40 | School & Sympathy

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"Come on, just get up Bri", Skylar says through the phone "things are gonna get better, I promise." I groan "okay, fine. Just meet me at my locker."

"Not gonna cry at school today", I mumble as I wash my face and brush my teeth. I change into something comfy, not caring at all how I looked because I already had bags under my eyes.

   I don't put any makeup on, I just put Vaseline on my lips then lazily throw my backpack over my shoulder and hear a honk outside

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I don't put any makeup on, I just put Vaseline on my lips then lazily throw my backpack over my shoulder and hear a honk outside. Austin was picking me up for school.

"Hey", I say glumly. "We're ignoring any questions today okay?" Austin says. I nod "it's gonna get on my nerves then I'm gonna end up crying. It's gonna be a long day."

My first period teacher calls my name in class and I walk up to the front of the class where she was. The whole class suddenly became silent.

"Yeah?" I say tiredly. I felt like I haven't gotten sleep in forever. "Are you okay? I heard what happen", the teacher says and since the class was silent as a mouse, most of them heard.

"I'm not okay. I just lost my closest friend and my boyfriend got shot, so no I'm not okay but I appreciate your worry. I really just don't need it", I say angrily.

"I understand. I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope your boyfriend gets better, who is he?" The teacher asks. I sigh "Lucas." Her eyes widen "that's why he isn't here?" I nod "and Anthony isn't here because-," my voice cracks and tears form in my eyes. I try my hardest to push them away but I couldn't. The teacher hugs me and I sob "do you want to go to the counselor?" She asks.

"N-no, I'm fine", I inhale uneasily and wipe my tears then walk back to my desk while the whole class would looking at me.

"Hey", a boy in my first period walks up to my desk as I'm packing my stuff. I sigh glumly "hey Steven." He puts his hand on mine "I'm really sorry for your loss." I pull away "I've heard that a billion times today, but thanks." I quickly leave the classroom. I walk to my locker and bang my head on the locker and start crying. I feel a tap on my shoulder and it was Skylar and Austin.

"You okay babe?" Austin asks. I sob and immediately hug them. "Hey, hey", Skylar says in a soft voice as they hug me "take a deep breath. You're gonna get through today. You're a strong girl. I get it's hard to have so many people know and it's annoying to hear the same thing from everyone but you have to look on the bright side, there's so many people here that can help you Bri." I sadly look up and them a sadly smile "thanks." Austin grabs my cheeks and wipes my tears then kisses my head "we're gonna grieve together and get through this together." I nod and hug them one more time before getting my books and they walk me to my class.


"I mad you brownies babe", Charlotte says to me as she sits down with Austin, Sky, Laura, Maddie and I. I smile "Aww thank you. That actually made my day."

"I figured we'd all need something sweet to cheer us up sooo, I made brownies, some with nuts, some with sprinkles, some with Oreos. And I made chocolate chip cookies", Charlotte tells us. We smile happily and thank Charlotte.

"You're a great friend Char", I say as she hands me a sprinkle brownie. She smiles "I just want to care for you guys." Austin squeals "this brownie is bomb Char! This is actually making me feel better."

"I'm glad you like it", Charlotte smiles. We eat our lunch and sweets while talking about the homecoming game and making plans to go shopping for dresses.

My phone starts ringing, interrupting our ranting about homecoming. "Hold up. Let me take this", I tell my friends then quickly go out the cafeteria and to a quieter place. I look at the number and it was Lucas's doctor from the hospital.

"Hello. Ms. Lopez?" The doctor says when I answer. "Yes. Call me Sabrina", I answer.

"Okay. Well we have some good news about Lucas. We called his parents and told them the news and he told me to call you", the doctor tells me "Lucas is gonna be out of the hospital by the end of the week. His bullet wound healed quicker than we thought but he will be having an arm sling because his shoulder is slightly paralyzed. Other than that, he'll be able to go to school but will need someone to carry his backpack because he can't put pressure on his shoulder. The wound started closing a little but in a month or so, it'll be mostly closed. He just needs to ice it and treat it with an ointment everyday."

"Oh my god", I say and start to tear up "that's amazing! Thank you so much."

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