Chapter 30

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I woke up to Josh wrapping his arms around me. "Wake up its like twelve,"
"No!"I buried my face into a pillow.
"Danny come on your mom made pancakes."Josh whined.
"And did my mom see you in my room?"I mumbled into my pillow.
"Yes and she was perfectly fine with me sleeping on the chair,I told her you were having nightmares and that you needed to be woken up whenever that happened."Josh pulled me closer to him.
"And she believed that because that is the stupidest excuse I have ever heard."
Josh grabbed my pillow and threw it off of my bed. "Yeah she believed it,I just feel bad about lying to your mom."
I scooted closer to Josh to use him as a pillow."Eh,It was for a good cause."
Josh laughed,"And the cause?"
"The cause that helps every normal teenager do there parents don't shoot their boyfriends."I laughed at my lame excuse.
"Sorry for being just so irresistible" Josh's voice was muffled from the pillow he was laying on.
"I can't deny that,"I half joked.
"I know,no one can."Josh sat up,gave me a quick kiss and made his way down stairs to eat breakfast.
I got up and walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair.Man,I still can't believe Josh saw me like this and didn't even make a comment. Why does he love me so much?
I shook my head in disbelief.Still in my pajamas, I walk down stairs to eat breakfast.
I heard Josh and My mom,Claire, talking. I stopped in the doorway to listen. "Oh Josh you are just such a sweet boy,no wonder Danny likes you so much."Claire cooed.
"Thank you Ma'am,"Josh flashed Claire a genuine smile.
My mom put a hand with the spatula to her chest,spattering pancake goo all over her shirt.
"Aren't you a keeper,"Claire winked.
Finally sick of my moms unusual, excessive, niceness I walked into the kitchen.
Josh flashed me his award winning smile,showing all of his blindingly white teeth off. I gave Josh a quick kiss while my mom was flipping a pancake. "Nice to see you awake sweet heart !"My mom kissed my cheek.
"Um,nice to see that your making some real food for once."I half joked.
My mom gave me the look all parents give there kids. ( you know what I mean )
"Be nice Danny your mother works very hard to make good food for you."I heard my dad say,I looked around and saw him sitting on the couch reading a newspaper."I was just joking,"I quickly defended myself.
"Watch it,your pushing it Danielle.y Dad warned.
I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Josh.Me being the rebel I am,I got up and grabbed a box of fruity pebbles and started to pour them in a bowl. "Danielle Fields what in Gods name do you think your doing,I woke up very early to make these pancakes for you and you get a bowl of cereal!"
"I just don't really want any pancakes,"I lied coolly.
Josh coughed,trying to his laughter. I ignored what was going on and savored every bite of cereal.
"Danny you know I love you to bits and pieces right?"Josh sat down on my unmade bed.
"Yeah I know that you were just doing that because of my parents,it's okay,I love you."I kissed Josh softly.
I plopped down next to him and rested my shoulder against him.
"Danny no matter what I say or do I want you to know that I will always love you with all my heart."Josh kissed me back,nervously.
"Why are you so nervous?"I smiled at Josh.
"We'll I mean what happens if you parents catch us making out on your bed?"Josh raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sure you wouldn't care if we were at your house,"I shrugged.
"Yes but I care at you house because I have know your parents since I was five I don't plan on giving them a reason to hate me."Josh pulled my onto his lap.
"I love you,"I kissed Josh's cheek.
Josh smirked. "Danny,your parents can here us."
"Then let's go to your house if your going to be such a chicken."
"Fine but my cousin Jake is over,"
"We'll lets go see him,"
----at Josh's house----
"It's nice to finally meet you Danny,Josh talks about you all the time."Jake slyly winked at me.
Josh's grip tightened around my hand.
"Relax,Joshy I am not going to take Danny away from you."Jake laughed.
Why didn't Josh warn me that Jake was such a flirt.Josh let go of my hand and ran his hands through is jet black hair. "I know,I just forgot to warm Danny you were such a flirt."
Jake looked at me with his emerald eyes and smiled."Don't worry,Danny,Josh just doesn't like to share."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah,Josh you should have warned me that Jake was going to be so cocky."
Josh laughed. "I know,sorry I thought you would like to figure that out yourself."
"At least I know how to let a girl know I like her,I don't turn all socially awkward on her."Jake winked at me.
I ignored Jake mad looked at Josh. I got up on my toes and kissed Josh passionately,letting both boys get the message.
I looked out of the corner of my eye Jake was standing with a grimace on his face.
I closed my eyes and continued to kiss Josh.
"Alright I get it you to can stop,"Jake ran his hands through his golden quiff.
I looked at Josh who was smiling proudly,as if he was the one to let Jake know that I didn't like.
Go read 1Dsfanfiction
The book is so amazing just go read it after this chapter!
I sat down on Josh's bed. "So Jake how is it that Josh isn't as cocky as you?"I asked.
"Well,se are cousins so maybe that's why."Jake smiled flirtatiously.
