What should I say?"I asked,nervously.

"Tell him what you think about this 'not seeing each other' thing."Alex suggested.

"I guess so,"The rest if the ride was silence.

Alex pulled into Josh's driveway.

She nodded."should I stay?"

"For like ten minutes,Just in case."

I got out of the car and walked up to Josh's front door and knocked.

I stood there for about a few seconds until Josh answered the door.

"Hey,"Josh's eyes lit up once he realized it was me. "Danny,"He breathed.

"Hey Josh,I don't think we should not see each other,I can't stand being a second away from you."It felt really weird to be telling Josh this.

Josh avoid making eye contact. "I hate it too Danny but it's for the best."My face fell.

"But Josh,why is it for the best?"I asked sadly. "Because let me tell you it just makes everything a whole lot worse."I continued.

Josh leaned in the door and closed his eyes. "I know it may seem that way-"

"Josh just for a second put yourself in my position."I interrupted. Josh's ice blue ice finally stared back into mine.

"That's what I though you would want,"

I couldn't take it anymore,I wanted my Josh back. "It's not,"I whispered. "I want to be with you."

Josh looked at me stunned. Then he smiled and leaned in and kissed me.

"I'm so sorry,Danny."Josh hugged me.

"It's okay,I'm sorry too."

"For what?"

"I don't know I just felt like I had to say sorry too."I smiled.

Josh shook his head. "What is wrong with you?"He laughed.

"I don't know!"I kissed Josh's cheek.

"I should probably go,"I continued.

"No come inside and we can do something fun."Josh whined. "I've missed you!"He added.

"Okay,okay,"I gave in. I made shooing motions at Alex who was waiting the the car. She quickly got me and left.

Josh grabbed my hand and we went inside to watch a movie.

"What Movie?"Josh asked as he flipped through the movies on on-demand.

"How about we watch Teen wolf!Dylan Obrien is in it!"I said enthusiastically.Some what knowing that Josh was jealous that I liked Dylan.

"Relax,its not like DYLAN OBRIEN would steal me from you."I shrugged.

"He would too!"Josh argued. I kissed Josh on the cheek. "Not from you,I love you."

"Not even five seconds of summer could take me away from you."I added.

"Whoa,Danny you just said that?"Josh joked.

"Yes now turn on teen wolf!"I ordered.

A stretched my legs out on Josh's lap,hopefully my boot didn't hurt him.

About halfway through the show Josh finally spoke. "Danny,whats the point of this?What is even going on?"Josh asked.

"Shhh,"I playfully shushed.

"Don't you love me?"I stated to laugh.

"What do you think?"I said,raising an eyebrow.

"That you do love me,"Josh set my legs down and scooted closer to me and laid his head on my lap.

"Your right,"I played with his hair.


"Yes Josh?"

"Can we watch something else this show is so dumb."

"It is not!"I playfully smacked Josh.


Josh closed his eyes. "Danny,I love you."

"I love you too,Josh."

I looked down at Josh who had now fallen asleep."Josh?"


"Oh I thought you feel asleep."

"I almost did."Josh sat up and I leaned on his shoulder an yawned.

A few minutes later I fell asleep.

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