Chapter 65: Suggestive

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Tsukishima sat on the couch, truly making himself comfortable at Ayame's apartment. It's just another lazy Saturday afternoon, and typically they just watch movies for they're not really the outgoing, adventurous types of people. They both hate crowds and noisy places, so they decided to just hang out at her place, fully content with each other's presence and nothing more.

Ever since they started dating, he came to visit more often, bringing a grocery bag that contains movies that satisfies both of their tastes. He would mostly bring documentaries (how romantic wow) and get into deep, intellectual conversations with her. Either that or mystery murder movies, which surprisingly doesn't scare her. In fact, she enjoys it. They would place bets on whoever the real murderer is, using their reasoning skills and deduction. And of course, even with Ayame's intellect, she would just be a little off on her predictions, therefore making Tsukishima win the bet most of the time. But there was something different this time. When he pulled out the DVD from his bag, the overall genre of the film seemed foreign to her. Something that doesn't quite suits her taste.

Romantic comedy movies.

"Kei, are you sick today? Do you have a fever again?" She asked in a genuinely concerned tone as she petted Mallow right under her ears, which was sound asleep on her lap.

"Believe me, I would hate to watch this too. But Nii probably replaced the DVDs with this piece of trash yesterday." He assumed, which made Ayame cock an eyebrow suspiciously at him.

"It's okay if you have a thing for sappy romantic comedies, Kei. I won't judge." She teased, making the blonde frown at her remark. Of course, she knew that he wasn't kidding this time, unlike the one where he used his brother as a lame excuse to walk her home. She could tell by the way he scowled at her. That would be something that Aki-nii would do, after all.

"We don't have to watch it." He said in an bored tone, flipping through the channels to find something else to watch. But then his girlfriend took the movie disc and inserted it on the DVD player, making the corners of the blonde's mouth curve into a small smirk.

"I didn't know you're into sappy romantic comedies, Ayame. It's okay, I won't judge." He reassured sarcastically, repeating the words she said to him.

The girl's eyes twitched in annoyance, "it's for background noise. Better than nothing."

"You don't have to make up excuses." He teased.

She resorted to her last, ever-so-famous comeback at always tells him that she ran out of her snarky remarks, making his smirk grow wider.

"...Shut up."


"Oh Donna, I told you not to wear that on your first date!" The stout woman with a humongous head of hair on the screen said, then an overused track of chorused laughter bursted from the speakers, making the couple snicker on the couch.

"When was this movie filmed...?" She breathed out after chuckling.

You could hear the stifled snickers from the blonde before he spoke. "Judging from the horrible taste in clothing and low resolution, it's probably from the late nineties."

"They're really bad at acting... The guy on the right looks constipated and too stiff."

"Not to mention the plot is predictable." He added.

And that's how they spent the past forty minutes, criticizing every single movement the actors take and make fun of it. If only they knew how entertaining it is to watch badly made movies before, they would've done it a long time ago. As soon as the laughter subsided from the speakers, the scene changed. And oh how it changed.

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