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At one point in their third year, Tsukishima gets these oddly reoccurring dreams (or rather nightmares) of Ayame, her fingers interlocked with a stranger's, smiling widely at them. Sometimes she would place a light peck on his cheek. As much as he thought it would be ridiculous, his self confidence slips a bit with each time it happens. Sometimes, he wonders if she ever got tired of him, because he seems to be the one mostly on the receiving side of the relationship. Then he soon grew unsettled by his thoughts, how can she be so tolerant of his behavior? How can she be so kind to him, when he's spiteful and apathetic? Surely, with his lack of enthusiasm and failing to show his gratitude, she will soon drift away. To put put it simply, he felt like a shit boyfriend.

That was why Ayame received a surprise visit from him at eight in the morning, his eyebrows scrunched together in slight embarrassment and his lips pressed on a thin line with a handful of flowers in his grasp. The drowsiness that lingered in her faded away and was replaced with mild surprise as he refused to look at her directly and shoved the flowers against her.

"Kei... Wh- What are you -"

"...just take it."

It was then she finally saw the intentions behind his actions, placing the flowers gently down the coffee table before pulling him into a reassuring embrace, her words muffled slightly as she whispered. "Tsukki," she said teasingly, "you keep telling me to treasure myself more, but you should follow those words yourself, too."

Hey hey hey! Thanks for reading the extra! Hope you liked how I opened it! This chapter will be dedicated to headcannons and answers to some of the questions in the previous chapter! If one random day, you see this book updated, it will most likely be:

A. I added another headcannon to this chapter.
B. I found a typo/ wanted to revise and edit a chapter.

Questions from users:

1.How many children will Ayame and Tsukki have? What are the names?

First of all, I'd like to start this off that the couple were quite reluctant on having children. Despite being married, Ayame feared that their kids might end up neglected because of work - just like how Ayame spent her childhood. Tsukishima respected her decision and in all honesty, was perfectly fine with that. He wasn't all that fond of children anyways. However after being married for four years, Ayame finally had the courage to ask Tsukishima that she really wanted children, to which Tsukishima replied with the smallest of smiles. Ultimately, it was her choice after all. Tsukishima pulled her to an embrace, surprisingly tender and muttered, "I can't believe I'm gonna be a father."

Surprise! The oldest were twins! Identical one at that too, Tatsuya and Tatsuhiro. Though everyone else at daycare confuse them, Ayame and Tsukishima can easily tell one from the other. Ayame uses her scanning abilities to use and tells them apart, Tatsuya is more left hand dominant than Tatsuhiro, though both are left handed. When the twins ask her how she was able to tell them apart, she would wiggle her fingers theatrically, "Mommy's a magician, of course!"

Tsukki tells them apart by behavior, for he was always an observer at heart. Tatsuya is a bit more wise whilst Tatsuhiro is more adventurous and reckless. Tsukki, despite his stern father attitude, is well loved by his children. Which brings us to their third kid, Himawari. Himawai is the third and youngest daughter and gets along with Tsukishima well. Tsukki is surprisingly good at braiding hair - better that Ayame, who can't braid to save her life. Himawari is more calm, much like Tsukki, while Ayame gets along swimmingly with the obnoxiously loud twins.

Some more child headcannons: When putting them to sleep, the couple takes turns. If Ayame does it, she hums a soft tune to lull them. Tsukishima once overheard her humming the same tune to the song she sang long, long ago:

Tsukishimaaaa is into teasing,
he may be good at blocks,
but he sucks at receiving,
not to mention,
he's irritating....

Tsukishima would tell stories, though he once used a scary bedtime story of the slit lipped witch just to mess with them, but what goes around comes around. Himawari was so scared that she had to sleep in between her mom and dad for weeks, much to his dismay. After that, he would read out of a story book vebatim, his monotonous tone pulling the kids into an immediate deep sleep.

2.Where'd her love of strawberry milk comes from?

Ayame's attachment to strawberry milk actually comes mostly on sentimental reasons. Back when she still used to play beach volley with her brother, they would always buy drinks by the snack bar afterwards. Their parents had high restrictions of their diet and won't feed them "outsider food", so it adds a thrill to their act. They wanted something easy to drink and quickly get it over with, not something thick like a smoothie. Then voila! She came to love the flavor and the creamy sweetness of the strawberry milk she grew up with!

I want to address Oikawa in this, because I want to. He moved on after his second year of college, telling Ayame that he was glad he fell for her, and that he's glad for them. Though after a while, he fell in love with this girl he worked with (he works as a part time model) and immediately came to Ayame for advice. When she opened the door to expect Tachibana back at the apartments, she seemed unimpressed by his actions. Really? Asking her for advice? On love?

"Look Assikawa-san," She said tiredly, "if you want to mock me with my lack of experience in this area, then just go for another time."

But just when she was about to close the door on him, he spoke out once more. Voice genuine and unsteady which was weird for an Oikawa Tooru that made her stop in her tracks.

"... I don't wanna be turned down by the girl I like again."

She lets him in, gets him tea and listened to his stories, gushing to her about how cute the girl was and whatnot. After that, Ayame started giving him advice on how to win her, such as "don't text her every five minutes or early in the morning," or "don't be too clingy," etc..., He eventually gets the girl, of course. They got married and Ayame received a gift from the gods and made another friend. That's a girl. Boy was she glad she helped Tooru.

More things to add! Tsukishima was extremely unnerved by the time leading up to his proposal. He wanted everything to flow smoothly. He actually asked for help from Kuroo and Bokuto, and getting horrifyingly helpful practices after classes. Tsukishima has to do the same kneeling thing, whether it may be Kuroo or Bokuto (they take turns to play Ayame) and say his speech. Of course, those two would always find new criticisms to say, such as:

"Tsukki! Look at me in the eye! Ayame-chan would want that!" -Bokuto

"Oh? But what if I say no? You've got a pretty bad personality, boyfriend. I don't wanna spend the rest of my life with you." -Kuroo, saying with a small voice that was supposedly Ayame's, though her voice is slightly deeper and calmer than most females.

"Your voice cracked a couple times."

"You forgot your lines, didn't you?"

The day before the proposal, the last practice, the two finally lets up and reassure Tsukki that he'll do fine. Guess what? He did, though not without cussing in his proposal speech and stutter with awkward poses in between. But who are we talking? That's Tsukishima Kei. It's to be expected of that guy.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask and I'll answer it in the comments! Thank you very much for taking your time and read this!

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention to check out my Haikyuu/Reader oneshots I whipped out. It's still ongoing and this one is finished, so all of the writing occurs there now! Check it out if you have time and ciao!

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