34 | Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover

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"Take the money and leave", Lucas tells Cole sternly then Cole's phone dings saying he got the money to his bank account.

Cole grins then walks into the house and outside to leave. "Why'd you give him all that money?!" I pull Lucas aside. "It's the only way he'd leave us and Kelani alone Bri!" Lucas yells at me.

"I-why is Anthony even dating her if he knows it's putting her in danger?!" I was so confused but mad that Lucas let Cole win and take his money.

"I don't know okay?! He's gonna end up playing her anyways like he always does. The dude is a nice person he's just been hurt so many times", Lucas says and we look at Anthony and Kelani laughing together.

"I really hope he doesn't", I say sadly "she doesn't deserve it." Lucas sighs and hugs me "we can't do anything 'bout it. We'll just have to see how this plays out."

"Yeah", I say "let's go talk to them. We might as well get to know Kelani before she gets her heart broken." Lucas groans "oh so say that Bri! He might not."

"Hey guys!" I put on a fake smile when we walk up to Anthony, Kelani, Chris and Charlotte. It's not that I didn't want to be there I just had mixed emotions about Anthony dating Kelani. I really didn't want him playing another girl.

"Hey", Kelani smiles at me "you were great at beer pong earlier." I chuckle "thanks. I had a lot of practice."

"Ahh..so you're a party girl", she grins. I laugh "indeed."

"We should definitely party together again", Kelani says. I smile and nod "is definitely like that." Anthony interrupts us "we're gonna grab some food. You two have fun."

  We both nod then continue talking. "I really like you tattoo", Kelani says looking at my bitterly tattoo on my wrist and my 'you keep me safe' tattoo.

"Thanks. Me and my best friend got them together. She has the same ones", I tell Kelani. "I have a couple tattoos. I got them with my brother. He talked me into it but I definitely don't regret it", Kelani laughs.

"Yeah. My best friend talked me into it but she was the last person I thought would be excited to get a needle with ink on her skin", we both laugh.

   After talking for about twenty minutes we decide to grab a drink after I was rudely interrupted by Cole.

"So, party girl, what do you mix your alcohol with?" Kelani asks and grins as we're inside in the kitchen. "That's your new nickname for me?" I laugh and she nods and giggles. "I usually have a pink lemonade vodka cocktail", I tell her. "Oooh, fancy", she says and we laugh.

   We finish making our drinks then sit on the kitchen island together while ranting about random girl stuff.

"You seem so cool. We should definitely hang out sometime", Kelani says while smiling. "Yeah we should. We could study together at Starbucks..?" I ask her.

"Yesss, I love Starbucks. When are you free?" Kelani asks. I squeal "I'm free Tuesday. It's the only day I don't have cheer practice after school", I tell her.

"So, Tony told me you and Lucas were dating", Kelani says and starts poking my arm. I chuckle "yeah. We've been dating for almost a month. Sunday is our one month anniversary", I tell Kelani as we finish our drinks.

She takes a sip of her drink "Aww I'm happy for you guys." I smile and thank her "so what 'bout you and Tony?"

"I know it not complicated. I just think it is. A lot of people have been telling me crazy stuff about him but I don't believe it. He's so caring a sweet. We were just friends talking for couple months then we both caught feelings and finally started dating on Monday", Kelani tells me.

"I hope you guys stay together for a while. Anthony is a great guy and you totally deserve someone like him", I say and Kelani smiles.

"Aye what's up babygirl?" Lucas says and puts his arm around me. I smile and kiss his lips softly "having fun?"

"Yuppie yup yup", Lucas smiles idiotically. I roll my eyes and turn to Anthony "Tony is this dude drunk?"

"Oh yeah", Anthony nods "he had three beers because the guys were dating him", Anthony tells me and takes a gulp of his beer.

I roll my eyes again "guess I'm driving home tonight." Kelani and Anthony come and sit next to us "you're birthday is next Saturday?!" Kelani asks me.

"I told her", Anthony says. I smile "yeah. Some of my friends are throwing a birthday bash."

"Aw that's so cool!" Kelani says. "You're definitely coming. I need a party girl like you there. It's gonna be at my dad's condo since we still own it" I tell Kelani.

She laughs "bet biiitch!" We squeal then start talking about the homecoming game and getting party outfits for my birthday.

My phone rings in the middle of our conversation "oh crap, hold up." I say and answer the phone then quickly walk to a quieter place inside.

"Hey", I say when I answer. Bryce was on the phone "aye so if you could have a dream birthday party, what would you want?"

I giggle "uhm..well my dream theme would be a cool glow in the dark party. My favorite party games are beer pong, two truths and a lie, twister, and never have I ever. Those games get pretty intense", I start ranting about my dream birthday party "I'd give an open-invitation to the school basically just posting it on social media then slipping invitations into people's lockers. Oh! And lots of food, I like pizza, wings, nachos and just barbecue food. The condo does have a pool do it could also be a pool party. I also want glow in the dark decorations inside and a DJ outside by the pool."

"You're so picky", Bryce jokes. "You asked me what my dream birthday was so I told you", I laugh.

"Why the hell were you hanging out with Kelani?!" Austin pulls me by the arm away from our friends.

"Dude I was literally in the middle of ping pong", I say irritatedly. "I don't care. Why are you talking to Kelani?" Austin asks.

"Austin, she is a nice person. You judge too much bitch", I tell him "get to know her first then come and tell me what you think of her. She was really nice today and complimented me multiple times. We actually hit it off. Now stop judging a book by its cover and come play ping pong with me bitch", I drag Austin back to the ping pong table and we continued playing.

"Fine. If she's nice to you I guess I'll talk to her", Austin says.

I smile "see? You're already warming up to her. Let's hope Anthony doesn't play her." I frown sadly.

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