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"Nathan! Wait!" I ran out of the van after Nathan, he was standing at the corner facing away staring at the ground, "You ok Nath? You want the van to wait?" He shook his head and I waved the van on. I reached out to touch his shoulder, "Nath?" He quickly spun around but didn't stop staring at the floor, jerking my hand off of his shoulder, "I'm not ok! Alright? I hate all of this! I hate not talking to you-" he looked up as he spoke softly, "I miss you." I watched tears fall down his face and I wiped them away. "It's ok. I'm here and I'm never leaving you. No matter how hard you try."

"I was such an idiot."

"Don't say that! Everyone screws up sometimes. And I'll always forgive you, no matter how long it lasts." He looked up at me hopefully, "Really?"

"Of course. I love you." He smiled and leaned in to kiss me, I kissed him back but pulled away after a minute(not an actual full minute but you know what I mean). He looked into my eyes, confused. "It doesn't work out to constantly fight then kiss and makeup. Every time something happens, we just kiss and makeup, but we can't do that with a baby around, and with the band spreading in popularity there isn't time to make up every time we fight."

"I know. I always want to be there for you and the baby. I won't let anything happen to you."

'That's why I always forgive you. I can't not forgive you."

We stood a minute in comfortable silence. "You do realise one day we'll be married right?"

"Is that a promise?"

"Yes," Nathan pulled out a black velvet box. I wasn't ready but I could never say no to him. "I promise you that one day, we'll be engaged and one day, we'll be married." He slid a silver ring with a beautiful diamond onto my left ring finger. I felt tears running down my face, "Nathan."

"I got it engraved." I took of the ring and read it, 'Some days stay gold forever' "It's so beautiful. I don't deserve something like this." He pulled me closer by my waist and leaned forward, "Of course you do, you deserve the best of everything." *FLASH CLICK FLASH CLICK* I heard Nathan mutter something about the paps. He grabbed my hand to hide the ring and called a taxi. We stood on the curb waiting for the taxi while the papa asked us questions we didn't answer,

"Will it be a girl or a boy?"

"How's the baby?"

"When are you due?" I could tell Nathan was getting annoyed, "Nath, don't get angry and do something you'll regret."

"They're being too pushy and they're way too close to you."

"They're not going to hurt me Nath."

"Oi! Back off her ok?" The taxi appeared at the curb and Nathan ushered me in. "Nathan. You shouldn't have done that. Management will have fits."

"Sorry. I just didn't want them to bother you or end up hurting you." I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on top of mine and sighed, "One if these days..."


"One of these days they'll stop bothering us. There'll be someone else that's even better than us to bother. We'll be old news." I moved my head, annoyed, "Nathan. You guys are amazing. You'll never be out of style. Your fans love you. I love you."

"I love you more. You're always so supportive of everything we do."

"That's your only reason." I laughed at him jokingly. "O-Of course not! You're beautiful and smart and you're also dating the Nathan Sykes." He said winking at me. "Oh really now?" We laughed as we got out of the taxi and walked into the hotel

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