Big Announcements

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1 Month Later: 

Nathan's POV:

"I'm going to I get my leg checked on. I'll be back soon." Lorrie walked towards the door. "Are you sure you don't want me to come?"  "Yeah, I'll be fine. You've got a radio interview the  you have to be in the studio. Jut pretend I'm there. You always do well."  "Are you sure?"  "Yes I have to go now." she kissed me on the lips and left. "I love you!"   "I love you to!" she yelled as she walked out of the door. I watched her car pull out of the driveway until it dissapeared. I hope her leg is ok again. "Oi Nath, can you make me and Karla a cuppa please?"   "Only because you said please!" I heard Jay laughing from upstairs. "Oi can I get one too? I'll come down I get it!"  "Fine TomTom but I'll hold you to that Mr.LazyBum!"  Me and Tom stopped fighting a few days after Lorrie got knocked out. He gave up and went back to his previous girlfriend Kelsey who had been on hold. "By the way, if someone knocks, my sisters visiting today!" Jay yelled down the stairs." Karlas been  living with us for a month  now in Jays room. She and Lorrie do most of the cooking and it's nice for Lorrie to have someone to talk to. *knock knock*  "Jay your sisters here! Coming!" I ran to the door as Jay came down the stairs. "Jay'll be down soon."  "Oh hi Nathan."  "Leah!"  "Jay!"  Jay pushed me off to the side and hugged Leah tightly. "Where's Karla?"   "She's still sleeping."  "Who's Karla?" Leah looked at us confused.  "Jay's girlfriend."  " Oh I can't wait to meet her. Jay , I was thinking we could go out for breakfast."  "Sure! Today we can do whatever you want. Anything for my favourite sister!"  "Your only sister."  "Can you put that cuppa into a travel glass?"  Jay smile at me. "Whatever you say master. " I rolled my eyes and poured his tea into a cup. "Thanks mate!"   " Whatever." 

Lorries POV: 

