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Pretty sure this is not how Never Have I ever is played, but honestly whatever lmao

"Never have I ever lost a textbook." Namjoon says, and Yoongi rolled his eyes. Everyone took a drink and Namjoon glared at them. "How can you lose a textbook? They're precious and valuable-,"

"And they are as lame as your question." Yoongi deadpanned and everyone laughed loudly except for Namjoon, who only looked wounded. "Come one guys!" He whined. "Be nice!"

It was Yoongi's turn. He thought for a moment, already feeling warm due to the alcohol they drank. It was stronger then they were used to, but oh well, Yoongi had a high tolerance.

"Never have I ever rejected a girl so hard she cried." He said, and everyone ooed. "Harsh." Jungkook commented, and Yoongi shrugged half heartedly and drank a cup. "She was annoying."

"You're just using that as an excuse to drink," Jin accused, and Yoongi smirked. "Maybe I am."

It was Jimin's turn next. He looked unsure, not knowing what to ask. "Never have I ever kissed someone." And the whole group choked.

"Wah, you're kidding right?" Taehyung exclaimed. "You've never kissed anyone?" Jimin shrunk into himself, regretting his question. It seemed that kissing early was the norm here. Back where he came from, kissing was reserved for mates only. Besides, Yoongi never told him about kissing.

"N-no, I've kissed anyone." He admitted quietly. "Not on the lips at least."

"Did you hear that?" Taehyung crowed. "Jimin is a lip virgin!"

"Quiet down Taehyung." Jin scolded. "You're scaring him." Jimin was looking down into his lap, unsure whether or not what the situation was. Yoongi tapped his thigh and Jimin turned to look at him. "There's nothing wrong with never kissing anyone you know." He said, and the group made a noise of agreement. "Ignore Taehyung, he's just surprised, but he doesn't mean it in a bad way." Namjoon added. "There's plenty of people who haven't kissed at your age. It completely normal."

Slowly with the encouragement, Jimin finally stopped feeling shy because of the question, and soon, was feeling fuzzy enough to forget it entirely.

It was Hoseoks turn now.

"Never have I ever watched porn in class." Hoseok said, and smirked evilly at all of them. Yoongi groaned, knowing that Jimin was sure to ask what porn was later. "Fuck you Hoseok," Yoongi said, sticking his middle finger. Hoseok smiled broadly and downed his cup. "Come on guys, bottoms up!"

Everyone downed their cups except for Jimin. "Look here!" Hoseok exclaimed. "We got a pure and innocent angel!"

"Or maybe Jimin just doesn't watch porn in class." Yoongi snapped.

Everyone looked at Jimin. "Guys!" Jungkook said suddenly. "Jimin hasn't drunk yet!" Which made Jimin fidget. "I wanna drink but I haven't done anything you've guys said."

This made Taehyung smirk evilly. "Oh Chim," he cooed. "I'm going to target you from now on."

"Uh, guys?" Yoongi spoke suddenly. "I don't think it's a good idea to target Jimin-,"

"Are you scared we'll take Jimin away from you?" Taehyung said slyly. "Don't worry, he's all yours, but he wants to drink and you gotta let a man drink." Yoongi wanted to say more, but Taehyung already redirected his attention to Jimin.

It's his first time drinking! Yoongi wanted to scream. You're gonna kill him you idiots! But oh well, everyone's gotta learn it the hard way at some point.

"Never have I ever slept." Taehyung said, and Jimin downed a cup, coughing a little as he did so. "It burns!" He gasped, and Taehyung snickered. "It's alcohol dummy. Of course it burns.

And so, they kept targeting Jimin, until Yoongi finally told them to stop. "He's already pretty drunk guys," he said. "You guys need to start drinking too."

"Noooooo," Jimin giggled. "I'm peeeerfectlyyyy fiiiine." Yoongi gave him an unimpressed look and reached over to put down the wine bottle Jimin was trying to drink out of. "No you're not fine, besides, you have to share the wine with the others. Share, okay Jiminie?" Jimin nodded sullenly, and sat back with a dramatic sigh.

Several more rounds passed, and it was safe to say Yoongi was last man standing. Of course, he was a little bit drunk, but conscious enough to know that it was time for bed. Everyone else was passed on the floor, and only Jimjn was still conscious but a bit delirious. He kept singing some sort of song to himself, and did not protest when Yoongi lifted him up. Instead, he snuggled closer to him and breathed deeply. "You aren't smelling me are you Jiminie?" Yoongi chuckled, and Jimin let out a small smile in response, half lidded eyes gazing up at him.

Feeling a bit hot, Yoongi cleared his throat and carried Jimin up the stairs to their shared bedroom, placing him down gently and removing the jeans Jimin had on him. After that was done, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. He also took out two pills of aspirin for the morning and set them down on the bedside table.

He pulled back the covers and slipped in beside Jimin, who immediately squirmed over to his side, letting out a content sigh when Yoongi wrapped his arms around his body.

Letting his head fall back onto the pillow, Yoongi took a good look at Jimin's face and brushed back a stray strand of hair. He leaned in and kissed Jimin's forehead softly, letting his lips linger before whispering a quiet, "good night Jiminie."

Closing the light, he hugs Jimin close to him and drifts off to sleep.


Wow this chapter has more words than usual!

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