Chapter 23

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Ok so I would just like to thank you guys for reading my book so far!!!If you want me to make a sequel to broken just leave a comment. (The book isn't over yet don't worry!)
I woke up to Josh shaking me awake.

"What,"I mumbled into a pillow.

"Danny,your parents want you home,They just called."

"Can you give me a ride?"I asked.

Josh nodded. "Yeah I was going to see Jack anyways."

"Carry me,"I whined.

Josh hesitated. "Fine,but only because I love you."

Josh picked me up and carried me out to his car,he set me outside of his car. "There,"Josh kissed the top of my head and walked around to the drivers side.

I got in an reclined the seat back. "Really Danny it's like a five minute drive."Josh gave me a cocky grin.

"Yes I am tired."I rolled eyes and sat up.

"You can wait until your home,Talk to me!"Josh said,pretend to be a girl.Josh even attempted to do a hair flip,even though his hair was in a perfect quiff.

"Fine,what do you wanna talk about."I gave in.

"I don't know,"Josh laughed.

I gave Josh an annoyed look.

Josh pulled into my drive and kissed my cheek. "Love you!"Josh got out of the car and went inside not bothering to wait for me.
I got out of Josh's car and walked up the porch steps and I went inside.
Once I was inside. I took of my shoe and went upstairs to my room.
My leg that was in the boot was aching really badly. I flopped down on my bed and fell asleep.
-Josh's p.o.v-
"So you really like,Danny?"Jack asked me.
I nodded. "Yeah,I love her."
"Good because Danny couldn't take another fake retaliation ship. She is really fragile,Since Mike started to break her,ya know. "Jack stared blankly at the tv.
"Yeah,I know."I Awkwardly said.
I faced back to the TV and tried to watch whatever was on. I couldn't stop thinking about what Jack had said.
-Danny's p.o.v-
I woke up to someone sitting on me.
"Wake up!"It was my little cousin Lauren. I forgot they were coming over.
"Lauren!Watch out for Danny's boot!"My Aunt scolded.
"Sorry,"My eight year old cousin mumbled.
"Don't worry about it Lauren."I reassured her. "My leg doesn't even hurt!"I said truthfully.
Lauren smiled and walk out of my room. My aunt followed behind. "Hope you feel better sweetie."She smiled too.
"Thanks,"I chirped.
I pulled my hair into a ponytail and made my way down stairs. Once I was down the stairs I made my way to the kitchen. "Danny,would you like some thing to eat?"My little cousin,Lauren asked my sweetly.
Lauren skipped to the kitchen table,grabbed a brownie,made her way back to me and handed the brownie to me. "I made it,"Lauren gave me a toothy grin.
I bit into it. "This is really good,Lauren!"It really was amazing.
"What did you put in it that made it taste so good?"I asked. She shrugged.
"Brownie mix?"Lauren questioned herself.
I ruffled her hair. "It's really good."I popped the last bit of the brownie in my mouth awkwardly walked to the couch and sat down.
I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. "What do you want to watch,Lauren."
I shouldn't have asked,I already knew the answer. "Frozen!"Lauren cried. I laughed and turned the movie on.
"Hey Danny can you watch Lauren for a couple of hours or so,me and your parents are going for some dinner."
My Aunt Diane asked me.
I nodded."That would be fine."
My Aunt nodded and followed my parents out to their cars.
A few minutes later I heard the boys coming up the basement stairs.
"Hey Danny,Hey Lauren,Whatcha watching?"My brother asked.
"Hi Jack,We're watching frozen!"Lauren ran over to Jack and gave him a big hug.
"Oh,Frozen."My brother nodded trying not to sound annoyed. He hated that movie. I mean what boy doesn't?
"Hi Josh!"Lauren pulled away from Jack and ran up to Josh and gave him a big hug.
Josh picked her up and swung her her ankles.Lauren shrieked with laughter.
"Put me down!Danny make Josh put me down!"Lauren cried.
"Josh out her down,I need her in one piece!"I scolded.
Josh gave me a cocky grin.and kept swinging Lauren. I raised an eyebrow.
"You wanna go there?"I challenged.
Jack eyed both of us enjoying every second.
"Yeah,I kinda do."Josh stopped swinging Lauren back and forth. He flipped her upright and set her on his back,and starts to run upstairs. Jack quickly followed behind. I hobbled as quickly as I could to catch up.
Once I got up the stairs I heard Lauren giggling.
I listened to where the giggling was coming from.

My room.

