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Ugh he looks so soft in this pic my heart can't take it💜💜💜

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Ugh he looks so soft in this pic my heart can't take it💜💜💜


The next day, Jin came into every single bedroom and banged a spoon against a metal pot.

"WAKE UP!" He screeched, leaning down to whip the blankets off of Yoongi and Jimin, both who whined with obvious fatigue, and roll around helplessly in bed.

"How the fuck do you wake up so early." Yoongi mumbled, and Jimin groaned. Jin smirked.

"You guys look cute and all," Jin cooed, slapping their bare legs with his hand, " BUT YALL NEED TO GET UP!"

Yoongi groaned and kicked Jin in the face, making him screech out in disgust. "Keep your bony ass feet away from my beautiful face!"

He screamed again when Yoongi made a scratch on his arm. "Do you ever cut your fucking toe nails?" Jin snapped and stomped haughtily out the door while Yoongi and Jimin snickered into their pillows.

"Come on let's get up or Jin probably won't feed us." Jimin said, poking Yoongi back. Begrudgingly, Yoongi lifted himself with a grunt and padded towards the bedroom and flicking on the light. He picked up his toothbrush and looked around for the toothpaste. When he found none, and poked his head out to look at Jimin.

"Hey, do you know where our toothpaste is?" Yoongi asked from the bathroom. The toothbrushes were there, but the toothpaste seemingly disappeared. "I dunno," Jimin answered sleepily, blinking harshly to try and chase away the sleepiness.

"I'll see if Jungkook and Taehyung stoke ours."

He walked out of the bathroom and across the floor to reach the doorway leading outside. Walking quickly to next door, he knocked lightly on the door. "Hey, uh, do you guys have our-," he was interrupted with a loud moan. "I guess not." He ran back to the room and stepped on something squishy. "There it is!"

"What happened?" Jimin asked, now awake and sitting cross legged on their bed. Yoongi grimaced and shook his head. "You don't wanna know, thank god these walls are sound proof." Jimin tilted his head at his answer. "Why would you thank that the walls are sound proof? Are they being really noisy right now or something?" Yoongi chuckled awkwardly. "In à way they are." Jimin nodded in understanding, completely oblivious to the real reason.

"Anyways, are you done cleaning up?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin gasped, jumping up from his bed to snatch the toothpaste away from Yoongi. "I'll be really in five!" Yoongi chuckled at his antics and goes over to his suitcase to get some clothes to wear.

Tossing a simple pair of shirt and pants onto the bed, he got changed quickly, before Jimin came out of the bathroom. His cheeks burned at the mortifying thought of Jimin walking in on him changing. It's not that he shy of Jimin seeing per say, but Yoongi once took a look at Jimin's stomach and was surprised to see abs.

Jimin was such a soft creature Yoongi was surprised.

On the other hand, Yoongi wasn't exactly unfit, but he was a bit bony. So you can see why Yoongi would be a bit self conscious showing his body off to someone like Jimin.

"Yoongi I'm done! Should we go down now?" Yoongi looked over to where Jimin was standing by the door and nodded. "Yeah, lets go."

Downstairs, most of them were already seated at the table, some food already being laid out.

"Where's Kook and Tae?" Hoseok asked, turning around in his seat to look at the new arrivals. Yoongi grimaced and shuddered. "You don't want to know." At his words, everyone snickered loudly, including Hoseok, but Jimin still looked a tad bit confused.

"Why did you make that face?" He asked, and Hoseok raised an eyebrow at Yoongi, as if secretly judging him.

"Wah, why are you looking at me like that?" Yoongi defended, and Hoseok shrugged. "I dunno, I just thought that with him living with you and Namjoon, he would at least know what sex is." At the word sex, Jimin's eyes widened.

"Ohhhhh, like copulating?"

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