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The rest of the day up until the duration of the evening, consisted of Calum and Ashton avoiding each other, the others did not really notice because they were too indulged in their own conversations and what not.

They had drove into town which was a few miles down the road and settled into a diner for lunch, creating small talk with their other friends and avoiding eye contact.

Of course Calum's mind still wandered about Rose and whether or not Ashton would tell anybody else about her, for all he was the eldest and most probably the softest of them all, there were times when Ashton could be mean.

Calum wanted to ask...to be sure he would not say a word but again he feared bringing up the subject may only cause more problems, so he did not know what to do.

What he did not know, was that his problems were only just starting...




Settling back into the cabin at around seven thirty pm after finishing up at the diner, Kendall and Luke decided to head down to the lake for 'quality time' something that Calum did not approve of, simply due to the location.

"Why don't we all just....crash down here for the night, watch a movie or something?" Calum spoke up, faking a smile as the couple exchanged weird looks.

"Uh...sure, maybe in a little while, i just wanted to talk to Luke for a bit...you know...in private." Kendall explained, her cheeks turning a light pink colour.

"Yeah." Luke breathed, widening his eyes at the brown haired boy.

"Well just go in the car and talk or...do whatever."

"Were just talking...were not doing anything else." She added, rolling her eyes at Calum.

"Yeah well go talk in the bathroom or something-"

" Calum were going, now get lost." Luke argued, moving around him and taking Kendall's hand in his as they exited the cabin, closing the door shut behind them, leaving Calum's heart rate racing.

He sighed deeply, trying to tell himself nothing was going to happen by the lake, that the couple would not come across Rose....that maybe....just maybe....

"Whatever lets put a movie on or something" Michael said, grabbing his snacks from the side table and jumping onto his bed.

"The cabin in the woods?" Ashton suggested, raising his eyebrows at both boys, forming them into slits when meeting Calum's eyes.

He swallowed hard, containing his anger until he simply could not contain himself anymore. He needed to leave.

"I'll be right back."

Grabbing his hooded jacket off the coat rack by the door he ignored Michaels questions before rushing out and slamming the door shut behind him.




He crept down to the Lake, noticing Kendall laying with Luke, resting her head on his shoulder as faint mumbles could be heard, identifying that they were still conversing.

The moon was still full, shining more light upon them as Calum kept himself hidden, making his way through the trees to the rock pool that had become his new meeting point for him and Rose, hoping that she indeed remembered it.

He reached the edge of the pool, leaning on a large black rock before faintly saying her name looking out into the water.


"Rose?" he whisper yelled, waving his hand around in the water only to receive no reaction at all.

Usually she would arrive within minutes, seconds even but after a good forty minutes of him sitting under the cold evening air, continuing to call out her name she did not arrive and he knew something was wrong.

He snuck over to the part of the Lake where Kendall and Luke previously were to find that they were no longer there, having most probably headed back to the cabin. So he tried again,calling out her name repeatedly, making any kind of sound that would attract her towards him....but she did not show up.

He began to grow worried, increasingly worried, his mind filling with thoughts of what may or may not have happened to her.

He moved further out onto the lake, up to the edge of the fisherman's spot, calling out her names a few more times, debating on whether or not to give up for the night.

It was on the second name call from where he was stood that he heard a noise, a very faint one, so faint in fact that he believed it may have been his imagination.

It was a light whimper.

Immediately he turned his head in the direction and began moving towards it, increasing his speed, his instinct telling him that it was her.

He moved through the trees, calling out her name again after losing the direction from where it came from, only to hear the same sound ahead and to the right of him. It was a little further away from the edge of the lake, hidden behind fallen sticks and dried out pebbles.

It was crying....

She was crying.

His calls for her began to increase as he took a few steps closer and he froze at the sight of what he had seen.

It was her....

Tears escaping her eyes as her right arm stretched across the ground as if trying to reach out for him as her exposed body was caught, tangled in a sharp fishing net.

Her eyes looked pleadingly into his as she released a dried out cry. He looked down at her, in a slight state of both shock and confusion as he noticed that her tail was no longer visible....

And in it's place were two human legs.




SHE ~ C.H MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now