Chapter 31

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I woke up to banging on my door.I yanked out my headphones,groaned and unlocked my door. "What?"I icily spat. Jack looked at my angrily."you know what!Last night!"I ignored Jack and shut my door in his face."Open the door!"Jack started to banging the door for a few more minutes. I guess my parents weren't home because he would've been getting yelled about know. I sat against the door for a few minutes until I decided to get ready. I showered and brushed my teeth. I put on a pair of short shorts and a green Pacsun Tanktop.I put my hair in a side braid. I was to lazy to do anything else so I went on my phone. There was a text from Josh. 'Hey sorry about last night,I am on my way.'As soon as I read Josh's text the door bell rang. I quickly raced to the door before Jack could kick Josh out. I quickly opened the door. Ignoring,Jack death glare I hugged Josh. "I'm sorry about last night."Josh hugged me tightly,not yet noticing Jack.Jack cleared his throat.Josh looked up,"I'm not going to stop seeing Danny if that's what you want."Josh let go of me. I grabbed Josh's hand and dragged him upstairs up to my room,before Jack could respond.I shut the door and locked it. "I'm sick of the fighting,we just need to figure out how to fix this."I told Josh. "I know,I just don't know how without making it worse."Josh ran his hands through his hair."I know maybe over time everything will get everything back to normal."I suggested. "Maybe,But I don't want to wait that long to talk to Jack and to not have to hide in your room just to see and just so your brother won't blow up."" I know,maybe we should go talk to him."Josh shook his head."no let's let him cool off for a while and then we'll talk to him.""We should talk to him now,before anything gets worse."I unlocked the door and opened. I grabbed Josh's hand and we walked hand in hand into Jacks room.I knocked on his door. "Hey Jack,""Go away,"Jack shouted."Jack we came to talk to you,we're really sorry."Josh grumbled. "Whatever,forget about it." Jack said quietly. "Open the door,"I shook the door knob."Nah,leave me alone,I want to be alone right now."Jack said with no emotion. "Fine whatever, pout in your room."I walked away and went in my room,Josh followed behind. "Danny,we just apologized and your picking a fight."Josh said softly. "Well at least your not mad and Jack just needs to cool down."I mumbled. "I know,"Josh put his hand on my shoulder."I don't wanna talk about it anymore."I laid my head on Josh's hand that was on my shoulder."Okay what do you wanna talk about?"
"I don't know."I shrugged.
Josh pulled me into a hug and he kissed the top of my head. "We don't have to talk,"
I smiled,Josh picked me up and sat me on my bed. I laid down and Josh laid down right next to me. My head in his chest,One if his hands tangled in my hair and the other intertwined with mine.
(sorry this is all bolder and weird,Idk why it's doing that.)
"Danny,you know I love you to the moon and back."Josh kissed me softly.
I blushed,"of course I know that but do you know that I love you way more than that?"I smirked.
Josh just kissed me again and laughed silently.
Just I was drifting if to sleep I heard Josh whisper in my ear."Don't ever forget how much I love you."
I fell asleep in Josh's arms.
I woke up to Josh shaking me gently awake. "Danny,you have to get up now your parents wanted me to tell you that they will be home in an hour and they are taking you to Chipotles for dinner."
Josh softly whispered.
"I don't want to go,"I Whined like a five year old.
Josh kissed my cheek. "Okay do you want me to tell them?"
I nodded,pulling the blanket up to my chin.
Josh tugged at the blanket,"I just texted you mom and she says she that it's okay if you don't want to go they can reschedule it for another time."
I yawned. "Okay just make sure it's not during a school day,since school starts next week."
Josh nodded as he quickly replied back to my mom. "she said that's fine,"
I nodded and yawned again making my eyes water."okay well,if you don't mind I am going to go back to sleep now. I gave Josh a quick kiss on the cheek and I fell asleep.
I woke up to my phone going off.I groaned,sat up and answered my phone."hello?"
"Hey,Danny!"Alex chirped.
"Alex!Hows London?"I grinned.
"It's great!Matt just took my to see Big Ben!!!"Alex squealed.
"Yeah,So what have you been doing?"Alex asked.
"Nothing really,"
"Wow,your so interesting,oh I gotta go my phone is going to die,bye love ya!"
Alex hung up without listening to me.
I set my phone back down and laid in my bed for a couple more minuets until I willed my self to get up.
I brushed my hair out and went downstairs. Josh and Jack were sitting on the couch watching a football game.
"Hey Danny,"Josh smiled.
Jack turned around and looked at me with no expression.
"Hey,"I walked over to Josh and say down next to him.
"I can't believe you slept for six hours."Josh groaned.
"I was so tired,"I complained,leaning into Josh's shoulder.
Josh laughed,"Yeah I know but at least I woke up."
I rolled my eyes playfully."Well sorry,"
Jack just sat there awkwardly.
Josh kissed my cheek."I think someone's a little crabby."He joked.
I shoved Josh playfully."Don't you love me?"
Josh kissed me softly."Of course I do,"
Jack coughed,awkwardly.
"Well then,"I scoffed.
Jack rolled his eyes."don't start,"Je warned.
"I am not!"I rolled my eyes.
Jack laughed at me harshly."Grow up,"
I clenched my jaw,trying not to say anything. "Danny do you wanna go to the movies?"Josh quickly cut in.
I nodded."Yeah just let me go change."
-30 minutes later(at movies)-
I grabbed Josh's hand and intertwined it with mine.
"What movie do you want to see?"Josh poked my side.
I smiled. "I don't care,what ever you want to see."
Josh kissed my forehead."I honestly don't want to see a movie,I just wanted to be with you."
"Same,"I laughed.
"So then what do you want to do?"I stopped out side of Josh's car.
"Do you wanna go to my house?"Josh raised an eyebrow.
"Of course I do?"
"Okay but just to warn you,my parents will be there and I want you to meet them,as my girlfriend."
I smiled."of course!"I kissed Josh softly.
Josh grinned."Good,"
-at Josh's house-
"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Adams."I shook their hands.
Mrs.Adams smiled warmly."it so nice to see you."
"Thank you,its so nice to see you too."I smiled.
Mr.Adams grinned and nodded approvingly.
"So,Danny,What are you going to do for college?"Mr. Adams asked.
"Well,I'm not going to college until next year it's my senior year in high school so I haven't decided on one college."
Mr. Adams nodded."Well at least you have it narrowed down to a couple."
Josh cupped the back of his hand around his neck. "Dad,Mom,I'm sure Danny doesn't want to tell you here life story."
Mrs.Adams smiled warmly and hugged me. "Well it was nice talking to you."
Mr.Adams nodded and shook my hand.
They both left the room.Josh gave me and apologetic smile. "Sorry they just want to get to know you."
I grinned."its okay they're great."Josh hugged Kyle and kissed the top of my head.
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"I kissed Josh softly.

Sorry for the late update!
Thank you so much for reading my book so far,please vote and comment.

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