Reunited(well sortof)

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Sorry, this chapters odd and confusing with 2 Nathans. Sorry! And I am aware that I desperatley need to add to Turn It Off, I might put it on hold though :/ -wordstravelfast

Lorrie's POV:

(I would just like to note that Lorrie and Nathan's baby could come at any minute now)

"Oh, hi Lorrie." Nathan beamed at me. For a minute I had thought he had been my Nathan. Instead it was the director Nathan. I tried not to look too dissapointed. "Hi." I need to get to work. "My producers loved you work. I'm going to meet them now, I'm sure they'd love to meet you." He looked so hopefull. "Sorry, I've got work. Maybe later." I saw his dissapointment and considered calling in sick. "You work at the H&M right? I could pick you up when your shift is done. We have to get this track for the movie recorded. Some back called The Wanted. It would be amazing if you could be there, for like musical inspiration." He sounded so nervous and giddy. Just like Nathan had on our first date. But this was just buiness. To me at least. "I'd love to. I get off at 3" He lit up again and grinned. "I'll see you then." I went back to walking towards work, excited and nervous. I would see Nathan again. I would see all of them. It wasn't over. I hope Nathan can forgive me. I was so stupid. And my hormones were probably screwed up, pregnancy's mean that way.


When I finally reacher work I couldn't help but smile at a raging Karen. "Why the hell are you so happy? You're 10 minutes late." Kill them with kindness. "Train broke down." Before she could respond I went behind the register, signed in, and began helping customers, I mean she couldn't look bad in front of customers.

Later On ( aka 3): Still Lorrie's POV:

"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" I waved at the other employees who just stared at me. I would finally see the boys again. Those 5 boys that were/had been my best friends. "Lorrie! Over here!" I saw Nathan waving at me. He was wearing a work suit and looked tired. I walked over to him, feeling the gaze of my employees, Who's that rich guy? What would he want with her?


"Is a 'hi' all I get? No hug or anything." I could see where he was going. I pointed to my stomach, "Hugs aren't the easiest thing to do right now." He lookedd a little dismayed so to my own suprise I kissed him on the cheek. "But you can have that." At first he looked at me in shock, then he smiled. "We going to that studio or not?"

"Right. Studio, of course." He opened his car door for me. It had leather seats and a touchscreen panel. I didn't feel right about getting into it. It seemed so fancy. He smirked at me, "We going to that studio anytime soon?" I felt my cheeks going red,

"Sorry. I've never really been in anything so fancy."

"Then get in." I slid onto the cool leather seats and he slid in next to me. We drove, making small talk and jokes. It was nice, but it didn't feel like it did when I had been with Nathan. We arrived at the huge building again and he explained that it belonged to the movie producers. I noticed the boy's van and practically jumped out of the car. I saw the boys through the glass doors, signing into the front desk. I probably sound like a stalker.

"Excited about work?"

"Yeah sure." I lied, eager to get into the building. As the boys got into the elevator, I practically dragged him into the building. "You act like you've never been into a studio." I was tempted to roll my eyes. My boyfriend was in a band, no shit I've been into a studio. "Nope, never, not once." We got into the elvator and I tried to urge it to go faster. "Are you ok?" I guess I did seem kind of giddy all of a sudden. Stupid hormones and mood swings. "Yeah, just excited to get working." My stomach was killing me. I felt like I was going to puke my guts out. Probably just butterflies. I would see the boys. When the elevator finally stopped I tried to control myself and slow down. I would let him lead me to the studio and try not to attack the boys. Pretend you've never been tot a studio. "You ready?"

"Yep." He opened the door to the largest studio I've ever seen. I was actually suprised. I saw Nathan's Beatz sitting on the soundboard and I knew they were here. "Lorrie?" Tom looked at me in suprise. "Did you miss me?" Siva walked over and gave me a huge hug along with Max and Jay, causing me to wince when they hit my stomach. "Sorry." "It's nothing." I probably looked so much bigger. Like a hot air balloon. But Nathan. He just stood there avoiding my eyes. "You know them?!" The other Nathan looked at me confused. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention that." He looked at me still confused but continued, "Hi boys, I'm Nathaniel but you can call me Nathan." The boys looked at him for a moment then burst into laughter. "Are you serious?" My Nathan looked up into my eyes, the hurt so clear. Yet there was something else, something different. Envy. He thought I was dating the other Nathan. How could he be jealous? He still loves me. "Well this is Lorrie, as you know and she's the leading actress for the movie." The boys looked at me strangely.

"You never told us you do acting."

"Well, I don't but he found me on the street and asked me to audition."

"YOU WERE A PROSTITUTE?!" Jay looked at me but I could see that glint of humour.

"Pregnant." There was an akward silence. "Well let's get working." The boys sat on the couch and worked on the notepads they were handed. "Why is she here?" Nathan pointed at me, I could tell he was upset and angry. What had I done? I wasn't dating the other Nathan. "For inspiration, we want the song to be somewhat focused on her." Nathan nodded and scribbled furiously. The other boys taking longer to think. Nathan flipped to his second page and began. Jay whispered something into Nathan's ear and his writing went to a normal pace. "Ow. Jesus." My stomach suddenly hurt. Like it was being slowly cut open. The boys looked at me and I looked back and smiled as if to say I was fine. But Nathan didn't look away after. "Is he always like this?" I was snapped out of my trance to the other Nathan whispering to me. "It's a personal thing." He looked at me still confused. "It's better not to ask." He nodded and walked away. Another sharp pain rippled through me. "Holy shit."

"Done." Nathan picked up his notepad and walked into the recording booth to wait for the other boys. I walked in after him. I needed to settle this. "Nathan." He looked up at me, "Hey."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left." He laughed. "Yeah I know. I didn't mean to cheat on you."

"I know, I saw your performance on TV last night."

"You did?"

"Yeah. It made me feel better." I could tell another stomach pain was coming, but it seemed small. "Nathan, I still lov- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" (Sorry if I offended anyone) I sat down to stop myself from falling. My stomach felt like it was being eaten above from the inside. "Lorrie!" Nathan knelt by me and held me. "I'm fine, my stomach just- HOLY-- Jesus Christ!" I felt like I just wanted to die. It hurt so much. "The baby." Nathan realised and looked around frantically. The other Nathan came running in, "She's having a baby you idiot! Call a fucking ambulance!!" I'd never seen him be so assertive. For me. But that wasn't what I needed to focus on. The boys ran in and whipped out their phones. Siva called the hospital while Jay called Karla. The other Nathan was running around the office building trying to get help. Everything was such a mess. I got really dizzy and had to lean on Nathan. I'd never gotten to tell him. I loved him. I love him. Forever. "Yes, she is having a baby."

"Come meet us at the hospital." I could hear Karla yelling at the other end and I tried not to laugh for fear of the pain that would come with it. Phones were going off all over the place, but Nathan didn't care. He stayed with me. Waiting. Our baby was coming and he wasn't going to miss it. He loved me. I wouldn't be able to handle it if he didn't. Max was holding my hand telling me comforting things while Siva watched the window and Jay talked to snippet Karla. But Nathan still stayed.

"The ambulance is here."

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