Chapter 24

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes.
I got up and hopped over to the kitchen.
Jack was sitting on the table devouring the pancakes on his plate and Josh was sitting at the island eating some bacon.
"Give me some!"I walked up to Josh.
Josh shook his head 'No' and kept eating. I quickly stole a piece from his plate and shoved it in my mouth.
"Ha,"I laughed after I finished the piece.
"Danny,get your own food,and Jack get off of the table and sit down right."I heard me mother say.
I looked over at Josh who was trying to hold in a laugh.
I grabbed a plate and out some pancakes and bacon on it and sat on the couch.
I grabbed the remote and turned on last nights episode of pretty little liars and started to eat my pancakes.
"Turn that off I don't want to watch that!"Jack whined,Syrup dripping off of his chin.Gross.
"You have syrup on your face,Its really nasty."I pretended to fake gag.
"I do not,Liar!"Jack said i. A high pitched voice.
Josh laughed. "Yeah,you do Jack it's really nasty."
Jack felt his chin and made a face. Then he wiped off the syrup.
I turned back to the Tv.
Then I felt someone sit beside me and I saw a hand grab my last pancake.
"Jack,your getting syrup all over me!"
Josh stood beside Jack,an innocent grin plastered on his face. Before I knew it a pancake was smashed into my face.
"Jack!"I screamed,my face turning red with anger. I stomped up to my room to go and get a shower. I peeled off my syrupy clothes and threw them in my laundry bin,took off my boot and got in the bath. It hurt really bad to put on and off so I normally just put a garbage bag on it but syrup went down inside my boot.Thats going to be fun to clean.
-40 minutes later-
I put the blow dryer away and checked my phone for any new messages.
I had twofrom Josh and one from Alex.
I opened the ones from Alex first.
'Hey Danny wanna come over and watch a ton of movies?'

I quickly typed back.
'Sure,be there soon....maybe'
Then I opened the texts from Josh.
'Hey Danny come downstairs,I'm to lazy to come upstairs.'
'Danny,I love you'
My fingers hovered over the keys board as soon as I was about to start typing Josh sent me another text.
'Fine i'm coming up'
I heard Josh walking up the steps.
Crap,I still had a towel wrapped around me.
I quickly ran into my closet and threw in a pair of leggings and a T-shirt.
As soon as I put my shirt on there was a knock.
"Danny,let me in."
I walked up to the door and opened it. Josh quickly picked me up and set me on my bed.
"Josh-"I started.
"Danny,did it seriously take you that long to take a shower and get ready for the day?"Josh asked me.
"Duh,di you think I naturally look like this?"I asked sarcastically.
"Yeah I do,"Josh kissed me."Your perfect,"
I kissed Josh back lightly. "Your so sweet,"
"I know,"Josh gave me a cocky grin.
I playfully smacked him."Quit being cocky,"
"Fine,but only for you."Josh kissed me,this time longer.
"Hey guys mom wants to-Oh i'll be back in like ten minutes I guess."Jack looked at us grinning from ear to ear.
I pulled away from Josh who was trying to ignore Jack.
"You wonder why you don't have I girlfriend."I said icily.
Jack opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed his mouth and walked away.
"It seems like every time we try to do something together we get interrupted."Josh finally broke the silence.
I laughed. "Yeah I know,"I kissed Josh's cheek.
Josh pulled me close."I love you,"
I played with Josh's black quiff."I love you,oh I have to go over to Alex's house."I remembered. Josh nodded. "Okay,I guess Jack,Matt and I aren't invited."Josh joked.

"Yep,"I couldn't help but smile.
"I know,I'm just that funny."Josh tried to sound serious but knowing Josh he couldn't.
I kissed Josh's cheek. "I should probably go to Alex's house now, when she means you can come anytime it means 'come now or I will kill you'."I grabbed my bag and phone and went down stairs,Josh followed behind.
Once we were in the kitchen I shoved a ton of candy and popcorn in my bag.
"What are you doing?"I jumped and winced,it hurt my leg.
"Getting food to go over to Alex's."I said,trying to hide the pain.
"Okay,be back by twelve,you aren't allowed to spend the night."
"Because I said,"
"That's a great answer,Dad."
"Danny do you even want to go?"My dad warned.
I rolled my eyes and Wilkes out to the garage.I forgot my car was still in the shop getting fixed. I head Josh walk into the garage.
"Need a ride?"Josh smirked.
"Yeah,"I mumbled. Josh opened the garage and we walked outI his car and got in.
"could you pick me up around eleven thirty,please?"I asked,Josh innocently.
"Sure,I might be a little late,I have a feeling I will have to take Matt and Jack home too."Josh said.
"Okay,if you want to pick me up earlier let me know."
"Nah,go have fun with your friends."Josh turned into Alex's neighborhood.
"Fine,you too,but not too much fun without me."I fake warned.
"Alright,"Josh pulled into Alex's driveway,I thanks Josh and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and got out of his car and walked out to Alex's front door.

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