I quietly went to my door and slowly turned the handle.
"Quit breathing on me!"
I held in my breath,trying not to laugh.
I swung the door open. "Give me back Lauren!"I screamed. Just as I said that I was attacked. They were spraying me with silly string. Even Lauren.
"Stop!"I screamed. I quickly snatched one of the cans from Jack and started to spray Lauren.
"Danny!"Lauren screamed.
"Sorry,your a traitor now!"I joked.
Lauren laughed and sprayed me back.Once Lauren spray and mine ran out we looked around for Jack and Josh.
"C'mon their here some where."I whispered. Lauren followed my close behind.
"Josh,are they still in Danny's room?"I heard Jack ask.
I pointed to Jack's room and put a finger to my lips. I grabbed a Josh's spray can that was carelessly tossed in the middle of the hallway.
I gave it to Lauren and she kept it behind her back. I gave her a thumbs up.
I swung Jack's door open.Both boys grinned evilly. "Now,Lauren!"I screamed.
Lauren jumped out from the hallway and into the room and started to spray widely at the boys.
"Lauren!"They shouted. "You traitor!"
Lauren laughed. "I want to be on the winning team!"She laughed.
Just after Lauren said that her spray ran out.
"No!"both boys tried to grab Lauren but I stepped in front of her.
"No way!I am not doing this again."i picked some string out of my hair,I caught Josh eyeing me up and down,smirking."Keep your eyes up here Josh!"I laughed.
"Let's go Finnish frozen!"Jack said,in a baby voice.
"Yeah!"Lauren laughed.
We all walked down stairs.
"Wait Lauren before we do that lets get that crap off of you."I said.
Lauren nodded.
Jack just shrugged and continued to walk to the room.
Josh followed me. "Don't you dare try anything Josh."I warned.
Lauren giggled. Josh gave me a cocky grin. "Who said I was going to try anything?"
I rolled my eyes and set Lauren on the bathroom sink. And started to take out the silly string.
Josh watched my every move. "You can help,"I laughed.
Lauren yawned and Josh kissed my cheek. "Fine,"After about five minutes Lauren was done and now Josh and I needed to get the silly string off. Lauren skipped out of the bathroom to see if Jack wanted to Finnish frozen with her,since we still had to clean up.
"Why silly string?How old are you?Ten?"I laughed.
"It was the only thing we could find that wouldn't scar Lauren for life."Josh pulled string out of my hair.
"I love you,"I blurted.
"I love you too,"Josh kissed me softly on the lips.
Things were going to escalate quickly so before it could I pulled away. "Josh we have a nine year old the house."
Josh nodded."Fine,"Once we both had string out we walked into the living room. Both Lauren and Jack were asleep.
Lauren was nestled in Jack's lap curled up in a ball and Jack was leaning against the arm rest,snoring. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and took a picture. Josh came from behind me and gave me a bear hug.
"Wanna watch a scary movie?"
I shook my head. "Nope,you know how I am with scary movies."
"I know,"
I turned around and looked at Josh who was smiling. "Nice try,"I kissed Josh's cheek.
I pulled away and sat down on the love seat. "C'mon,we can watch something but nothing scary."
"I don't know if I can stay up for it."Josh yawned,plopping down next to me.
"Yet you wanted to watch a scary movie."I laughed.
I laid my head in Josh's shoulder,we talked for about two hours not bothering to change the channel.
I woke up to the garage door. My parents and Lauren's mom were here.
I shook Josh awake.
"Wake Jack up,I'll wake up Lauren."I shook Lauren awake.
And Josh shook Jack awake. "There back."
Once Lauren was with her mom and our parents were going to bed.I finally gave in and let them put on a scary movie.
"What movie is it?"I asked,Scooting closer to Josh.I was practically on top of him. "Oh my god,Danny,calm down its not even that scary!"Jack laughed.
"Sure it is,"I said sarcastically.
The movie started to play.It was insidious."Oh No,I am not watching this. "I started to get up but Josh pulled my back down.
"Yeah you are,"Jack laughed and looked at Josh who was trying to hold in a laugh.
"I put my face in Josh's shirt and closed my eyes,hopping that I would fall asleep.
"You smell good,"I mumbled.
"I know,"Josh laughed.
I rolled my eyes and fell asleep a few minuets later.
I woke up to Josh moving around. "You do know that Danny loves you to death,I can tell."Jack whispered.
"Yeah I know she does,I love her more than she will ever know."Josh whispered back.
I fell back asleep before I could eavesdrop anymore.

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