10 | Friday Fights, seriously?

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"Good morning babygirl", Lucas says when we wake up. He had spent the night at my place since my Aunt Sarah left to go back to work on Monday.

"Good morning", I smile and kiss his head. I get out of bed and wash my face and brush my teeth with Lucas. I change into a black and white nike jacket, a black tube top and black ripped jeans and decide to not put anymore makeup on.

"Want breakfast", I ask.

"Sure make me anything", Lucas says.

   I put four slices of toast in the oven to bake then grab strawberries, blueberries, and bananas which were me and Lucas's favorite fruits. I wash the fruits and cut the strawberries and bananas then put them in a bowl.

   I make a peanut butter banana smoothie with honey just the way Lucas liked it ever since my mom made it for him in 8th grade.

Lucas pouts "I haven't had these in forever." I put the smoothie down by him.

"Your welcome baby", I say and kiss his cheek.

   Lucas and I enjoy breakfast together while laughing about the dumb stuff we did in our past years of high school. If we could, we would talk for hours and hours about dumb stuff without any silence. We were both just friends like that, not so much friends now but we still considered each other best friends, nobody could take his spot.

"Ready to go Bri", Lucas yells from downstairs. I quickly put Vaseline on my lips then go downstairs to feed the dogs and give them water. I grab my backpack from the couch and Lucas opens the door for me to walk out first.

"Thank you kind sir", I giggle.

   We get to school and walk to our lockers which were by each other. I grab my books and a snack that was in my locker to share it with Lucas.

"Guys! Guys! Exciting news", Laura squeals and screams as she rubs up to us sitting with Skylar, Anthony and Austin.

We all look at her and she squeal one more time, "so you guys know how I'm part of student body right?!"

We all nod and she whispers to us "if you guys tell anyone I told you this I'm gonna be in huge trouble because we're not supposed to announce it till next week."

"Got it", Austin says and we eagerly wait for her to tell us.

"Homecoming is October 16th", she whispers to us and we all start getting excited.

"OMG! I'm so ready for homecoming", Skylar squeal excitedly.

"Shopping for homecoming is gonna be so much fun", I scream excitedly.

"I'm going for the food bitch", Austin says and we laugh.

"If they ain't got pizza I'm out", Anthony says.

"I'm not a dance type of person, they're overrated", Lucas rolls his eyes "I'm only going 'cause this bitch is gonna annoy the crap out of me until I agree to go", Lucas says and looks at me.

I giggle and put my hand over my heart sarcastically "you know me so well."

   Anthony, Lucas and I walk into first class ranting about a basketball game we wanted to that was gonna be in our city next week.

"If y'all got the money to buy a ticket, buy one but I gotta ask first", Anthony says.

"We just sued a guy for $700,000, I'm definitely going to that game", I say excitedly.

"I'll go too. Good tickets are only like $500, $400", Lucas says.

"If I don't end up going then y'all finna go without me wether you like it or not and get filmed kissing for the kiss cam", Anthony says and laughs then makes kissy faces.

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