I'm Sorry

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This part is very sad and I'm sorry if you hate me after this :(  -wordstravelfast

2 Months Later: 

Lorrie's POV:  

"How long Nathan? Just tell me how long?" Nathan looked up at me sadly,

"5 months"  

"What the hell Nathan?! Does this mean nothing to you?" I bit my lip to keep back the tears, gesturing to the ring he'd given me months ago.

"Of course it does! You mean everything to me! I'm sorry, I promise it was an accident and it won't happen again." 

"That continued for 5 months?! You call that an 'accident'?"

He promised. He had promised that he would never. The letters I found in the laundry and all the the texts were like bullets. Her name was Victoria. She was beautiful. She was everything I could never be. Except that I had him. 

"I was upset! You had cheated on me!" (reference to 'thin ice and a suprise guest')

"You know I didn't! Don't you remeber, he was trying to piss you off! I would never cheat on you!" 

"That's not what it had looked like." 

I slapped him across the face without thinking. He looked back in shock, his eyes puffy from his pointless tears. I couldn't even look at him. I ran up to our bedroom and began shoving everything into my suitcase, soaking my clothes with my tears. I called  a taxi and ran downstairs.

"Lorrie wait!"

"Wait for what Nathan? For you to cheat on me again?"

"No I-"

" You know Nathan, this baby is coming in 2 months. And you know what, I think she'll be better off not knowing her father. Her father that left." Nathan stared at me as if he'd just been stabbed. "Lorrie. Please. I'm sorry." 

I tried to stop myself from laughing at the irony.

"Do you know how many times I've heard that? When my dad left, when my mom barely even raised me. And I've had enough sorrys. Because I don't need the lies and the tears anymore." 

The taxi pulled up to the curb and I began to pull my suitcase along. 

"Come on Lorrie, please. I love you." I opened the door to the cab and wiped away my tears, "I loved you too Nathan. But I can't forgive you for this."

I closed the door and watched him as we pulled away. He'll come after me, he has too, he said he loved me. C'mon Nathan, please stop the cab. But he didn't. At first he just stood there, tears streaming down from his green eyes. He looked almost like he would come after me. But instear he just sat down and wept. I held in my tears. I'd given up on him. I'd raise this baby on my own. Better than my mom raised me. This baby deserved better, she wouldn't have to deal with the paps, and she'd never have to have her dad always coming and going because she'd never know him. The taxi driver coughed, bringing me out of my thoughts. I handed him some money and got out. What am I supposed to do? A 7 months pregnant 19 year old, running away with nowhere to go. I woulnd't go back home. Not to my mother. They say LA is where dreams can happen. I knew where I was going. A city full of people, perfect to get lost and never be found in. It hurt to think of never sharing Skittle while watching Avatar with Jay, or baking then eating brownies with Siva. Never getting to hear Max's dad jokes, even the stupid ones. Or Tom's laugh and his tantrums. But Nathan. He had always been different to me. His hat obsession, his green eyes, his amazing smile. His hair, fringe up or down. But the way he looked at me. It was like I was the only person in the room. I was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen and I was who he wanted to be with forever. But I guess not. I bought my tickets and walked to my gate. I felt my phone vibrating, Karla.



"I'm at the airport. I'm going to LA."

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO IN LA?! We're all so worried! Nathan's locked in his room muttering things and crying. He won't tell us anything or let us in. What is going on?!" 

"Sorry. But I'm not going back to England. If I left anything there I'll text you my adress. He cheated on me-" I cried silently and felt people watching me as I replied slowly,

"For 5 months."

"Are you sure? Remember when I told you Jay was cheating on me but you told me he wasn't and you were right?" 

"He told me he did. He really did it Karla. I can't be around him, I can't even look at him anymore."

"Lorrie, you are fucking 7 months pregnant and you think running away will make everything better?!" I heard the flight attendants calling my row to board.

"No, I don't. But it's all I can do right now. I'm sorry." I hung up my phone and got on the plane. I just stayed in my seat in a ball, wiping away the tears as they came.

Nathan's POV: 

I couldn't stop myself from thinking out loud. "Please, just come back. I'll do anything. I'm so sorry." My eyes fogged up again and I let the tears roll down my face. "C'mon mate, let us in." I'd been holding them off like this for a while. I unlocked the door hesitating to let them in. Tom looked me once over.

"Mate you look awful." 

"Tom shut up!" Max came over and sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "What happened? We've never seen you like this before."

"She left. Lorrie left."

"I'm sure she had a good reason. She'll probably be back soon" 

"No, she left permanently. She took all her stuff. I cheated on her." Max and Tom stared at me in shock. 

"That's not right Nath, that's not you." 

"I know. I was upset, her ex boyfriend came and pretended they were dating, like she had cheated on me. I didn't know what to do. And Victoria was just there at the time."

"When did it start?"

"5 months ago."

"And you let it continue?!" Tom stared at me in disbelief as I nodded. 

"She's in LA." We hadn't even heard Karla walk in. "If you go after hernow, she might still take you. I know her, you were everything and she's not gonna just let you go. But once she moves on, she's not gonna look back." Karla walked out, leaving us in silence.

"When's our next LA gig?" If we don't have one, I'll use all of my days off to find her. 

"I think around a month or so from now."

"Good. Because we've got some finding to do."

Sorry for it being so sad. It killed me to write it but I had to because I've wanted to write this scene for so long but I was convinced by a certain person *cough you know who you are cough* not to. There'll be updates soon! -wordstravelfast 

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