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Looking up at the massive house, Yoongi sighed, tightening his hold on his bag strap and the luggage he was dragging. Behind him, parked in front of the elegant iron gates, was a moving van containing his music equipment.

Auntie was always a bit extra. Yoongi mused, surveying the house. It was beautiful, with elegant vines crawling up the sides. It was surrounded by willows, and a fountain was still spraying water merrily in the centre. However, the plants looked severely untrimmed, as a result of two years of neglect.

Normally, Yoongi would be happy to come here, the spacious rooms giving him the sense of freedom. But after his aunt died, the house has been feeling kind of, cold. Besides, the reason he came here wasn't a very happy reason. Shivering, Yoongi entered the house, grunting as he pushed the heavy oak doors, which creaked as he did so.

Just when he put down his bag and suitcase by the door, a man came into view, dressed up and looking very formal. He also looked young and was quite handsome, his hair a gray color that Yoongi wouldn't have expected on someone like him.

"Hello, my name is Kim Namjoon, and I will be your butler during the time you are here."

"No need to act so formal dumbass." (haha jokes on u if you thought Yoongi didnt know him) Namjoon grinned and leaned down to take Yoongi's coat from him. "Prickly as always" Yoongi snorts, rolling his eyes. "I ain't prickly you dumb shit."

After Namjoon left to put his coat away, Yoongi wandered around the house, brushing his fingers against various things, including a porcelain vase, and cake away with dust at his fingertips. Grimacing, Yoongi dusted it off.

This place needs to be cleaned. Yoongi thought, as he made his way up the stairs, where several bedroom were located. Downstairs, he could hear the moving guys grunt as they carried his equipment inside.

"You can put it in a room downstairs," he called out, and the moving guys grunted.

He walked in and out of rooms, empty now, after his family fought over the remaining items. They couldn't have the house, however, since his aunt specifically stated in her will that her mansion belonged to Yoongi after she dies.

Yoongi's family now hates him because of that.

Thank god I'm a self-made man. Yoongi thought miserably, sighing heavily and then coughing from the dust particles in the air. Gasping, he stumbled into the last room.

It was his aunts room, Yoongi remembers, and was filled with the smell of flowers. As a child, he loved this smell, but never knew where it came from. Of course, the obvious answer was the garden that was just outside the room, but the flowers in it never smelled as sweet.

Even now, as Yoongi was sniffing, it smelled like honey and peaches.

Sighing heavily, he crossed the empty room to the window, which was slightly ajar, which made Yoongi frown.

Strange. Yoongi thought, his brows creased at the sight of a small metal wire hooked onto the latch. I thought it was closed the last time I was here. But, he shrugged, because honestly, the last time he had been here was a year ago, and he doesn't have the best memory.

All the sudden, his phone started to ring, startling him for a second. He pulled it out of his jean pocket and stared at the contact info.

Annoying piece of shit

Yoongi sighed again, and pressed the accept button, and brought it to his ears, only to pull it away at the loud screech that comes from it.

"Heya Yoongz!" Yoongi grimaced at the horrible nickname that was lovingly gifted to him by his best friend. "Hey Hobi."

"You sound like death." Yoongi chuckled at Hoseoks reply. "That happens when you drive three hours through cows and sheep's." Ad he was talking, Yoongi closed the window, but somehow, the smell still stayed in the room. "Where's the smell coming from?"

"What?" Came Hoseoks voice. "Is there something wrong?" Yoongi shook his head before remembering his friend couldn't see him. "No, there's nothing wrong, its just that the room my aunt used to sleep in smells like fucking honey and peaches or some shit." The other line was silent for a few seconds before Hoseok started to laugh.

"Wha-, shut up!" Yoongi spluttered, exiting the room quickly. "Why are you laughing?" He heard Hoseok take a deep inhale on the other end of the line. "No, its just you sound like you hate it so much!" Yoongi sighed, going towards the living room where most of his packages were. "Its not that I hate it, its just I have no idea where its coming from." Hoseok hummed thoughtfully.

"Does the house have a garden or something? Is the smell coming from there?"

"It could have been, but I closed the window, and it still smelled like peaches and honey."

"Can't help you there bro." Yoongi laughed. "Well, talk to you later Hobi. I gotta clean up everything."

"Call you tomorrow!" Hoseok promised, and ended the call. Throwing his phone off to the side, Yoongi pulled out a pair of scissors and started to cut the boxes, taking out his clothes and throwing them into piles beside him.

Several hours later, with an aching back and a sweaty face, Yoongi managed to clean up most of the stuff he brought, except for his music equipment and some of the furniture.

Damn, Yoongi thought. Auntie's house really is big. I don't have enough furniture. Yoongi sighed and dusted his palms, reminding himself that he'll have to clean the house the next day. Walking towards the kitchen, Yoongi finds Namjoon cooking something, the aroma wafted through the air. Sniffing the air delicatly, Yoongi peeked curiosly to see what Namjoon was making for dinner.

"What the fuck is that?" Yoongi snarled, wrinkling his nose in disgust. The putrid smell of chilli wafting up from the stirring pot, as Namjoon cackled evilly. "You know I hate chilli you dipshit."

"Precisely why I'm making it. Now eat it or I'll kick you out." Yoongi grumbled and went to fetch his nose plugs. Why he has a nose plug? Because Kim fucking Namjoon enjoys fucking with him like this.

"Its not that bad Yoongz." Namjoon laments, before digging in. Yoongi just stares at him. "How am I supposed to eat something that has tomatoes in it? Not even the raw ones, but the cooked ones are disgusting." Namjoon flicks a piece of tomato at him, making him shriek.

"You fucking ruined my shirt!" Namjoon rolls his eyes. "You're rich, now stop complaining."

After they finished eating, Yoongi helped Namjoon clean everything up, as he was a good friend.

Contrary to some expectations.

As they finished cleaning up and washing the dishes, Namjoon turned towards Yoongi with a question on the tip of his tongue.

"Do you know about the garden dude yet?" Namjoon asked, putting the dishes on the rack. Yoongi made a sound of confusion, furrowing his eyebrows at his friends question.

"What do you mean?" At his reaction and utter confusion, Namjoon's eyes furrowed. "You mean, you don't know?" When Yoongi shook his head, Namjoon laughed and patted him in the back, leaving the kitchen while taking off his apron.

"You'll see." Yoongi whipped around to stare at Namjoon's retreating back. "What do you mean?" Namjoon only raised an arm in reply, waving it at Yoongi while he walked away.

"Hey! What the fuck do you mean?"


The first chapter is dooooooone! What do you think? Vote or Comment if you like where its going right now, and maybe some things you'd like to see???

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