Chapter 30: His Answer

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Ayame's POV:

The second set started off with Oikawa's serve, how great is that. But Coach and I formulated a plan that will counter it: we will leave all of the receiving to our defense specialists Noya-senpai and Daichi-senpai. It's definitely a gamble.

Oikawa tossed the ball, and slammed his palm against it. It whirled unpredictably, but as expected of captain, he was able to receive it and return it to Suga, who tossed it to Tanaka, thus earning the first point in the second set.

We are able to lead the game, but the one point gap won't widen. In the middle of the set, we switched Suga-senpai out with Kageyama, who seems to have cooled down.

"You sure fought toe-to-toe with Seijou, didn't cha?" Coach Ukai complimented the silver haired setter.

"That's because our guys are all strong."

" -And you brought out the best in them." I said, my lips curving into a small smile.

"But you know, next time use that center position more aggressively." The coach instructed him. Suga-senpai's face lit up.

"YES!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" He exclaimed as he bowed gratefully, which startled both Coach and I.

"What the heck...?" Coach Ukai and I said in unison.

"The words 'next time' are bound to make Sugawara-kun incredibly happy. " Takeda Sensei pointed out.

Kageyama is acting unusually kind when he stepped back into the court. He hasn't bickered with Tsukishima at all, and he hasn't scolded Hinata, what a pleasant surprise. Maybe Suga-senpai taught him a thing or two about being a setter. Karasuno earned another point through the oddball quick strike.

"You did well." Kageyama complimented the ginger, in a way he looks constipated.

"What am I, an employee?" Hinata replied, confused.

"all this sudden kindness is sort of unsettling..." I mumbled to Suga, who just chuckled nervously. Karasuno scored another point through Tsukishima's feint.

Kageyama turned to Tsukishima, who seems to be irritated at the fact that he kept staring at him.

"Oi... How the hell was that toss just now, huh?" I know he's trying to be supportive, but that is a whole new level for someone like Kageyama. We all exchanged shocked looks: Is Kageyama sick?

"It pisses me off that you're practically telling me 'just shut up and hit my toss, peasant'." He retorted irritatingly.


"Keep this up, and it'll more than just pride that's getting broken." I threatened darkly to both of them, cracking my knuckles, which made them both flinch.

"...I have a way of doing things, so I'd like a more uniform toss."


"You're really docile today, are you sick?"

"Tsukishima, stop pushing him." I reprimanded. He turned around to face me.

"Ah, Ayame. I found something that boosts my morale, and I'm only going to say it once." He mumbled, refusing to meet my eyes. My face lit up, and shook his arms excitedly.

"S-Seriously?What is it!?" I anticipated. He backed away and crouched down to my eye level, his honey brown eyes finally meeting mine. His seemed serious, and he's not wearing his typical, irritating smirk.

"A good luck kiss."
Next thing you know, my face felt like that time I had a fever. This guy seriously pisses me off. But we're getting desperate, I looked at everyone else, are all shaking their head and mouthing 'no'. All except one: Coach Ukai, who's nodding his head vigorously mouthing the word 'yes', his eyes all wide. Like I said, my first priority is the team, and my feelings are somewhere in the bottom of the list. I'm gonna do what's best for the team.

Well, here goes nothing.

I leaned in, making my lips touch his. He tilted his head slightly and held my chin up. I could feel him smirking as we kissed, which made my face heat up more. It was brief, yet it felt like it lasted minutes. I cauld barely hear everyone at the audience whooping and cheering at us, since my heart won't stop beating so loudly.This is so embarrassing.

After what seemed like forever, I pulled myself away, covering my red face with my right hand. Tsukishima straightened his back and started stretching out his arms. His cheeks were not as red as mine, but that smirk -that goddamn smirk, only made my heart beat faster. This is what I get for having poor cardio.

"That cherry stem didn't lie." I heard him mumble to himself as he pushed up his glasses.

"J-Just go out there and beat their ass..."

"As you wish." He smirked as he made his way back at the court, getting glared by his teammates. I walked towards the benches, Suga patted me pitifully.

"You did it for the team..."

"I know."

"Ah... Youth." Coach Ukai sighed, reminiscing his high school days. Annoyed, I slapped his back forcefully.

"Ita! What was that for?!"

My first kiss was taken a snarky, irritating, blonde boy, and it's all because of you.

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