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4 Months Later:

Nathan's POV :

I watched her sleep, waiting for her to wake up. I peeked at the bump, 5 months old, out baby. She won't let me know if its a boy or a girl. She probably had the boys find out so it would be a surprise. It's been kicking just like its supposed to.

You're just a small bump unborn, in four months you're brought to life,

You might be left with my hair, but you'll have your mother's eyes,

I'll hold your body in my hands, be as gentle as I can, but for now your scan of my unmade plans

I sang to softly to her, my Lorrie, hoping not to wake her.

Lorries POV:

You're just a small bump unborn, in four months you're brought to life,

You might be left with my hair, but you'll have your mother's eyes,

I'll hold your body in my hands, be as gentle as I can, but for now your scan of my unmade plans

I woke up to Nathan's beautiful eyes staring into mine while singing to me. "Morning beautiful."

"Oh so the sloth actually woke up at a reasonable time today?" He laughed lightly not looking away. "Its growing."

"What is?"

"The baby."

"You checked?"

"Maybe..." He blushed and lifted up the blankets, revealing the bump that had been growing for 5 months now. He placed his hands on it and I felt it kick, "We'll someone loves their daddy."

"But they love their mommy just as much."he pressed his mouth I kind and gently nibbled my lip. I felt his hands go to my stomach, unsure of what he was doing. He began to tickle me and I rolled away laughing. He pulled me back to him and attacked me again. "Nathan! Stop! It tickles!!" He finally stopped when I could barely breathe anymore. "Oh I'm gonna get you back for that one Sykes."

"Mhhhm. I doubt that Mrs.Sykes."

"Oh you'll see. It'll come just not when you think." He stared at me and kissed me on the nose.

"Oi!! Stop having sex! People are trying to sleep!" Nathan's face flushed red as he yelled back, "We're not having sex you wanker!"

"Oi! I don't wank!" Nathan winked at me before replying, "Anymore!" We heard Jay cracking up along with us. When we all had stopped laughing Nathan stared at me sweetly, "You want some breakfast?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead before heading downstairs. I opened my laptop and searched through the #Lorthan tag after seeing it in Twitter. There weren't a of pictures where people had zoomed in on the promise rings that had now become famous along with the ever growing baby. I opened up Twitter, dying to tell them my plan.(you don't find out the plan until it is in action) I opened up a new tweet ,"should I do a twitcam? I have news ;)" After a few minutes all the responses said yes and people thought it was about the baby. Well I guess the baby of the band. I opened a twitcam and posted the link on twitter. "Hey guys! What's up? How are you?" I noticed one negative reply, "you're a slut." But I ignored it. After the last Twitter hate I wasn't letting that happen again. I spilled my entire plans and called in a very attractive shirtless Jay. "Hi TWFanmily!" Be waved at the camera and I whispered my plans into his ear and he ran to go get the Flip. "Shhh! Don't anyone tweet Nathan now! Love you bye! I'll let you know how it goes."I ended the twitcam and closed my laptop. I tiptoed down the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible but made sure a few stairs creaked. "Lorrie?" I didn't answer and I saw Jay around the corner ready with the Flip, "Shhh." I put my finger to my lips and started around the corner. "Lorrie? Is that you?" I held on my laughter and attacked, "AGGHHHHHH!" I jumped onto his back, "Jaysus Christ!" Nathan laughed and carried me on his back into the living room. He threw me onto the couch to tickle me but I got up before he could. I pushed him up against the wall and kissed him. Hard. I kissed him until he desperately wanted more. I granted his tongue entrance and ours fought for dominance. I felt him(that are cough cough) getting hard and I pulled away. "Ughh! Lorrie!" He whined as I walked away to eat my breakfast.

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