I leaned my head on Josh's shoulder,trying to let Josh know that I wasn't going to fall for Jake's flirting.
"So Josh have you decided what college your going to?"I asked changing the subject.
"I don't know yet,I got a couple scholarships to some colleges for football and a few for track,but I think I am going to take a football scholarship to a college here in California so I can see all my friends and family,and so I can see you."Josh smiled.
"Josh,maybe we will end up seeing eachtoher if you go a college in California and Danny,Come and visit me sometime."Jake winked me.
I rolled my eyes. "When will you get the point that I don't like you?"
Jake smiled flirtatiously,"Don't deny your love for me,"
I ignored Jake's comment and turned to Josh."why didn't you also tell me that he was a big flirt."
Josh laughed."I don't know,I guess it's his way of approving of you."
"So your okay with your cousin flirting with me?"I raised an eyebrow.
"It's just harmless flirting,"Josh said reassuringly.
"So harmless,"I half joked.
"Josh,Jake what is all the noise?"Josh's mom walked in.
"Oh,hi Danny it lovely to finally meet you," Mrs.Adams smiled warmly.
"It's nice to meet you too,I mean I've seen you before but that was only because of Jack."I rambled.
"Oh,speaking of Jack,He called wondering we're you were Josh,he said you guys haven't hung out in a while."Mrs.Adams gave Josh a warning look.
"Oh,thats because Jack has been hanging out win his new girlfriend and time just flew by,I guess."
Mrs.Adams rolled her eyes and Josh's lame excuse. "Don't be upset if you to are t friends anymore just because it's over a girl."And she walked out of the room.
"Okay that was Awkward,lets go get Ice cream."Jake stood up.
"I guess,Josh do wanna go?"I asked.
"Of course I'm coming what do think that I would say no?"Josh joked.
"I don't know,I just wanted to be polite."I stood up and pulled Josh up. "Now let's go I really want ice cream."
Once we threw away our sundaes we went outside to take a walk around the beach."Not to be rude or anything but I am starting to feel like the third wheel."Jake said awkwardly.
"Oh, sorry,"I said awkwardly.
Josh intertwined my hand with his. "Jake can suffer,"
Jake stuck his tongue out at Josh.
"Aren't you in College or are you in kindergarten?"I asked Jake.
"I am going to first grade!"Jake crossed his arms.
"Oh,sorry I was a year off."I rolled my eyes.
"Jake leave Danny alone,"Josh said,he was clearly annoyed.
I looked at Jake who was looking at me his eyes had a wicked glint. I stuck my tongue out at him and kissed Josh softly."Alright,Alright I get it,I'll leave and if you still see me walking home don't bother asking me if I want a ride,I don't want to see this the whole time."Jake walked of scrolling through his phone,probably on Instagram.
I kissed Josh again,"I love you so much Josh,"I looked into Josh's piercing blue eyes.
"I love you too,maybe even more,"Josh winked at me.
"Okay,now your turning into Jake,"I laughed.
"Would Jake do this?"Josh picked me up and ran into the ocean. "Josh!"I cried.
"Now you can get soaked and I don't have to worry about that obnoxious cast of boot."Josh kissed me.
Josh swung my around onto his back and dove into a wave.
"Okay,are you insane!?"I gasped.
"Maybe,"Water dripped down from Josh's soaked quiff.
"Your perfect little quiff it's ruined!"I pocked his soaked quiff.
"Your hair is just as messed up as mine."Josh defended himself.
"Yes,I know."
Josh and I were at the beach until it was pitch black and we couldn't see anymore.
Josh drove me back to my house. "Uhhh,Why is Jack standing in the middle of he drive way?"Josh asked me nervously."and why does he look really mad."Josh added nervously.
Josh parked the car and walked out,I quickly followed behind.
"Hey Jack,"Josh said nervously.
"Oh don't 'hey Jack,'me!"Jack spat.
"What's up with you?"
"Oh you know what!We haven't be hanging out bed since you and Danny started dating.Did you just use me?"Jack crossed his arms.
"Of course not,we've been friends since we were fifteen,Jack that's insane to even think."I grabbed Josh's arm suddenly scared because it was pitch black.
"You know what Josh if that was really true you would hang out with me more."
"And if you were really my friend you would've told me about you and Cassie."Josh practically screamed.
My grip tightened around Josh's arm.
"I gave you me reasons after Matt told Danny."
"And how did Matt find out before me?"Josh spat.I shivered and Josh put his arm around me and I wrapped my arms around him.
"Danny get inside,"Jack clenched his fists.
"Danny,"Jack warned.
"Josh,go know,"I let go of Josh and shoved him toward his car.
"Bye Danny,"Josh got in his car and left.
"Danny!"Jack cried.
"Oh,please,"I walked right past Jack,went inside, stomped up to my room,slammed the door shut and locked it.
I put my head phones in,cranked the volume up all the way and fell asleep.
Don't forget to check out 1Dsfanfiction
That book is so amazing!
(Might even be an understatement)
Sorry if you don't like that I had such An early update just thought I should thanks for reading.

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