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"Happy New Years!"

It had been roughly around two years since Yoongi (proposed?) to Jimin using the dandelion puff, and they were now happily together, often not getting enough of each other.

"Thanks Seok for having us at your house." Yoongi said, and Hoseok beamed. "It's no problem! I love having guests at my house."

Hoseok had his arm wrapped around a girl named Mira, meeting her at a bar shortly after Yoongi and Jimin got together. They had hit it off right away, their goofiness paired with some traces of seriousness were a perfect match for each other.

And Yoongi was more than happy for his friend.

"I'm going to get going now, I need some more  drinks in me." Hoseok said, and turning around, he and Mira walked towards the bar, Mira giving a cute little wave to Jimin.

"What do you want to do now?" Yoongi asked, swaying gently in the living room. The room was dark, and through the big windows of Hoseoks apartment, you could see fireworks that were currently being fired into the air.

"I don't want to do anything." Jimin mumbled. "I just wanna stay here." Yoongi hummed in agreement, kissing the top of Jimin head softly.

"Yeah, this is nice." They continued to sway together, eyes closed as they relied on their other senses.

"You smell good," Jimin muttered, inhaling a lungful and nuzzling onto Yoongi's chest. "Like lotus." Yoongi opened his eyes and looked at Jimin's fondly. "Yeah? I put it on just for you."

The fireworks were no longer being set off, the sounds around them dulling into nonsense noises. For Yoongi and Jimin, they were in their little world, and no one can take it away from them.

After several minutes of them just dancing (swaying?) slowly in the living room, they head towards the kitchen where everyone sat. Namjoon was supporting a flushed and drunk looking Jin, who was trying to undo the belt on Namjoon's pants. Taehyung and Jungkook were passed out on the bench, Taehyung on top and Jungkook in the bottom, arms wrapped around each other.

The only ones who weren't very drunk were Hoseok, Mira, Yoongi and Jimin, although Hoseok was quick on his way to passing out, if him smiling stupidly at every single thing was anything to count for.

"You want anything to eat?" Yoongi asked Jimin quietly, as there was still some food leftover. "Or do you want to sleep?" Jimin pouted, trying to decided, before his heavy eyelids got the better of him.

"Sleep," he said simply, and Yoongi hummed as he got up to take Jimin to the bedroom.

When they got there, Jimin tried to jump onto the bed, but Yoongi stopped him. "No," he scolded. "You need to wash your face and brush your teeth." Jimin whined loudly at that. "But I'm tiiired."

Yoongi tuts at him. "No Buts, you'll thank me later." Reluctantly, Jimin got up from the bed hazily, and marched past Yoongi with a huff, to which Yoongi smiles softly.

Jimin, contrary to his sleepy exterior, he brushed and flossed his teeth, and washed his face quickly.

After Jimin finished, he zoomed past Yoongi and jumped into bed, pulling the bed sheets up to his chin and curling in on himself. He makes grabby motions to Yoongi, and he chuckled, taking off his shirt and pants before tucking himself in along with Jimin.

The moment he gets in bed, Jimin immediately latches on to him, the warmth radiating off his skin welcome.

They both sigh in content, Yoongi feeling a period of calmness going over his body.

As his mind wanders off into his dream, he vaguely thinks how lucky he is to have someone like Jimin beside him.




ALSO! 5K!!!!!!!! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈 THANKS!!!

On another note, I am going to start another fic soon, and it's royalty themed so I hope you'll like it.


Anyways, SEE YA IN "The Royal Selection!"

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