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The girls were sleeping over at my house today since we decided not to go out and do something. I stretch and get out of bed surprisingly early since we went to bed around 2 AM yesterday.

"Get yo ass up", I yell to wake them up. Skylar was sleeping with me in my bed, Charlotte was sleeping on the couch in my room, Maddison and Laura we're across the hall sleeping in my sister's room.

Charlotte groans "I'm up."

I got changed into light blue jeans and Lucas's hoodie since we might be going out somewhere.

I make the girls and I waffles and cut fruit. We watch TV and eat breakfast together while figuring out what we wanna do.

"We should go to the park with your dogs", Maddison says. She was a huge dog lover but her parents never let her get a dog.

"Shoot that reminds me. They're not even up yet", I chuckle. I go upstairs since they were sleeping besides my bed last night. I pet them to wake them up and take them outside to use the bathroom. After I feed them and sit back at the living room the girls are arguing on where we're gonna go.

"We should go to the movies", Charlotte says.

"Nah, we should go to the beach", Laura says excitedly. Right then we all look at each excitedly and agree on going to the beach.

I told the girls before the sleepover to bring a swimsuit since I had a hot tub in the backyard but now we got to take a ton of cute Instagram pics at the beach.

I grab cash and put my debit card in my phone case. The girls and I change into our swimsuits, pack sunscreen, towels, and our hydro flasks. Laura and I put ice and lots of drinks in my cooler then put it in the car trunk.

"Ready to go", I ask the girls and bring two portable chargers to charge our phones. They all say yes excitedly and Maddison helps me put the harness and leashes on Duke and Loki since we agreed to take them to the beach with us.

   I grab towel for the dogs and their food bowls and lots of water if they get thirsty.

"This is gonna be the best girls day ever", Skylar screams excitedly once we get into Charlotte's car. We had to take two cars so the dogs could fit in the car. I was in the car with Charlotte and Skylar. Laura and Maddison took Laura's car.

   We got there around 10 AM and ran out the car excitedly. I got the dogs and they seemed so happy since they hadn't been to the beach since the summer.

"This is gonna be so much fun", I scream excitedly and we set our towels down a little far from the water.

  The dogs were jumping around excitedly and I practiced some tricks with them so they knew I would let them off their leash but they had to stay with us. I take their leashes off after they obey and they sit down with me and the girls.

We all relax and talk for a bit then decide to take some group pictures together with Skylar's camera. She started taking lots of really great pictures.

"These are so good Sky", Laura says as we look at the pictures through her camera.

About half an hour later we race each other to the water and the dogs chase behind us happily. We all laugh and splash each other with water.

The dogs swim around happily as the girls and I continue splashing each other. We soon got tired and swim around in the water as the dogs bark at each other.

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