"How could you do this to her?!"

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I climbed into my car outside of the cafe. I needed to call Tom. I had to talk to him. I also needed to keep myself occupied. I started driving and got out my phone to call Tom. I heard a loud screech and looked over to the side. There was a huge truck coming towards me. I started trying to drive away but I couldn't move. "Hello?" Tom asked. All I felt was a push and everything went black.

Tom's POV:

My phone started ringing and I ran to grab it. It was Lorrie. "Hello?" I heard her scream and glass breaking "Are you okay?! Lorrie?? Lorrie answer me??" Oh shit I hope she's ok. I hung up the phone. And ran upstairs to grab my coat. I needed to find Lorrie and see if she was ok. My phone started to ring again. The police? "Hello?" "Is this Mr.Tom Parker?" "Why what happened? Did something happen to Lorrie?" "Actually yes. She's been hit by a truck while she was driving and you were the last person she called on her phone. She's on her way to London Hospital if you want to find her. "I'll be right there. Oh shit Lorrie." I ran out to my car and drive as fast as I could to the to the hospital. I got out my phone and called Jayne. "Hello? Jayne," "Yeah where are you? You guys are supposed to be in the studio." "I can't now actually. I'm on my way to the hospital." "What?! Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine but Lorries in the hospital she just got into an accident." "What?! Is Nathan there?" Did she have to bring him up? "No, I haven't seen him today he was locked up in his room this morning." "Ok I'll let the boys know. Tell me if she's ok. I liked her." "Ok bye." I hung up the phone and parked. I ran into the lobby and asked him where Lorrie was. "Um Room 17 Emergency Care Unit. "Ok thanks." I found my way into the Emergency Care Unit. I looked around but I couldnt find 17 it cut off at 16. I went over to a desk, "Do you happen to know where Ms. Lorrie is?" "Yes she just checked in actually." She's been moved to the Intensive Care Unit room 21 up a floor." "Cheers." I found the elevator and headed upstairs anxiously tapping my foot up and down. If something bad happened to her about Nathan I'd kill him. I finally found room 21 and knocked. No one answered so I walked in. "Lorrie?" I looked over at her bed to see her sleeping. "Nathan?" she blinked looking around a little. "Oh Tom, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you." "You were calling me when you crashed so they just called me." She looks so pale and bruised. She's covered in little cuts and scratches. But she's still beautiful to me. "Oh yeah I wanted to talk to you about Nathan." She looked down at the sheets and I watched as a tear rolled down her face on to the sheets. "What did that bitch do to you Lorrie?" So he did do something. I'm going to kill him when I get back. She looked up at me sadly. "Please don't call Nathan that." She winced as she said his name. "What did he do to you Lorrie, you need to tell me." If she doesn't tell me I'll make him tell me. "He broke up with me. We're over. He even hinted in an interview. Her tears came faster and she began sobbing. "It's okay. You're going to be ok. You'll find someone else, someone better, like me." she giggled but then looked sad again. "But I can't find someone better. We were perfect. All I was thinking about as that truck came was, Nathan will come to save me. And I just couldn't move the car. I wanted him to protect me." "I would've protected you. All the time. Just like Big Kev. She started laughing and I laughed with her. I love her laugh. 5 minutes later a nurse came in. " Hello Ms. Lorrie, how are you feeling?" "I'm fine." "Is this your boyfriend?" she gestured to me. "No." she started to tear up again at the mention of boyfriend. "Ok would you like him to stay with you, we're going to have to move your arm and it's going to hurt a lot. You might scream." "I don't mind, if he wants to." "Im staying with her. I'm not going anywhere." The nurse called in some more people who closed the door behind them. Lorrie held out her hand to me for me to hold it. I grabbed her hand and she squeezed my hand until her knuckles where white. As they moved her leg slowly she screamed louder and louder. Her grip on my hand just got tighter. I couldn't see her in so much pain. "She's going to have to take some pain medication and we ask that you leave so he can rest." I kissed her forehead and walked out. "I love you Lorrie. And you will get better." I called up Jayne and she put me on speaker with all the guys except for Nathan. "She's fine just in pain. She's sleeping now though." "I'm just happy she's okay." said Jay. "Ok well I'm getting into a parking lot so I'll see you at home." "We're going to grab some groceries on the way." Max added before I hung up. I drove home to find Nathan sitting in the hallway with his knees tucked in to his chest. He was crying about her I could tell. "How could you do this to her Nathan?! Did you even realize how much you meant to her? You were everything to her!" He looked up at me. "Of course I knew what I meant to her! We got wasted and had sex ok? Then I had to do that stupid interview or OK! in the morning when I was hungover and I said stuff about us dating. They had an article and photos of us together. I said that I wasn't sure where our relationship was anymore." He broke down in sobs unable to keep talking. "You had sex with her?! How could you do this to me?!" "To you? I was her boyfriend, I was her first time. It just seemed right when it happened." I couldn't take this do I just stood there burning holes into the ground with my eyes. "Then he came by to drop off my boxers she had to wear this morning and I had been drinking because I had been so upset about the interview and I tried to kiss her, but he pulled away. Then I yelled at her and we had a fight!" He couldn't stop crying. "You're a son of a bitch-" the boys walked in yelling something about food. "Whats going on in here?" Jay walked over to us. "Nathan's gone and broken Lorries heart." "Oh yeah I heard about that." "Do you even know where she is right now Nathan?" "Probably at home hating me." "She's in the fucking hospital Nathan! She got into an accident." "What?!" I walked over to him grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up "Get the hell off of me!" Jay tried to grab me but he couldn't. "Max, Siva quickly!!" "I fucking loved her Nathan!" "She was never yours to love." I swung back and got him in the eye. He didn't fight back. Max pulled me off of Nathan and wrestled me to the floor. "I have to see her. Bye guys." That son of a bitch walked to his car and left. "Bitch." I ran upstairs and locked the door.

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