Chapter 53: Bothersome

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"What kind of shampoo do you use?" Shimizu asked as she brushed her fingers along the dark, coal black locks with ease. The two managers played with Ayame's hair as she scribbled in her notebook, which is understandable due to the fact that she possessed the longest hair out of the three. She didn't seem to mind people playing with her hair, since Tachibana does her hair for her shifts.

The coach's assistant pondered on the question, lightly tapping the mechanical pencil on her chin. "I don't remember, actually. I just get the cheapest ones in the market."

"Seriously?! Those things will damage your hair!" Yachi warned as she braided her dark locks.

"What do you guys use then?"

"Organic shampoos! Those are a little bit more pricey though."

Shimizu lifted a strand of her hair to her face," smells like strawberries."

"It does...!"

After a couple of pinky promises and Yachi's pleading, Ayame had no choice but to give into telling them about who she likes (in her apartment to ensure a private environment) a couple days ago. And I guess you could say that the three grew a lot closer since then. They would talk about girl stuff. Ayame was never one for talking about those subjects, so it's a little foreign to her. But she's willing to try for her friends. Growing up with only a brother by her side, she never knew how to interact with fellow females. In all honesty, a part of her regrets telling them, since Shimizu would periodically grin cunningly at her, making her unsettled.

The three continued to chat as the rest of the rest of the club members did their stretches, though a particular duo can't help but watch them from a distance.

"Girl talk~" Tanaka sighed dreamily.

"Man...I wanna be in the middle of that!" Noya added, his eyes fixated to the three girls.

"Oi! Focus!" Daichi reprimanded at the two.

The gym doors creaked open as a girl nervously poked her head out of the crack. What's up with random people entering the gymnasium without any earlier notice? The girl was fairly cute, actually. She had shoulder length hair in a light shade of brown, and she seems to be wearing light makeup, as Ayame could tell the fuchsia tinted blush on her cheeks.

"May I help you?" Ayame asked politely to the girl.

"I-I would like to sp-speak to Tsukishima-san... If that's okay?" The girl fidgeted, voice trembling as she spoke.

Ayame nodded, heading for the blonde that was stretching from across the gym. As she approached him, he quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Tsukishima, someone's here to see you." She said, gesturing at the girl at the gym doors. As much as she didn't like this unpleasant sensation, she must conceal it. After all, Ayame in particular is an expert of not letting her feelings resurface.

"Lucky bastard!" Noya exclaimed.

"Confessions from classmates in the middle of summer... You really are something!" Tanaka slapped the blonde's back. As a reply, he shot the two second years an annoyed look before he left the gym alongside the brunette.

Throughout the whole school year, Ayame noticed that Tsukishima himself was quite popular among the girls. But he doesn't get as much confessions as she does. She already knows that he's going to reject it, like he did for every other girl, but why does she get this uneasy feeling in her stomach? No. She shouldn't even feel like this.'s a selfish thing. Selfish is not in her list of traits.

Shimizu and Yachi gave her pitiful looks, to which she responded with a 'don't-make-it-so-obvious' glare. To keep herself occupied, Ayame started playing with Yachi's blonde locks, brushing it ever so lightly with her fingers.

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