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1k!!!!!!!! 🎊 🎉 🎈 Thank you all so much !!!!!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 also I can update now!

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1k!!!!!!!! 🎊 🎉 🎈 Thank you all so much !!!!!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 also I can update now!


"You don't know what porn is?" Hoseok gasped, and Yoongi face palmed. "No Hoseok," he protested. "Don't you fucking dare tell him."

"My man Jimin," Hoseok starts, ignoring Yoongi's protests. "I will have to tell you some other time, or else Yoongi here will kill me."

Jimin blinked.

"Why?" He questioned and Hoseoks eyes flickered to where Yoongi was glaring holes inside him.

Don't you dare fucking tell him, he mouthed, and for a second, Hoseok wondered why Jimin, an adult who should have had his share of horny evenings, did not know what porn is.

Making a face at Yoongi, Hoseok turned around and slid down in his seat, so that he was no longer visible to Yoongi or Jimin.

"Is it bad or something?" Jimin inquired. "Is that why you won't tell me?" Jungkook smiled sweetly at him and patted the top of his head. "It's a rather.... sensitive topic." He answered, and Jimin 'ooohed' in understanding. "Okay!"

Yoongi was glad Hoseok did not do what he usually did, and that was brush off all remaining traces of rationality.

Really, Hoseok sucked at making good decisions.

The car was quiet after that, the group having burnt out all their excitement for the trip, and were now quietly looking out the window, eyes wide at the scenery before them.

Jimin was in awe.

He had never been so far away from where lived, other than the fairy realm and Areum's house. But now, he could see rolling hills, strange and large brown things, and forests.

"How long until we get to the sea?" Jimin asked, and Jin's eyes flickered up to look at him in the mirror.

"In around two hours." Jimin exhaled at this and leaned back into his seat.

It takes so long just to reach somewhere, Jimin wonders how humans felt, living so slowly. In the the fairy realm, they zipped around at fast speeds, as they were able to see everything clearly. For long distances, they teleported.

Reaching towards the back, Jimin tugged out one of the backpacks Yoongi brought along for the trip. He recalled Yoongi saying that if he ever wanted something to do, he had an electric board thingy he could use.

It was called eye-pad or something, Jimin mused, and pulled out the sleek, heavy metal pad to lay on his lap. He clicked the round button and typed in numbers that Yoongi said would help him get in. He swiped through pages until he got to the section where Yoongi put some square things he called "apps". According to Yoongi, you were able to play games on them, especially to pass time.

He played on the game for a while, forgetting his surroundings and forgetting the time. It felt like only two seconds before he felt Yoongi hand land his shoulder.

"We're here," he says, and Jimin straightens up, gasping. He puts down the eye-pad, (he was careful because Yoongi said it was fragile). Crawling towards the window, he peered outside, and was astounded to see white sand and blue water going as far as he could see.

He could also see people walking along the sand, eating ice creams and laughing. They were still driving, but much slower, so Jimin knew they were almost at their destination. "Where are we staying at?" Jimin inquired.

"We booked a nice place by the beach, a house you can call it since we're the only ones to live there for the time period," Namjoon explained. He was the one who did the reservations. so he thought it would be nice if they had quick and easy access to the beach.

"Nice!" Jungkook exclaimed, with Hoseok whooping in excitement. "Jungkook here has been working out lately," said Hoseok while smirking, and the group ooohd. "Not too much," Jungkook said blushing, and Taehyung grinned. "I've seen it already Kookie, and your abs are like rock solid."

"I have abs too!" Jimin said excitedly. "Not prominent, but it's there! Look!" He moved to lift up his shirt but Yoongi quickly stopped him. "You can show it off at the beach." Yoongi said hastily. "But not here."

"Come on!" Hoseok complained, and the others made noises of complaint too. "I wanted to see them!" Yoongi glared at them.

"Then just make Jungkook show you his." Jungkook also moved to lift up his shirt, but Taehyung stopped him and chuckled dangerously. "No way, Hoseok would drool over them."

"Why is everyone against me today?!" Hoseok wailed, banging his head against the seat in front of him.

"It's not that we're against you." Yoongi said smirking. "It's just you're too damn horny for your own good."

Hoseok only groaned in reply.

Shortly after, they drove past the busy sectors and boardwalks and came upon a quieter place, like a cove or cave. There were many quaint little beach houses, with hammocks on the beach in front and long drawn out curtains.

To Jimin, it looked vastly different compared to the ones in the city.

Their beach house was slightly larger than the rest, due to the large number that could live there.

Parking the van in front, they had Namjoon go and meet with the owner, in order to get the keys to every door in the house.

When he came back, he opened the garage for Jin, and he drove inside.

"Come one guys, let's go in," Namjoon called, and the group followed him inside. The house was quite modern looking, with large glass windows, and furniture the color of sand. It looked luxurious, and was open too. He could smell the ocean breeze even inside the house.

"This place is amazing." Jimin whispered in awe, and Namjoon grinned. "Thanks, I picked it out myself."

"Wah," Taehyung exclaimed. "The bathrooms are humungous and sparkly!"

"I don't think that's the right word Tae." Jungkook said, and Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Whatever. It's shiny and it looks clean!"

There were a total of four bedrooms, Jimin found out, after thoroughly exploring the entire space. However, the bedrooms did not take up the most space in the house. That was the living room and the kitchen areas.

"This kitchen is perfect." Jin said while beaming, poking through the cooking and baking equipments. "This is great!"

Taehyung and Jungkook were ecstatic when they found the gaming room hidden in the corner or house. "They have an Xbox in here!" Taehyung yelled. "We could have a game night someday!"

Jimjn favorite place was the beach. It was peaceful in a way, as there was minimal chatter and only the sound of waves and seagulls.

"You like it?" Yoongi came out to join him, holding two glasses of water. He offered one to Jimin and he took it gratefully.

"I love it," Jimin answered. "It's beautiful here." Yoongi grinned. "It's going to be even better tomorrow. We're going to the boardwalk."

"What's the boardwalk?" Jimin asked, and Yoongi beamed.

"You just have to wait and see."


A bit of a longer chapter!!!! And again, thanks for 1k!!!

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