Chapter 31

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The following day in maths I relayed everything to Anne. 

She let out a low whistle. "Hectic," she whispered.

I nodded my head and leaned it against my propped up hand. "It was so embarrassing. She treated Cole like dirt," I said and glanced to the back of the classroom, where I saw the topic of discussion silently doing an assignment which was handed to us beginning of the lesson. 

The rest of the class was talking as well, so our conversation was drowned out to the crowd. I tried to ignore the cute way his hair slightly fell into his eyes and suppressed the sudden urge to go and play with his rather fluffy-looking chocolate locks.

"So, you're still getting tutored by him?" Anne asked and I quickly brought my attention back to her and gave a nod. 

I saw her give me that look as if to say that she had caught me staring. She had quite a good idea of how I felt about him, even though I knew it was bad to have a crush on him. My mom would never allow it, judging by her initial reaction. But a girl can dream, right? I blushed, but then glared at her and lightly punched her shoulder.

"Don't do that," I muttered. 

Anne snickered for a moment before turning serious once more.

"How did they convince your mom?"

I shrugged. "All she told me was that they said his behaviour has changed remarkably. They didn't elaborate."

"His behaviour?" she asked confused.


Like me, Anne didn't have any classes with him other than English and Maths. In both those classes he hasn't seemed to change, so we weren't exactly sure what the change was. I couldn't ask my other friends though. If they got even the slightest hint that I was into him, I would be doomed.

"What are you going to do now?" Anne asked and I pondered over her words.

"Firstly, I think I'm going to talk to Mr Tuttle and apologize for how my mom acted," I said.

Anne nodded her head. "Good move."

"Then ... I don't know. I don't want to tell Cole what happened. I don't want to offend him."

Anne nodded again. "Another good move. It was brave of him to go and introduce himself though."

I nodded. "Yeah, it was."

Anne smiled. "I think he likes you."

My eyes widened. "What?"

She looked at me like I was dumb. "Come on, Lizzy. What guy just randomly plays with a girl's hair?" I was about to respond, but she added, "For half an hour?"

"Maybe he thought I was a little tense?" I asked uncertainly. 

Anne merely raised an eyebrow at me. 

I threw my hands in the air. "How am I supposed to know what goes on in that emotionless head of his? I'm not a mind-reader!" then with a softer voice I added, "Besides, he told me he would never fall in love."

Anne shrugged her shoulders. "'Like' and 'love' are two completely different things."


"Ah, Elizabeth! What can I do for you?" Mr Tuttle asked as I stood in front of his desk once the lesson had ended. 

His grey hair was pulled into a neat comb-over and for a moment, I guessed that was what my hair looked like when Cole played with it. I quickly shook the thought away. That boy was getting in my head. Luckily, he had left as soon as the bell went, so he didn't see me walk to Mr Tuttle's desk.

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