Chapter 18

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I woke up with Josh's arm wrapped protectively around me.

I turned around to face Josh. "Good morning,beautiful."Josh smiled and he kissed me sweetly.

I blushed. "Good morning,"I whispered.

Today was our last full day in Hawaii.

"Today is our last full day in Hawaii!"I whined .

Josh kissed me."I know,"Josh sadly said.

I scooted closer to Josh."I love you so much,"

"I love you so much too,"Josh for laced with my hair.

My phone buzzed. Great timing. I got up and looked at what it was. It was a text from my brother,Jack.

'Danny,I can't believe you stole those earrings!Mom and Dad want you home now!' Jack wrote.

My jaw dropped. What earrings?Oh,the earrings Mike gave me!That Jerk!

I let out a frustrated cry. 'I didn't steal those earrings,Mike gave gave them to me for my birthday!'I furiously typed.

"What?" Josh asked,sitting up.

"Those earrings Mike got me-you know the flower ones on the desk and Jack said we have to leave Hawaii today like right now because Mike said I stole them!"

Josh looked at me sadly but then it was gone,replaced with a evil spark in his eye. "Who says we can't stay one more day?"Josh grinned.

"I love you so much but I can't-even if it wasn't such a big deal-my parents will never let me see you again!"

I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears. "Let's pack up,"I got up off of Josh's bed and started to pack up my clothes throwing the earrings on top of everything. Five minutes later I was done. Josh finished to.

"I'll go turn our room keys while you get ready for the flight."

Josh walked out of the room and to the elevator. Man this sucks. I can't believe that Mike did this to me !I grabbed all of our bags and threw them on Josh's bed.

Josh came back. "Time to get a cab to the airport ."Josh grumbled.

"Josh, I am so sorry,I ruined this trip."

"No you didn't, We only had today left."Josh pulled me into a hug.

After about a minute later I pulled away from Josh."We should go,"I grabbed my crutches."I have a doctors appointment to get a boot in two more days!"I said getting into the cab.

It was silent the rest of the ride. I threw a twenty at the cab driver. Josh looked at me.

"You paid for the whole trip it's the least I can do!"I whined. Josh shrugged and helped me out of the cab.

Once we got inside the airport building I sat down next to the reception desk,while Josh was talking to the lady,so we could leave early.

The lady nodded as if she knew exactly what was going on. "Yes the next flight leaves in five minuets so you better hurry. I got up and headed over to Josh.

"Well let's go!"I said tonelessly.

Once we were boarded onto the plane i decided to take a nap since my parents were going to make my life miserable because of Mike's lies.


Josh shook me awake. "Danny were home.I'n not taking you home......your parents are."Josh sadly said.

"Josh you have to help me tell my parents the Mike lied!"I begged. Josh gifted from his seat uncontrollably.

"They won't believe me because I'm a love sick puppy."Josh complained.

I kissed his cheek. "But you are love sick!"I joked. Josh rolled his eyes and we got out of our seats.


I saw my parents car in the parking lot. Josh followed behind me."I'm going to miss you Josh!"I whined.

"I know,baby but remember that I love you!"Josh jokingly reassured me.

"I love you too,"I was about to kiss Josh but I remembered that my parents were right there and they were already made with me to begin with.

Josh threw my bag into my parents Honda Pilot. While my parents weren't looking Josh kissed me.It was long and sweet.

"I love you,Danny."Josh whispered.

"I love you,Josh."I sadly hugged Josh and hopped over to the back seat of he car and got in.

"Danny I can't believe you!Crashing Mike's car and then stealing earrings!"My mom shouted.

"I didn't crash Mikes car or steal the earrings!Mike framed me!Mike hit me and threatened me into chess hung his car and I forgot all about that nights so he gave me the earrings for my birthday. But he stole them to frame me!"I yelled.

"Danielle Fields!Don't you dare lie to us!"My father boomed.

"I'm not!"I whispered. "Mike really did all that stuff he HIT me!"I cried.

My parents fell silent,even though the still didn't believe me.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

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