23 | Crashes

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Lucas's POV

"Look Austin I'm sorry for leaving you before you came but me and Anthony know what Cole's capable of. He's dangerous and it's better for you to be with the girls", I argue with Austin over the phone.

"Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm not strong bitch", Austin says offensively.

"I never said you weren't strong because you're gay Austin. Anthony and I have met this dude before, he's bad news. Now let me fucking focus on getting my girl back", I tell Austin then hang up.

I sigh "I hate it when me and him fight", I groan to Anthony. He chuckles "you guys are homies, one of y'all with get over it and apologize."


"You ready?" I ask Anthony and he nods then we quickly get out the car and walk down the dark street to where Cole was keeping Sabrina.

"All this stupid shit for leaving his gang", Anthony whispers and groans quietly as we walk down his driveway.

"He's always been like this", I roll my eyes "this place is sketchy as fuck.."

"Woah, wait", Anthony whispers and pulls my arm before we walk up to his doorstep "what's the plan?"

"See this is why your the smart one", I whisper and chuckle "we quietly sneak into a window because a door would be too risky and it might be locked, it's late. Then we quickly search the house and find Sabrina without getting caught. If we do we fight the douche and beat the shit out of him", I tell Anthony.

"Got it, find a window", Anthony whispers.

We look around the two story house and find a window that was open a tiny bit. We jump onto the brick wall to get onto the roof and to the window.

I grab Anthony's arm and help him get up the to the roof "be silent", I whisper.

"Yeah no duh idiot", Anthony rolls his eyes. I really did not need his sarcasm right now.

We very extremely quietly open the window wider to get in and thank god the window didn't creak.

"Oh shit", Anthony whispers very silently but loud enough for me to hear "what?" I ask quietly.

"Our phones, turn them on silent", Anthony says and quickly gets his phone out of his pocket.

"Oh crap, you're right", I whisper extremely quietly then we quickly turn our phones on silent.

Find the room, get Sabrina and leave. If we run into Cole we fight him I quickly text him and he gives me a thumbs up after reading the text.

We silently tip toe around the house to try to find Sabrina. The whole house was dark until we saw a closed door with the light on down the hallway that might've been the bathroom since we haven't seen a bathroom.

I quickly direct Anthony downstairs and mouth 'basement'. He nods and we quickly and silent as a mouse walk downstairs. We search until we found basement stairs going down to a dark room. The lights weren't on so we decided to go in.

The first step I took onto the stairs cracked making me flinch. "Quick just go down but try your best not to make any noise", Anthony whispers. I nod and we quickly run down the stairs surprisingly not making noise.

"Get here and leave, celebrate later", Anthony tells me sternly before we turn the light on. I adjust to the bright light then look around the room to find it empty. I see my hoodie on the floor and blood stains on it.

"That son a bitch", I whisper angrily.

"Search the room and quickly", Anthony whispers sternly and we quickly search the room. We hear a muffle that makes us jump but we hear the same muffle again and track where it was coming from.

We track the muffles to another door in the basement and we quietly turn the knob and open the door. As soon as I see Sabrina muffled loudly with tape on her mouth and put a finger over my mouth to tell her to be quiet. She nods relieved and I quickly untie her wrists and legs and take the tape off her mouth.

"Explain later", Anthony whispers to Sabrina and we quickly get silently walk out the basement. We quickly go back to the room we got in from and quietly get out of the house from the window.

"Thank you so-," I cut Sabrina off by covering her mouth as soon as I hear a man groan angrily sounding like Cole.

"Run", I whisper sternly to them and we quickly jump onto the brick wall then to the ground and run down the street to my car. I look back to see the light from the room we were just in turn on.

"Fuck", I say "why the hell do you run so slow?!" I ask Sabrina angrily and carry her. Anthony and I sprint down the street as fast as we could to get to our car.

"Hurry up", Anthony rushes Sabrina and she quickly gets into the back seat.

We quickly speed down the street and before passing Cole's house a car comes out his driveway. I didn't have time to hit the brakes and I collide into Cole's car extremely hard making his car flip over twice then land back on its tires.

I feel my heart pound and Sabrina scream loudly. In that split second I see my life flash before my eyes.

Everything goes black.

He's My Best Friend ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora