Chapter 10: Tsukishima, You Bastard!

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Ayame's POV:

        I came to school prepared, bringing my gray sweatpants, a sweater, and a white shirt for today's practice. I changed in the girl's restroom and tied my hair up in a messy bun. I bumped into Shimizu senpai on the way.

        "Going to practice?" I nodded.

        We both entered the gym, and Tanaka senpai and Noya senpai started to swoon at Shimizu senpai.

        "You look lovely as always Shimizu-san~!" Tanaka complimented, only to be ignored by the manager.

        "You look adorable too, Ayame-san! That new hairdo really suits you~" Noya senpai said. I was to lazy to come up with a response so I decided to pretend that I never heard that.

        "It really turns me on when they ignore us~!" They both exclaimed in unison. I sighed, being a coach's assistant, I stood beside the coach. Everyone was gathered up around us all of their eyes fixated on him.

        "The practice match against Nekoma is in four days. Interhigh preliminaries will be soon thereafter. We've got no time, but you guys are full of holes. Since that's the case there's only one way for you to win." He paused for a while before speaking again.
"And Practice."

        He paused again, this time he furrowed his eyebrows and half shouted, "Save the ball, even if you have to barf!"

        Hinata, who was getting pumped up, clenched his fist, and shouted determinedly, "Osu!"

        We all exchanged looks with each other in the gym with the same thought: He barfed already.

        We started practicing their receives with Coach and I on the opposite sides of the net, each of us standing on a stepladder. I grasped the ball in my hands, ready to spike the ball at Yamaguchi. Until I was stopped by Shimizu senpai.

        "Are you sure you can spike with that hand?" She pointed at my bruised left hand, her face showing concern.

        "Don't worry, I can use my other hand for now, I'm ambidextrous." She nodded and took another volleyball and handed it to Coach Ukai.

        "Front!" I said, spiking the ball near the front of the net. Yamaguchi was able to reach it, but the ball bounced out of bounds.

        "Hey, how many times does it take for you to get it right?!Concentrate!" Coach Ukai reprimanded.

        Yamaguchi looked at him with determination. "One more!"

        This time, the coach spiked the ball, aiming near the back corner. He dived towards it and received the ball. It stopped spinning and flew right up in the air.

        "Nice receive!" Hinata and Daichi cheered.

        "That's five successful receives.Next up." Shimizu senpai said, Yamaguchi left the court the person next in line, Daichi, positioned himself for the receive. They went through the line, going from Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, and many others. Coach and I took turns in spiking the ball. When the line was finished we both got down from the stepladder.

        "Alright. Spiking practice is next." He announced.

        There wasn't much for me to do after that, since Kageyama and Suga senpai did all the tossing. So I pulled out a notebook, newly bought from the general store, and a pencil. I started thinking up of tactics for the match at Nekoma, maybe even for InterHigh... Oh wait. By the time InterHigh comes, I won't be here anymore.I sighed at the thought of that, but I continued to concentrate and think of patterns. Perhaps something that matches up with our team's skill.

        A couple of hours passed by and we were already done with practice. We headed to the training camp to where we are staying for four days. Hinata looks overwhelmed by the house for some odd reason. Opening the rooms, and even the bathroom only to be amazed by it.

        "You need calm down." Kageyama said.

        "You took the words right out of my mouth, Kageyama." I sighed before checking my phone if they have wifi.

        "But this is our first time at training camp!" He exclaimed.

        "I have to hang out today with this slovenly bunch," Tsukishima said arrogantly, "what's so fun about that?"

        The two second years got irritated by his words, "TSUKISHIMA, YOU BASTARD!" Tanaka shouted furiously.

        "KIYOKO-SAN AND AYAME-SAN ARE WITHIN A FIVE HUNDRED METER RADIUS OF US!" Noya senpai added. Since when did I get involved in this?

        Suga said the most devastating news known to the two second years with a smile, "Shimizu's home is nearby, so she's not staying here." Tanaka-senpai and Noya-senpai lied on the floor face-down, lifeless as Suga senpai skipped merrily away. Luckily, they caught the sight of Shimizu senpai wearing an apron, and the colors went back to their face.

        They had set up the food and we all sat in our spots. The food looked delicious, and I felt my stomach churn.

        "Itadaikimasu!" We all yelled before we dig in. I'm not particularly a pig when it comes to eating, for some reason, I get easily full, and I also hate the feeling of being bloated.

        "Are you on a diet?" Tsukishima asked, arching an eyebrow.

        "No, I'm not really self concious about my weight. This is just how much I usually eat."

        I noticed that Kageyama and Hinata are eating at high speeds, I'm assuming they're having another competition of some sort. "Kageyama, Hinata, if you keep shoving food down your throat, you'll choke and die." I stated bluntly. They didn't seem to care, since they continued to eat even faster. I never knew anyone who would rather choke than lose a meaningless contest until now.

        "Oh yeah Ayame-san," Yamaguchi said, "Where will you be sleeping for the night?"

        "Well there's only three rooms; the first years, the second years, and the third years, so I guess I'll be sleeping along with the first years." I was pretty sure I said it quietly, but somehow Noya senpai and Tanaka senpai heard it and came sprinting to me.

        They started freaking out, as if their lives are going to be over by tomorrow, " You're gonna sleep with those wolves?!" Tanaka senpai gestured to the four first years, who all seemed irritated by his statement.

        "What if they do something to you?! Girls should be scared!" Noya-senpai lectured. I just shrugged since I have a mouthful of rice in my mouth.

        "She's a black belt at Tae Kwon Do and Kendo, I think the ones that should be scared are them." Suga senpai retorted. I nodded in agreement and swallowed my food.

        "It's not gonna matter anyways, I highly doubt that they have bad intentions." I placed another piece of fried pork in my mouth. The four fourth years stuck their tongue out at them, even Tsukishima. He smirked and placed his hand on my shoulder, which seemed to infuriate the two.

        "We first years are gonna have a fun night, am I right Ayame?" I just nodded since I'm too busy chewing my food.

        "TSUKISHIMA, YOU BASTARD!" The two second years yelled in unison.

Author's Note:
Some lines are used from the anime, I do not claim them as my own.

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