55 | Christmas Eve

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   I woke up feeling sick but that was because I was balling my eyes out about Anthony really late last night and the last time I checked the time on my phone, it was 4:57 in the morning. I woke up around 10 and got out of bed with a runny nose and headache. I rub my head as I walked to the bathroom.

"Morning", Sofia says when I walk downstairs. I sniff, still barely being able to open my eyes "morning", I say glumly. It's like I cried and sobbed so much I couldn't even smile and I could barely open my eyes.

   Sofia stops making breakfast and leans on the island to face me as I was sitting on the island stool. "What's wrong sis?" She asks worriedly. I sigh, putting on a fake smile "I'm fine, really", I lie, trying to sound reassuring so I didn't have to worry her or mom.

"Okay.." she says "can you go feed the dogs?" I nod and walk to the backyard. I figured my dogs might help me feel a bit better, they always have. There's just something about my dogs that make me light up with cheer. I walked outside and they all immediately got up to jump and greet me. I giggle a bit and let them before taking them inside and grabbing their food bowls. I fed them and changed their water then sat on the couch with all three of them, while hugging Oreo in my arms. It's amazing how dogs can just change your mood by being there. I felt better within a couple minutes and tried cheering myself up.

Anthony loved me, he loved all of us. He's in a safer place, away from the gang's and violence and his not in pain anymore. It may hurt that he's not here with us but he'll always be watching over me.

I think to myself, shedding some tears. I quickly wipe them away we're gonna have a good Christmas Eve. I sigh as my mom walks downstairs.

"Buenos dias mama", I smile at my mom. {"Good morning mom"}

We eat breakfast together while talking about our plans for today. We had already gone Christmas shopping a couple days ago and I got everything I needed.

   I got Skylar a high quality and expensive camera that she hasn't been able to stop talking about and got Laura matching necklaces, one of them being mine and cute art supplies. I got Austin a white hoodie with the LGBTQ flag on the back saying "I'm gay and proud" in black letter then got me a matching hoodie but it said "my best friends gay and I'm proud." I got Lucas an adorable framed collage of all our best memories together from high school along with Jordan's that he's been wanting for a while, a Lebron James jersey because he likes that basketball player, and two concert tickets to The Weeknd for both of us. They may have been $600 together but I love him.

   I got Maddie a necklace with a cute paw on the chain along with a rescue German Shepard puppy that I was going to adopt today with her mom. She's been wanting a dog for so long and I actually convinced her parents before I called the shelter about the puppy. I got Charlotte a signed album of Chance the Rapper because she is obsessed with him. I got Chris a signed football with a signature of his favorite football player. I got Byron his favorite snacks because he's a huge food person and these cool Nike sneakers he told me he really wanted. I got Brandon a framed picture of us at the beach sophomore year and Drake merchandise, a black hoodie that said 'OVO' and a black hat saying the same thing. Am I an amazing friend? Yes. I know all of them really well. Did I end up spending over $1,500 on all these gifts...hehehe yup. I need a Grammy for the best friend ever.

   I take a shower after I finished my breakfast then started re-decorating my room. I went to Walmart yesterday to get some bedroom decorations. By some I mean, a ton. Did I end up spending $200 on the cutest room decorations ever? Uhh...hehehe...yup. I've been working nonstop since Christmas break started and taking short night shifts after cheer practice because I was saving up specifically for amazing Christmas gifts for my friends since November so I didn't have to worry.

   I also got a lot of pictures of friend pictures from this year and last year. We have a lot of high school memories. I probably got over 60 pictures printed. Sofia helped me put the pictures up on my blank wall in a heart shape. I really loved how it looked. I put my LED strip lights on the wall then put some painted canvases up that Laura painted for me. I got some fake plants for my desk, cute throw pillows and I made my bed.

Around 5 o'clock, Lucas's family came over. Our families have always been close, not so much with Lucas's step dad. My mom and Allison have been good friends since me and Lucas became best friends in middle school.

"Serenity!" Allison squeals excitedly when Sofia opens the door. Allison runs to her and they hug. They're so cute. Sofia says hi to Lucas's step dad and I do too even though I don't like him that much. We all start talking and I go and help Lucas get our Christmas gifts from their car.

"I missed you", Lucas says and pulls me in by the waist then kisses me. We haven't seen each other in a week since my mom got home. I smile and hug him tightly "I missed you too." We get the presents Lucas's family got us. We couldn't spend Christmas together so we were giving them their gifts today so they could open them Christmas morning.

"Can you come over anytime tomorrow?" I pout as we walk back into the house with the presents.

"I don't know. I'll try to princess", Lucas says and kisses the top of my head.

"Ahhh", I say as Lucas puts whipped cream into my mouth.

"Leave the whipped cream for the cookies stupids", my mom says and laughs. Me and Lucas take a picture of us in our cute Christmas onesies then help them bake chocolate chip cookies while playing Christmas music.

"I've missed you guys so much. It's been so long", Allison says with her arm around my mom. I smile and rest my head on Lucas's shoulder as we're sitting on the island counter. The smell of cookies really lightening the mood. I hummed to the Christmas music as Lucas played with my hair.

"I love you Bri" Lucas says and kisses the top of my head. I giggle and blush a bit "I love you too Lucas."

Sofia, Marcus, Lucas and I wrapped presents after eating some cookies. Lucas left the garage to pee so I quickly grabbed Sofia and dragged her to my room with wrapping paper to secretly wrap his present.

"What?!" She asks because she didn't know why we were in my room. "Help me wrap Lucas's present."

"Ooh.." she says as she's looking at the gift I got him. Once she sees the concert tickets she looks at me like I'm crazy "it's fine. The only reason I'm not broke after buying all that is because I worked my ass off for months to save up just to get him those tickets. He loves The Weeknd as much as I do. We put the concert tickets inside of the Jordan's so he would be really suprised. We wrapped the shoe box then the picture frame and put his hoodies and the jersey in a Christmas bag and added tissue paper. After we labeled the gifts we rushed downstairs to put them under the tree.

"Merry Christmas love", Lucas says sweetly and I look up to see him holding a mistletoe over our heads. My mom and Allison cheer for us, making me giggle. Lucas pulls me in by the waist and kisses me as our moms are cheering crazily. We laugh and look at them and I blow a kiss to them then kiss Lucas again for a couple more seconds.

"Merry Christmas Lucas."

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