Chapter 32: Falling

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Third Person POV:

Oikawa doesn't know himself why he had taken an interest on Ayame. Sure she may be cute, but something separates her from the girls he had dealt with before. The boy was determined to make her like him by the end of their date. For someone like Oikawa, who could make girls fawn over him in just a matter of seconds, sounds easy enough, right?

The boy stood in near the local park's clock tower, periodically checking his phone from time to time. He arrived ten minutes early, since he wanted to impress her. Dressing in his most fashionable clothes and wearing his bright smile, she's bound to fall for him. He could faintly hear the murmurs of a group of girls nearby as he sat at the benches.

"Go and ask for his number!"

"No way! He's probably waiting for his girlfriend!"

"Ask him!"

Their whispers silenced when they spotted a girl approaching his direction: wearing a teal dress with two layers of ruffles, flowing down to her mid thigh. Tied neatly to the side, her coal black hair shimmered in the sunlight. The girls' jaws dropped in awe. As soon as Oikawa laid eyes on her, his lips formed a genuine smile with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Aya-chan~" I'm so touched that you would dress so nicely for me~" He purred flirtatiously.

"I was gonna go with a hoodie, but then my friend found out that I'm having my first date, so she forced this monstrosity onto me." She said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, annoyed. Besides, Ayame's definition of date is basically going someplace, no big deal. The boy held out his right hand in front of the girl, who just tilted her head her head in confusion.

"We have to hold hands, or boys will start fawning over you." He explained.

"I highly doubt that will happen."

"Come on, it's a date~"

Knowing that he's persistent, she gave in and intertwined her fingers with his. Though she doesn't seem to mind holding his hands, she does mind the fact that they're getting looks from passerbys. Somehow the thought of getting attention is bothersome and she would much rather hide in a hole. His grip tightened as they made their way through the crowded streets.

"Where are we going?" She asked the brunette. He turned around to face her and smiled sweetly.

"Iwa-chan told me about this place that make really good crepes, and I thought it would be great to go with you~"

When they reached the entrance, Oikawa held the door open for her, catching everyone's attention.

"What a perfect couple."

"How sweet! I wish my boyfriend treats me like that!"

The murmurs continued as they headed for the counter, their hands still holding.

"You don't have to treat me like I'm some kind of princess," she whispered to him. All this pampering reminds her a lot of her childhood, much to her dismay. One of her biggest pet peeves is when people give her special treatment, it just makes her uncomfortable.

The lady at the counter greeted them. "Welcome! How may I help you two?"

Ayame scanned the screen showcasing their flavors ranging to sweet, sour, bitersweet, and more. The vast variety seems too overwhelming for her sweet tooth.

"Mint chocolate chip, please! What about you, Aya-chan~?"

"...I'll take the strawberry hazelnut one." She said as she pulled out her lilac wallet. The boy grabbed her wrist to stop her.

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