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"Yoooooooongi." Jimin yelled, practically vibrating from excitement from where he and Namjoon were sitting at the coffee table. After a nights sleep, Jimin seemed to have even more energy than a normal person would have on a morning.

"What do you want?" Yoongi replied grouchily, not sparing him a glance as he sipped his coffee. He had a headache, and Jimin yelling was definitely serving to make it worse.

"Joonie was telling me all about the festival that was happening in downtown!" Jimin said, eyes sparkling and clasping his hands together. Yoongi just watched him bounce with half lidded eyes. "Oh, so you're calling him Joonie now, huh?" Jimin giggled at this, shaking his head. "Silly, you didn't answer my question!"

In Yoongi's mind, he wondered where that spunky fairy he had met yesterday went. Now Jimin was all rainbows and sunshine, innocent too. It was so weird.

"That's because you didn't ask it." Jimin rolled his eyes (ah there he is). "Anyways, can I please go to the festival? Namjoon said there are going to be lots of flowers, and I wanna see them!" Yoongi glared at Namjoon over the top of the rim of his mug. Namjoon made a shrugging gesture, and Yoongi decides that Namjoon is fucking useless.

"Fine, but in the afternoon." Yoongi relents, sighing when Jimin screams out loud, running over to him and hugging him tightly, before running to his room and shutting the door.

Yoongi and Namjoon continued to sit there for a few moments, Yoongi drinking his coffee and Namjoon sitting there nervously.

"If it weren't for Jin I'd punch you." Namjoon chuckled nervously. "Haha, why do you mean...haha." Yoongi glared at him again. "You know I hate festivals right? With so much people and children, oh god, children...." Yoongi broke off with a shudder, all sorts of disgusting images coming into his head, like children crying, children pooping, children blowing their disgusting little noses into other people sleeves.

Namjoon laughed, punching his shoulder before quickly retracting it and muttering a small "sorry" sheepishly. "Relax," he said, and Yoongi got a horrible sense of déjà vu. "It'll be fun, besides, the kid is already excited, it'll be a huge letdown if you decide not to go. You're not that much of an ass, are you?"

How much Yoongi wanted to protest, he knew that Namjoon was right, and he wouldn't be an ass on purpose.

"Oh well, it shouldn't be too bad if it's just the two of us." Yoongi said, shrugging, accepting the fact that Jimin wasn't that bad.

"Well, I kinda already invited the gang." Namjoon said guiltily, showing Yoongi his phone. Yoongi could still see texts popping up, most of them expressing their disbelief at Yoongi's sudden change of behaviour.

Namjoon was the worst friend ever.

At around 2:00, when Yoongi's body started to function normally, he drove Jimin and Namjoon to the festival to meet up with the others. It had taken them 20 minutes, full of Jimin's beautiful singing and Namjoons horrible screeching.

"Oh would you shut up!" Yoongi yelled, his knuckles gripping the car wheel tightly. At his outburst, Jimin snapped his mouth shut, looking like a wounded puppy. "No, not you, Nam fucking Joon would you shut up!"

Looking at Jimin through his peripheral vision, Yoongi gave an apologetic smile that probably looked more like a grimace. "Keep singing." Jimin nodded, and hesitantly started to sing along to the radio again.

"This is bs." Namjoon complained, and Yoongi gave him the middle finger. "Suck it, u don't care." Namjoon huffed, and turned to Jimin for support.

"Yoongi is being mean." Yoongi snorted.

"Yoonie, don't be mean." At the nickname, Yoongi coughed, and Namjoon released a delighted laugh. "Yes! Yoongi is a sucker for cute nicknames given by cute people!"

"If you don't keep your mouth shut," Yoongi threatened, "I will shove my foot so far up your ass you won't see tomorrow."

Namjoon promptly shut up.

As Yoongi pulled into the parking lot, he could already see his friends gathered there, frolicking between each other. As he pulled in closer, they noticed him and started waving.

After he parked, the three of them exited the car, his friends immediately noticing the new addition.

"Who's this?" Jin asked, coming up to Jimin and observing him. "You found a cute one!" He started to squish Jimin's cheeks, cooing as he did so. "Where did you find him?"

When Jin asked him that question, Yoongi found that his brain stopped working. He couldn't tell them who Jimin really was. "Uhhhhh," he said dumbly. Luckily, Namjoon came to his rescue, butting in by shoving his way foreword.

"Jimin is a maid at the mansion." He said, and Yoongi nodded along to what he said.

Jungkook and Taehyung, the unbreakable duo, reached foreword to clasp both of Jimin's hands and rugged him out of Jin's grip. "What's your name?" Taehyung asked, grinning broadly, while Jungkooks was a bit shy.

"I'm Jimin." Jimin replied, flushing a bit under all the attention. "Awe, he's so cute!" Hoseok screeched, reaching over to slap Yoongi's back, making him stumble. "Why do you find all the cuties?"

"I don't, he was just there." Yoongi grumbled, and Hoseok laughed loudly. "Then you're lucky!"

Having enough of his friends, Yoongi lurched foreword to grab Jimin. "Let's go," he huffed. "They're being pricks." Jimin, albeit a bit confused, followed him happily.

The rest of the afternoon was spent going to different stalls, looking at the different flowers, before going to a cafe for lunch.

After they had ordered, they sat down at a table for eight to wait for their food.

Excusing himself from the table, Yoongi goes to the bathroom to quickly wash his hands. Taking the time that Yoongi's gone, his friends quickly squeeze into his spot beside Jimin, their faces adorned with a Cheshire Cat grin.

"So," Hoseok begins, and Jimin looks at him innocently. "You're a maid at Yoongi's house, right?" Remembering how Namjoon and Yoongi hastily covered up how they knew Jimin, he nodded.

"I don't believe it." Taehyung crowed, and slinging his arm around Jimin's shoulders, he pulled him closer. "You see, Namjoon and Yoongi never mentioned you. Also, Yoongi is a big fucking loner, so he'll never invite someone he doesn't know into his house."

"Unless his aunt knew you," Jungkook added. "But that's probably not the case, right?"

Jimin started to sweat and panic, but right at that time, Yoongi returns and his eyebrows arch at the sight of his friends crowding around Jimin. "Okaaaay?" He says, and everyone immediately scoots back into their positions like nothing happened.

"They didn't do anything right?" Yoongi asks Jimin, ignoring his friends protests. Jimin shook his head, eyes a bit wide.

"No," he said quietly and Yoongi hummed. Jimin looked a bit scared, and he wonder what his friends did.

"Alrighty." He said, and they returned to the conversation at hand, Taehyung and Hoseok fighting over the food that came and Jin and Namjoon talking quietly at the side.

He'll ask Jimin about it later.

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