39 | Together

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   It has been a three days since Anthony passed away. I was a complete train wreck. I couldn't stop replaying the moment when the doctor told us Anthony stopped breathing. It hurt my heart.

   I get that my friends are going through the same thing and just want to be supportive but I really just need space and want to be alone. Everything's been stressing me out lately. Lucas is gonna be in the hospital for two weeks and I still have to go to school and deal with everyone's questions and fake sympathy for me.

"God I'm a mess", I sniff as I look in the mirror to my red eyes from crying so much. I sigh sadly and wash my face with cold water.

I lay in bed with the dogs resting their heads on me as I look at funny videos of Anthony. I just can't believe he's gone. All because of a stupid gang that Lucas and Anthony should've never been in. I'm done with gang's. I'm done getting close to them. I'm gonna miss all the gang members but it's too dangerous.

"Hey", I hear a voice say as she knocks on the door. I look up to see Charlotte, Laura, Sky, and Maddie at the doorway.

I sniff "how'd you-," Charlotte cuts me off "you really shouldn't leave a spare key under your carpet outside."

I lay back down and the girls come towards me and sit in the bed. "How are you feeling babe?" Skylar asks and puts her soft hand on my arm. I start sobbing "depressed."

The girls look at each other and sigh "I know it's hard Bri. We're all grieving. We're always here for you", Maddie says. "And that's why we have to stick together and get through this together because you shouldn't be alone", Laura says and puts her hand on my cheek then wipes my tears.

"I loved him", I sob "I can't do shit without him. I can't live without Tony. Lucas, Anthony, Laura, Sky and I have stuck together since middle school. Everything's gonna be so different without him."

"I know it's hard Bri", Skylar says as tears form in her eyes "but you have to think positive. He's in a better place. He's not in pain anymore."

"Do you know how much your dad loved Anthony?" Laura adds "now they're gonna finally be together." I sadly smile "you're right. I know it's gonna get better it just hurts..a lot."

That's when we all broke down and started crying together. "I miss him so much", Maddie cries. "We all do", Charlotte sobs.

"For Anthony, we're all gonna think positive, okay?" Maddie says. We all nod then hug and I wipe my tears and let out an uneasy breath "he'd want us to be happy."

"Yeah", Laura says softly and puts her hand on my shoulder sympathetically. "I-I'm gonna go visit my mom. I just need to talk to her", I tell the girls. I change into Lucas's hoodie and sweatpants then put my hair into a messy bun and put my vans on.

"I hope you feel better Bri", Charlotte says and they all hug me before they walk out the door.
I feed my dogs and kiss them goodbye before putting them in the backyard and leaving the house.


"Hey mom", I say sadly when I walk into her hospital room. My mom looks up at me then her eyes fill with worry "woah, you look horrible. Are you okay baby?" I sigh and sit down next to her "I haven't gotten sleep for the past two days."

"Háblame niña", my mom says and puts her hand on mine ("talk to me baby girl"). I take a deep breath and tell myself I'm not gonna cry "Anthony and Lucas got shot. They both got hurt but Tony didn't make it."

  My mom's face immediately turns into sadness and starts tearing up. "Puede él descansar en paz. Era un chico asombroso", my moms voice cracks ("May he Rest In Peace. He was an amazing boy.") When I saw how sad my mom was, it hurt my heart and when I heard he sob, I began crying.

"Mierda. Me dije a mí mismo que no iba a llorar", I say and wipe my tears ("Shit. I told myself I wasn't gonna cry.") My mom puts her hand on my cheek softly "Va a estar bien Sabrina. Dios no nos da nada que no podamos manejar." My mom says sadly ("it's gonna be okay. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle.")

"I know mami", I sigh. "How's Lucas?" My mom asks. "He's stuck in the hospital for two weeks. His parents are devastated, except for his step dad, I can't tell if he even cares. Lila didn't take it well. She's really emotionally hurt", I tell her.

"Oh my god. I really hope he gets better. I'm so so sorry baby. God's gonna give him the greatest blessing. Every bad thing comes with an amazing thing", my mom says "how are your friends?"

"I just saw Charlotte, Maddie, Sky and Laura. They came to check up on me and I'm really glad they did because it helped me stop crying. Before they came, I was crying nonstop", I tell my mom. She kisses my hand "you're so strong baby. I know you're gonna get through this and Lucas is gonna heal before you know it."

"Thanks mami. I love you", tears stream down my cheeks. She wipes my tears "I love you too. Now go home and get some rest. Sofia is gonna be home before you know it."

"I just want this week to end", I sob. "Hey, hey", my mom says and wipes my tears again "have fun, take your mind off things. Go to the homecoming game. Ask Lucas to homecoming, he can't."

I nod and sadly smile "yeah. I will." My mom kisses my forehead "get some sleep amor."

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