15 | Treat you better

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"Thanks for everything today", I say to Anthony as we head home.

"Bitch you're not even gonna remember anything tomorrow", Anthony chuckles.

"Of course I'll remember. I'm not as drunk as you think. I'm just dizzy because I didn't eat anything and I had now four beers", I say.

"Whatever you say Bri. I'm just glad you didn't do any dumb shit", Anthony chuckles.

"Well of course I did dumb shit today, I do everyday", I laugh "like dancing with you in front of our friends, that was dumb shit but I don't regret it at all", I say sweetly and hold Anthony's hand as he drives.

"Are you happier now", Anthony asks.

"Of course I am. Fuck Lucas. He's a bitch. I shouldn't have been sad about him in the first place", I say.

After a minute of silence Anthony breaks it "I don't want to rush you into anything. I know our friends put pressure on you to kiss me and salsa with me-," I cut off Anthony "I don't want to rush into anything but I enjoyed everything I did with you today. Don't worry about Lucas okay? He isn't worth any of our time", I say and Anthony kisses my hand.

"It's better if we stay friends for now, you know just so you can think a bit and let Lucas calm down", Anthony says.

"Yeah", I nod. Anthony parks in the driveway but doesn't open the doors. He pulls me from the door so I don't open it "but...since I'm staying the night, we're gonna be friends with benefits tonight", Anthony smirks. I giggle "yes sir."

Anthony and I walk into the house and he helps me feed Duke and Loki then bring them inside. "I forget how adorable your dogs are", Anthony says and pets them.

"Thanks", I chuckle. The dogs follow us upstairs to my room.

"Turn around", I say once I grab clothes to change into. Anthony turns his back away from me and I change into an light blue oversized sweatshirt and light blue tie dye sweatpants that I dyed.

"You're obsessed with tie dye you know that", Anthony says after I tell him he could look.

"I know", I chuckle "you should see my closet, like 15% of my closet is tie dye clothing."

"It looks really good on you though", Anthony says and I blush.

"Thanks. One day I'm gonna teach you how to tie dye clothing and I'll give a tie dye hoodie to you or something", I smile "do you have clothes? I don't want you to get cold."

"Yeah I'll go get it from the car. Also that day is gonna be today, I brought a white hoodie and sweatpants so we're tie dying my hoodie today", Anthony says and laughs.

I squeal excitedly "yesss! Let me drink some water and eat something first so I'm not tipsy", I laugh.

  Anthony goes downstairs and outside to his car and I grab leftover chicken Alfredo I had made yesterday. I heat it up as my dogs stare and pout at me for the food.

"Don't look at me like that", I say sternly then laugh and kiss their heads.

I heat up two plates for Anthony and I. I set them down on the island and Anthony walks in with his black nike gym bag with his stuff.

"Want chicken Alfredo", I ask Anthony.

"Sure", he says and sits down at the island with me.

"Did you have fun today", I ask.

"Yeah, would've been more fun if Lucas wasn't there."

"Don't worry about him. He'll get over it", I say and start eating my pasta.

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