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It was their last day of the seven day vacation, and Jimin was feeling kind of sad, as this was the most fun he's ever had. He doesn't even think that there was one day that went by without giggling to one of Jin dad jokes or Hoseoks, Taehyung's and Jungkook antics. Even the Namjoon and Yoongi occasionally cracked a joke or two when they felt up to the mood.

They were leaving the next morning, and the group thought it'll be a good idea to have a party and enjoy what little time they had left. Since Jin was going to drive, and because Jungkook was a lightweight, they were tomorrow designated drivers. The rest of them, decided that tonight was the night to get wasted.

"We're back!" Hoseok called, carrying inside bags that clinked when brushed against each other. "How much did you buy?" Jin asked from the kitchen and Hoseok peeled into the bag, frowning slightly. Behind him, Jungkook came in, and locked the door. "I think around 20?"

"Seok that's not enough." Namjoon said from the couch, eyeing the two bags Hoseok had on him. Hoseok chuckled with mirth. "It's 20% alcohol, you still think it's not enough?"

Namjoon laughed. "Fair enough." Heading towards the kitchen, Hoseok dropped the bags down, the bottle inside sloshing and clinking together. "When are we going to start?"

Jin looked at the clock. It read 6pm. Taehyung tsked and shook his head. "Drinking time is any time!" He walked over to the kitchen table and brought one bag of the alcohol, and passed out two to everyone. "Since just drinking alcohol solely is boring, let's play a game of Never have I ever!"

Everyone groaned at that. "Come on Tae!" Namjoon groaned. "What are we, immature 18 year olds?"

"Yup." Taehyung answered and plopped down beside Jungkook. "Everyone, sit down in a circle! Jungkook and Jin will be the supervisors in case we do anything dangerous."

"Or stupid." Yoongi muttered, earning a glare from Taehyung. Beside him, Jimin was looking interestingly at the bottle Taehyung passed around. Yoongi paled. He forgot that Jimin probably never drank alcohol in his life.

"Jiminie," he said lowly and Jimin turned to look at him. "Are you sure you want to drink it? I know you've never drank alcohol before so you might get a bit overwhelmed. Are you sure you want to join us?" Jimin nodded enthusiastically. "Yup! I want to try!" Yoongi sighed and leaned back. "Well dont blame me if you feel terrible tomorrow."

From the other side of the circle, Taehyung his hands together excitedly. "Okay!" He said beaming. "I'll go first and then we'll go around in a circle!" He took a deep breath. "Never have I ever drank from the toilet!" Jungkook made a face of disgust at his boyfriend. "Tae what the fuck?" Taehyung shrugged. "Well, none of you drank, so I'm going on you." He booped Jungkooks nose and smiled fondly at him. "Don't worry I haven't drank from the toilet."

Now it was Hoseok turn. "Never have I ever been electrocuted." Everyone looked around the circle, waiting for someone to drink. Finally, Taehyung and Namjoon both lifted there cups and drank. "You've been electrocuted?!" Jin gasped and Namjoon nodded. "Static electricity counts you know."

The group oohed, but Yoongi looked doubtful. "There's no way Taehyung knew that." Everyone looked at Taehyung, who looked at them with big innocent eyes. "I may have stuck my finger in an electric socket when I was fifteen." Jin groaned. "You're not supposed to do that!"

"It was for experimental purposes!"

"That doesn't mean you can stick your hand wherever you want to! You could've lost your arm!"

"Well my arm is still here okay?"

Jimin watched the interaction with interested eyes. "Tae?" He inquired. "How does it feel to be electrocuted?" Taehyung shrugged. "It hurts." Disappointed, Jimin sat back on his hunches. He wanted to know what it really felt like. Yoongi knew what the younger was thinking and leaned down to grasp his hand. "Don't do it if you value a limb." Jimin nodded with wide fearful eyes at the mention of losing a limb.

"A-alright." He stuttered.

It was now Namjoons turn to ask the question.

Yoongi hopes it isn't a question about academics, but considering Namjoon, it probably was.


Whooooo I actually squeezed out a chapter in a day!

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