29 | Homecoming Plans

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   Lucas, Skylar and I were walking down the hall and Lucas and Sky wouldn't stop talking about moving in and trying to get me to move in.

"I don't know. I get there's room but I'm not even part of the", I pause for a second and whisper to them so nobody would hear us "gang."

"You don't have to! You're literally the gang leader's girlfriend Bri!" Skylar whisper shouts. "She's right", Lucas chuckles "come on. I know how much you hate being alone and you can't just spend the night at Sky's or my house for months until your mom gets back home", Lucas says.

"And before you know it your mom's gonna be able to walk again and go home", Skylar says enthusiastically, as always. I smile "Thanks Sky. But I still don't know. There's a ton of people that live there. I love the gang and all but y'all do some really bad stuff that I'm not tryna get into. I'm busy with work, cheer and with everything that's happening in school and my mom, it's stressful moving in", I tell Lucas.

"You're not taking all your stuff, just take clothes and necessities. Your house is still gonna be your house", Lucas says.

"Just let me think. I don't even know where the dogs are gonna go. I'm just glad Skylar's mom agreed to take care of Duke and Loki", I say.

"You act like your dogs aren't trained. They can stay in the gang's house", Skylar says. I chuckle sarcastically "with all those people? It'll give the dogs anxiety. I'm not doing that to them", I argue.

"They can have a whole room to themselves or they can stay in the backyard, it's gated and huge and they're gonna love it", Lucas says trying to convince me.

"There's so many people there", I said "the dogs are gonna get scared and they might not like every single person."

"But they listen to you so they won't do anything wrong. It'll be fun for them! They'll get spoiled and taken special care of while we're at school", Lucas tells me.

I sigh "maybe. I said maybe, not yes", I say sternly. Skylar and Lucas squeal "I'll take a maybe", Lucas chuckles and puts his arm around me.

   We walk down the hall and see Anthony making out with a junior. God that dude is a player. I really wish I could unsee that.

"Ahhh! What's up bitches", Austin says with the same happy and gay energy as usual. "Hey Austin", I say and hug him.

"Y'all excited for your first game this week?" Austin asks Lucas and me. Lucas was on the football team last year and was quarterback. The coach loved him so much that he put him on the team this year. I was co-cheer captain last year and still am this year.

"I'm so hyped", Lucas says. "I get to cheer on my boyfriend", I squeal. "Ahhh! And you can wear his jersey that day", Skylar and Austin squeal. Lucas and I laugh "it's gonna be fun."

"So y'all making any homecoming plans?" Chris asks joining our walking with Charlotte around his arm. "That's like a month away. I'm just focused on the homecoming game in two weeks", Lucas says.

"Coach is gonna make us perform a hella hard cheer routine for the homecoming game as always", I roll my eyes.

"We actually got practice today and everyday till the game on Friday", Lucas groans. "Oh stop being a baby", I playfully hit Lucas's chest as we stop at my locker "you'll get through it."

"We'll see y'all later", Lucas tells them and I wave at them before they continue walking down the hall. Lucas leans on the locker by me as I open my locker almost hitting Lucas in the face.

"Woah", Lucas says and chuckles. "Shit sorry", I laugh. Lucas hugs me from behind and rests his chin on my head as I'm getting my books.

"You're really short you know that?" Lucas says and laughs. I hit his chest playfully "you remind me everyday." Lucas continues laughing and we walk to the senior quad.


"What's up homies", Anthony says and sits at our lunch table with the same girl from the morning. "Aye", Lucas says and gives Anthony a bro handshake.

"Who's this?" Austin asks and gives the junior girl a dirty look. Me and Skylar whisper and laugh trying not to laugh out loud. Austin was super picky about who sits with us during lunch. He always looks out for us and just doesn't want toxic people getting into the friend group because he's dealt with a lot of them. I love how he always has our backs.

"Oh this is Kalani", Anthony introduces her and she waves but Austin does wave back. Instead he scoffs and continues eating. I smack Austin's stomach under the table and whisper to him "stop being rude bitch."

"That girl look like a whore", Austin makes a disgust face at Kalani. "You judge told much. Get to know her. Just because she's a junior dating a senior don't mean she's a whore", I whisper shout at him angrily.

"You know how I feel 'bout new people Bri", Austin says. "Oh gives the poor girl a chance", I roll my eyes. "Just come with me to the bathroom", I ask Austin and he nods.

"We're gonna use the bathroom. I'll be back", I tell them then mess up Lucas's hair before leaving. He sticks the middle finger up at me sarcastically as I walk away, making me laugh.

   Austin and I were talking and walking down the hall until my clumsy ass bumps into a hard chest as we're turning the corner.

"Oh shit", I immediately say "sorry." I look up to see an unfamiliar face. Our school was big but I've seen most of the students but never him.

"Aye no complaints", the guy smirks making me uncomfortable. "Uhh okay. You new here?"

"Yeah. I'm a junior. It's my second day", he says. "Cool. I'm Sabrina", I introduce myself and as Austin was behind him he gives me a death stare telling me I shouldn't have introduced myself.

"Brennon", he says. "Okay well I gotta go so see you later Brennon", I say and continue walking. Austin looks back at Brennon and a couple seconds later he gasps "that bitch was looking at your ass."

I roll my eyes "I don't give a fuck. Stop being so protective", I laugh.


"I don't wanna leave youuuu", I whine to Lucas. He laughs and wraps his arms around my lower back and looks down at me "I have football practice babe." I whine "I'm gonna miss you. We can't do anything after school together this week because you're busy", I pout.

"Babe, please. I have to go change for practice", Lucas says and hugs me one more time "take the Tesla and go to work Bri", Lucas gives me the keys. I pout grumpily "have fun at practice. I love you." Lucas cups my chin "I love you too princess." He kisses me before walking into the locker room.

   Skylar was waiting by the car and when she saw me she runs up to me "can we get Starbucks before your shift?!"

"Why are you so eager for Starbucks right now?" I ask her and unlock the Tesla. "They released a new drink and I'm dying to try it! Please?! Your shift doesn't start until an hour", Skylar begs.

I chuckle "how do you know my shift hours?" Skylar smiles "I'm your best friend. I listen to the tiny things." I hug her and we get into the car.

"Guess we're going to Starbucks", I say. Sky squeals and we drive off.

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