"Your leg is fine but you're in for a physical. Would you like us to do it ere or would you rather go to your normal doctor?" Can I just do it now?"  "Of course." The doctor went through all the normal procedures, " You were pregnant last time weren't you?"  I looked down at my feet.  "Did you get an abortion, was it a miscarriage?" I felt the tears building up but I didn't let them fall. "I'm so sorry. Would you like a minute? We're going to have to ask you to pee in a cup again."  "No I'm one I'll just do it now."  "Ok I'm sure you know how?"  I nodded and took the cup from him. I walked into the bathroom and waited. I walked over to the sink and washed my hands. I opened the door trying not to spill the cup.  "Um Doctor Pond?"  "Oh yes I'll just go take this to the test room. You can wait out here or in the waiting room." I took out my phone and texted Nathan, 'Be home soon love! xx' I sat down with my headphones and put on 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran...  I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Your test results are ready."  I put my phone away and held my breath. "Well, you don't have any diseases-" I exhale, "But, you're pregnant again." I gasped. "Are you sure?"  "Yes would you like to see the test yourself?" "No I'm just surprised." We only tried once. "Ok well good luck this time. We hope it all goes well."  "Thanks." I walked out and got into my car. I dialed Karla's number and waited for her to pick up, "Hello?"  "It's Lorrie." "Oh hey! What's up?"  "I have special news."  "Tell me. Spill everything."  "I'm pregnant."  "Oh My God!!! " I heard her shrieking and I could tell she was running around like  a madwoman. "I'm so happy for you! Oh my god. You've been getting it on haven't you?" She winked at me. "Oh shut up you."  "Well I have something to tell you too."  "Ok, hit me."  "So am I."   "Oh My God!!! Are you serious?! And you said I've been getting it on, you too have only been together for a month."  "I know. I'm going to tell him when he get's home."  "He'll be so happy."  "I hope so. When are you going to tell Nathan."  "As soon as I get home."   "Ok I've got to go. I'll se you at the house."  "Bye!"  I hung up the phone and kept driving. I pulled up to the house and noticed the boys van was missing. They must have went off to their radio interview already. But it looked like Karla was here. I opened the door.  "Karla?"   "I'm upstaris!" I ran upstairs to her and Jay's room. "Where are the boys?"  "They left for their radio interview about an hour ago. Nathan told me to tell you he hoped you felt ok."  "He's so sweet. How's Jay?"  "I don't know, they said he went out for breakfast and was meeting them at the radio station. I tried to call him but he didn't answer." She looked upset.  "I'm sure he had a good reason for it. Maybe he was considering marrying you." I winked at her. She blushed, "Nidiot." We lauged. "We should call them at the same time and tell them to put it on speaker so the world can hear."  "Are you sure?"  "Of course I'm sure, I'm Lorrie, have I ever not been sure?"   "Alright fine. But get your computer first so we can watch the webcast from the radio station."   "Good idea." I ran into me and Nathan's room and grabbed my laptop. I ran back to Karla's room, logging into my computer. I found the website and went to the webcast. "Ok call Jay. I'll call Nathan." We pulled out our phones and watched as the boys phones rang during the interview. "Excuse me for a minute. It's Lorrie." Nathan walked out of the booth soon followed by Jay who said something similar. "Hey love, what is it? I'm in the middle of an interview."  "I know me and Karla are watching it."  "Oh then what's up?"  "Can you go back into the booth and put it on speaker, you'll all want to hear it. I think everyone listening will too. "  "Ok it's odd but ok."  Karla told Jay the same thing and they walked back into the booth together.  I put my phone down, "Ready for this?" "Ready." I held up my fingers and counted down from 3 watching the boys stare at their phones. "I'm pregnant." Karla and I spoke at the exact same moment. We watched the boys as they jumped up and down. Jay did a little happy dance that made us laugh into our phones. The boys went in for a huge group hug. Nathan blew a kiss to the camera knowing I was watching. "I love you to Nathan."  "We're going to be dads!" Nathan and Jay were so excited. Me and Karla went in for a hug and smiled. "We've got to go now boys."  They were still hugging but Nathan nodded at the camera with Jay. Me and Karla hung up our phones and watched the interview continue. "Wow. That was exciting. How do you boys feel? You're going to be dads a few months."  All the boys were beaming. Nathan kept looking up at the camera and winking. "I'm so excited. I can't wait for a little Jay to be running around all over the place."  All the boys groaned in a joking way. "How about you Nathna, how do you feel?"  "I couldn't be more exicted. I love kids even though these lot claim I still am one."  They all laughed and I smiled. "Ok well, wrapping off on that note, don't forget to text 'The Wanted' to win the chance to meet them live in concert, and maybe their girlfriends."  The boys walked off and we exited the webcast. "Wow, we just told the world. How are the fans going to react?"  "Well, they'll have to live with it."  We watched X Factor until the boys came home. "Lorrie, Karla where are you?"  I ran downstairs with Karla behind me. Nathan picked me up and swirled me around. He met his lips to mine and kissed me passionatley. "I'm so happy. I love you so much I knew we could do it." He smiled at me and looked over at Jay and Karla. Jay was doing a happy dance while Karla watched and laughed. Tom came over and gave me a huge hug. Everyone piled on until we were in a huge group hug. "We have to throw a baby shower."  "Oh come on boys, don't get ahead of yourselves we're barely even a month pregnant."  Nathan wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. "Can I see it?"  "See what?"  "The baby."  "Um, there's not much there but ok."  I pulled up my shirt and he bent down so he was level with it. He placed his hands on my waist and kissed the bump beginning to form. He stood up and lifted my chin up gently meeting my lips to his. The boys let out fox whistles. "Oh shut up."  I couldn't have been happier.




Thanks for reading! Please comment! Should be updating at some point tomorrow. It's going to be DRAMATIC and there will be Taylor Swift songs. Love you!

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