"We need to talk"

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Nathan's POV:

"I have to see her." I grabbed my jacket and ran out, my eye still hurting. I got into the car and drove to the closest hospital (London Hospital). She has to have crashed between when she left the cafe and got home. This is all my fault. If I had just gone after her for longer, I could've taken her home and kept her safe. I felt my eye swelling, making it hard to keep open. I parkeed and checking into the front desk to get a visitor pass. I found the elevator and rushed to her room. Her eyes began to flutter as I opened the door. "Hey Lorrie. Are you feeling alright?" She looked around confused. "Yeah I'm alright. Is that you Tom?" How could she think I was Tom. I'm her boy- oh yeah I'm not. "No, it's Nathan." She looked up at me sadly. "Oh.Ok." "When'll you be out of the hospital?" "Probably another week or so. Then I'll be in a cast I can walk on." "Ok. Do you want me to stay?" Please ask me to stay. "If you want." there's a very long silence. I have to tell her how sorry I am. I need to really talk to her about what happend. "I'm so sorry, if I had just offered to take you home this wouldn't have happned." I can't cry in front of her. I've got to keep my head up. "It was never your fault Nathan, if I had never taken the tweets so personally this wouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have been on the phone when I was driving." "But it was my fault, I was rude and a bitch to you. I'm not like that. You know I would never want to hurt you." "But you did Nathan. I said it before, but I don't think I ever really knew you. I just thought I did. I was being stupid." "Don't ever call yourself stupid. You're one of the most brilliant people I know. You're beautiful even when you're covered in cuts and bruises. You are the sunshine that makes my day." She laughed. I don't understand why she hates her laugh so much. "That was cheesy Nath. Wait, what happened to your eye?" She called me Nath again. That's probably a good thing. "Me and Tom just got into a fight." "What?! And he did that to you? I'm going to kill him when I get out of here. I told him to leave you alone. What were you even fighting about? It clearly got serious." "You. Ok? We where fighting about you. He fucking loves you Lorrie. Do you know how hard that is for me. He just grabbed me by my shirt and punched me in the face after he found out what we did. It doesn't hurt though." She reacheed her hand out and gently felt me eye. I winced as she placed her and on it and she pulled away. "Sorry." she whispered. "It's ok." "Maybe you should go now." "Ok, I'll visit you again, don't worry." She waved as I walked out. I could hear her crying as I left but I kept walking and went home.

Lorries POV:

Nathan needs to visit me, I have to apologize for just walking out of the cafe like that. I woke up to a voice and the door opening. I couldn't see that well from sleepiness. "Lorrie, are you feeling alright?" I sit up, Tom agian? Where is he? "Yeah I'm alright. Is that you Tom?" "No it's Nathan." My vision starts to clear up and it really is Nathan. I could've sworn it was Tom. How did he even find out? "Oh. Ok" He looked dissapointed that I wasn't excited. I was excited, just sad also. I looked down at the sheets. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and onto the sheets but he didn't see it. "When'll you be out of the hospital?" "Probably a week or so. Then I'll have a cast I can walk on." "Ok. Do you want me to stay?" Yes I need you to stay so badly. I need you to hug me and tell me you love me again. But that's not my choice. "If you want." There was a neverending silence. You could've cut through it. "I'm so sorry, if I had just offered to take you home this wouldn't have happened." He looked like he wanted to cry. This wasn't his fault. This was never his fault. It was only mine. "It was never your fault Nathan, if I hadn't taken the tweets so personally this wouldn't have happend. I shouldn't have been on the phone when I was driving." I couldn't let hime take this personally. "But it was my fault, I was rude and a bitch to you. I'm not like that. You know I would never want to hurt you." "But you did Nathan. I said it before, but I don't think I ever really knew you. I just thought I did. I was being stupid." "Don't ever call yourself stupid. You're one of the most brilliant people I know. You're beautiful even when you're cut up and bruised. You are the sunshine that makes my day." I missed his cheesiness. I laughed. "That was cheesy Nath. Wait, what happened to your eye?" I can't belive he thinks of me that way. "Me and Tom got into a fight." "What?! And he did that to you? I'm going to kill him when I get out of here. I told him to leave you alon. What were you even fighting about? It clearly got serious." I can't believe Tom would do that to him. They're like familiy. "You. We were fighting about you. He fucking loves you Lorrie. Do you know how hard that is for me. He just grabbed me by my shirt and punched me in the face after he found out what we did. It doesn't hurt though." How could Tom have done this? I can't believe this is all going on because I was stupid. I got Nathan hurt and Tom angry. I felt myself reaching to touch his eye. He winced and I pulled away. "Sorry." I said quietly. "It's ok." I can't have him here knowing he took that hit to the eye for me. "Maybe you should go now." "Ok, I'll visit you again, don't worry." I waved to him as he walked out, and couldn't stop the tears from coming on. I began to weep and the nurse came in. "Are you ok sweetie? Are you in pain?" "No I'm fine just sad about something personal." "Well if you need anything just push the button." With that she walked out and I was alone in my room. I cried until I felt myself drifting into sleep and let it come.


Lorrie's POV:

I woke up to the nurses and a doctor crowded around my bed. "Ah, you're awake! How do you feel?" "Fine really, I'm not in pain or anything. I just want to get home." "You'll be soon just as soon as we get you into a new cast." "Ok, let's get going then." "You heard her girls let's wheel her out." They wheeled the bed out and into the elevator. "Do you have a boyfriend to get back to?" One of the nurses asked. "I did until recently." "Oh. That's too bad sweets." I was wheeled into a room where with all sorts of tools in it. "We're giving you a black cast with foam under the plastic so its soft and you can walk on it. One leg will be higher up than the other but after that you'll be fine. We're going to numb your leg because it'll be tight and probably hurt a bit." "Ok." They removed the gown and took the wrap off my leg. I pretended it didn't bother me but it hurt a lot. I can't look at needles. I winced as they injected the sedative. But my leg was numb almost immediatley. They started wrapping it and it looked really tight. Finally when it was done, they helped me up and placed me on my feet still supporting me. At first it hurt a little but then it was fine and I was ready to go. "Get better! Don't go out too much and come back in a month." I walked out of the hospital and called a taxi to come get me and bring me to the boys house. That's where I lived. I'll be on the couch now though instead of Nathan's bed. I called the boys and told them I would be home soon. I heard a lot of cheering and I smiled. But I missed 2 voices in the group, Tom and Nathan.


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