8 | School & Anger

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"Hey I'm finna be with my friends. I'll see you in class babe", Lucas says and kisses me before walking down the hall with his popular friends.

I look in my locker mirror and put lip gloss on before walking to the senior quad to meet Laura, Skylar and Austin.

"Heyyy queen", Austin says when I sit down with them. I smile sadly. I was starting to miss my mom. I tried to visit her as much as I could but she was either asleep when I was there or I didn't have time.

"How's your mom", Laura asks.

"She's getting better. I try not to focus on the car accident but her progress walking", I say.

Skylar puts her arm around me "you're mom's strong, she could do it." I smile at Skylar "Thanks."

The girls, Austin and I start talking about going shopping for Aiden's pool party on Friday.

"Lucas wants to come. He said he wants to see me in sexy swimsuits", I laugh.

"Ooooh", Skylar says in a high voice and pokes me multiple times. I push her away to stop and chuckle "I'm just gonna go with Lucas. He wants to spend more time alone with me", I say.

On Tuesday I had gotten a new job at a diner and have worked everyday since Tuesday. I'm really liking the job, not the boys that come their everyday after school though. They've tried hitting on me and touching me. It makes me so pissed how girls have to go through these things.

The bell rings for us to get to our first class. I smile at my friends "I'm gonna find Lucas, you guys go on without me." My friends nod and I walk the opposite direction from them and to Lucas's locker.

He wasn't there. I sigh and check the cafeteria, also wasn't there. I check the senior quad even though I was there and still, he isn't anywhere.

I text Lucas quickly so I wasn't late to class.

Me: where u at

Lucas: back of the school. I'm probably gonna be late because my friends and I are playing football but no later than ten mins I promise

Me: 🙄 okay

I jog to my class before I was late and made it to my seat a couple seconds before the bell. I sit next to Anthony out of breath.

Anthony and I do our handshake and start messing around in class before Lucas gets here and joins us.

"My mom's a virgin", Anthony screams when the class was dead silent. Lucas and I burst out in laughter and so does some other people in class.

   First period ends and Lucas has to drag me to class because I seriously hate second period so much. Lucas grabs my arm and pulls me to my locker to get my book for science class then drags me to our class.

"You suck", I say grumpily to Lucas and walk into the class.

"Love you too", he chuckles.


   It was lunch and I was sitting at my table with Laura and Skylar while the guys were with Lucas and his popular friend group. The girls and I talk about going to the makeup store after getting our swimsuits after school. Once we started talking about makeup, we wouldn't shut up then we started talking about the normal girly stuff, Victoria Secret, clothing, and of course chick flicks.

   We had spent some much time ranting on and on about girl stuff that there was ten more minutes left of lunch. When I check the time I asked Skylar and Laura to come with me to Lucas's table before lunch ends.

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