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Sorry I'm stuck on mobile again :/ ill try to be on my computer but I'm gonna be really busy -wordstravelfast

Nathan's POV:

After about half an hour in the hospital, the lads came to join us. All 5 of us were cramped into the room along with Nareesha, Kelsey, Karla, and Lorrie. Luckily the room was more soundproofed than the hallway. But of course Jay had to make a joke anyway, "It sounds like there's a huge sex party when you watch through the hallway. They must really be getting at it. I can't imagine how Lorries gonna sound. But I'm sure Nathan knows. Lorrie went red and instantly all the boys were laughing. "Jay!" I felt my own cheeks turn red and I laughed along with them. Lorrie was laughing too but only as much as she could. I brushed the hair out of her face again and kissed her forehead. She sighed and smiled at me from the hospital bed.

"We won't get anytime alone anymore."

I winked at her cheekily, "There's always time for sexytime!"

She looked at me realising something, "We're about to have a baby."

"Yes we are. And he's ready to meet his mummy and daddy."

"What makes you think it's a he?"

"I have my suspicions."

"What if I told you it was a girl?"

"Yeah sure."

"D'you two mind I we go grab some food? We haven't gotten to eat all day."

Lorries POV:

Nathan waved the boys off, leaving us alone in the room. "Yeah go ahead. Can you grab me a Coke?" Nathan walked with them to the door and muttered something I couldn't hear. Can this really be happening. I need to wake up now. I'm not ready for this. People die in childbirth. What if I have another miscarriage or the baby is dead? I'm 19 why did I think I could do this? I can't do this yet. "Hey what's wrong?" I noticed the silent years steaming down my face as he wiped them away.

"I can't do this."

"Of course you can. We've already come so far"

"I'm not ready to have a baby. I'm 19, my boss is a bitch, my boyfriend is in a band that always travels and I have a baby. I just cant."

"Listen to me. This didn't happen by accident. It brought us together again and I'm not loosing you again. We'll get through this. We're already more than halfway there. I promise, I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know." ************************************

I felt a sharp pain rip through my abdomen, worse than the others. As if my stomach was being ripped out. I tried not to scream as another one hit almost immediately. "Here we to! Get the team in here!" Nurses instantly rushed in. Here we go.

Nathan's POV:

As the contractions came continuously she had much worse pains. "It's time to start pusing!" I held her hand as she screamed out and her knuckles turned white around my hand. The first cries of a new baby rang out. We had done it. At 22:30 our baby was introduced to the world. The paps would cover every part it could but for once I didn't care. The nurses cleaned up the baby and wrapped it in blankets. "You did well. It's a boy, he weighs 6 pounds, and needs to be examined further after you all get yourselves associated." I was right. Our baby was a boy. He looked so much like Lorrie, he had deep green eyes, a mix of ours and he had her face. "What'll we name you little guy?" The boys took their turn holding their new nephew( not actually hit they are baisically brothers so...) "I'm your uncle Jay. That's Tom, Max, Siva, and there's your daddy Nathan and your mummy Lorrie. The girls took their turns probably looking much more natural than we did.

Lorries POV:

I watched Nathan smile as he examined our little boy. Ugh that meant it looked like me. Why couldn't it look like Nathan? I'm just so, ugh. Nathan's perfect, but with him I'm just eh. But he chose me. He chose to be a dad. He wanted it. And he wanted it with me. Not one of the other girls who would've died at the chance.but me. The ugly quiet girl in the corner. He says I'm beautiful. I say differently. He thinks he's unattractive. The world says differently. Karla handed me the baby. My baby. Our baby. I never thought I would say that. At least not this recently. He looked so much like Nathan. The green eyes, the button nose. I ran my hand across his head and down his cheek. Nathan came over and put his hand on my shoulder, "What'll we call him?"


I watched him thinking.

"What about Connor?"

"Connor, I like that. What about you Connor? Do you like Connor?"

Connor just stared at us blankly before falling back asleep.

"This is your mum. She's amazing and without her you wouldn't be here. She's absolutely gorgeous and you'll be getting your looks from her.

"This is your daddy. He claims to be socially awkward and shy. Don't believe him. I love him to bits and he's the reason you're so cute."

The boys introduced each other starting with Tom, "This is your Uncle Jay. He's a top bloke and makes jokes that you won't understand until your older. Make sure you pull his curls and tweet things from her phone. Your mummy and daddy love you more than anything and worked really hard in the bedroom for you."

Jay introduced Tom,

"This is your Uncle Tom. He's not quite right in the head and he's smarter than he looks. He has an obsession with parrots and laughs like a mad man. Your mum can be quite sneaky when it comes to payback so be sure to learn from her."

Max rubbed Sivas ear before introducing him.

"Now your Uncle Siva here, loves scented candles and brownies. Never give him anything with polka dots on it and don't hit his cheekbones. "

Siva rubbed Max's back and began,

"Uncle Max is quite the jokester and loves dad jokes. Make sure to laugh at all of them. And tell him how sexy he looks with his hair pushed back. Hint, he doesn't have any."

"And I'm Nareesha. I'm with Siva and I'm one of your mums best friends. Your incredibly adorable and you'll get the best from those two."

"I'm Kelsey and I'm with Tom. Your parents are crazy in love and'll do anything to take care of you."

"And I'm Karla. I've know your mom(Karlas american) for almost my whole life. I'm with Jay and when our baby comes you two will see a lot of each other."

It couldn't have been better. My 5 favourite boys, one of them is my boyfriend. My 3 best girlfriends, and my baby. My little Connor. Our little Connor

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