Chapter 3: Lunch

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Ayame's POV:

        I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Fuck... It's already seven? Grunting, I  lazily dragged my arm up and slammed the clock's snooze button.

        Four hours of sleep... Well that's a new record. I got up from my bed and quickly prepared my bento and got dressed for school. Living alone feels amazing; it gives you a sense of peace and quiet. But along with the perks of living alone comes with a price: working part time right after school is really draining, not to mention, the nightmares I've been having about my dad.

        Apparently, people at my school assume that I live in some kind of mansion with many maids and servants. Well, that was true for my first 12 years. I moved away, and so I've been living alone for three years.To think that people would recognize me here... I may have underestimated my father's fame.

        On the bright side, the eggs are on a sale today... I mumbled before leaving the apartment complex. After ten minutes of walking, I finally reached school. Although I would get confessions here and there, no one really bothered to be my friend. Not that it mattered to me. Not that I'm painfully shy or hate people, I just find it unecessary to try to make friends when you're just good as is. 

        Class went by fast, but that was because I felt my eyelids get heavy, so I fell asleep. I was awakened by the loud ringing of the school's bell. Lunchtime. Immediately, I grabbed my bento and made my way out the classroom. I was stopped in the hallway by two people that I encountered at the vending machines two days ago. One of them had black hair and had freckles scattered all over his cheeks. The other one was incredibly tall for a first year, he had blonde hair and headphones were worn around his neck, showing a bored expression.

        "I forgot to thank you for the other day!" The freckled boy bowed gratefully. That took me by surprise, since people rarely ever approach me. I always get so uncomfortable when people bow to me.

        "Er...It's no problem. There's no need to bow." I replied politely.

        "Would - would you like to eat with me and Tsukki outside?" He invited, gesturing to the tall boy beside him. So that blondie's name is Tsukki. He shot the the shorter boy a glare in response. Wait a he that guy who sits behind me? I think so. I really need to pay closer attention to my surroundings... 

        "No thank you. I'm fine. I actually really like where I eat," I pointed my finger up the door leading to the school's rooftop. "Do you guys want to join?"

        The boy looked at Tsukki, only to receive a shrug.


        When we walked up the stairs, I remembered to properly introduce myself. "My name is Ayame Yamamoto. But please call me Ayame. Yours?"

        "I'm Yamaguchi," he gestured his hand to the tall blonde, "and this is-"

       "Tsukishima." The tall boy interrupted as looked down on me. His golden eyes meeting mine. "Don't you need the keys to open that?" I dug in my pocket, fishing it out and held it up.

        "You mean this key?"

        "How did you...?" Yamaguchi trailed off, bewildered.

        "I've got my ways." I said,smirking, even Tsukishima looked mildly surprised by my sudden mischief.I inserted the key and unlocked the door. We entered the rooftop and a sigh escaped from my lips. Ahhhh peace and quiet.

        "I used to sneak my way in by climbing out there," I stated, pointing towards a window a few feet away from the balcony, a small ledge connected the window and the rooftop.They seem surprised and glanced at each other in disbelief.

        "Yama- I mean Ayame-san! That's a three story high fall! You'll fall and die!!" Yamaguchi panicked.

        "But I didn't." I said before putting another roll of fried egg at my mouth.

        "Then how did you get the keys?" The blonde looked at me skeptically, raising his eyebrow.

        "Well, I thought balancing myself on the ledge to reach the rooftop was really bothersome and time consuming, so I blackmailed the dean into giving me the keys." I grinned slyly. Yamaguchi had a shocked look on his face while his blonde friend smirked back.

        We continued to eat our lunches in silence, but it wasn't the uncomfortable type of silence, but rather the serene kind. After a while one of them spoke.

        "Wait..." Tsukishima muttered, "you're the singing ghost everyone was gossiping about?"

        "Well yeah. Apparently someone nearby heard me singing to myself and got scared. But that's good, that means people will stay away from here." I finished my lunch -last night's leftover curry- so I placed the lid back on the bento and wrapped it with my sky blue handkerchief.

        "I usually make other people uncomfortable or get intimidated, so thanks for coping with me for the past 45 minutes." This time I smiled genuinely. I haven't smiled in such a long time that it felt weird.

        "N-No problem!" The freckled boy stammered. Odd... his cheeks were pink. Tsukishima's ears are pink too. The heat is really taking its toll on the two. I let out a relaxed sigh, letting my eyelids close for a brief moment.

        This sure feels nice...

Yamaguchi POV:

        Usually Ayame-san keeps a straight face. To see her be capable of a smile like that...she should definitely do that more often. She's actually not as bad as people think she would be. If only people give her a chance. 

        As Tsukki and I walked back to class, until he suddenly stopped on his tracks.


        "We forgot to ask her about that paper." He remembered. Crap... That slipped my mind.

        "We can ask her after school." I said before we continued to walk.

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