29 - Departure

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(Sorry this one's short.)

Ellysia's pov:

"These are for you my wonder," Thranduil spoke as he clipped a beautiful large necklace around my neck.

I stood in awe at the reflection in the looking glass, the jewels were beautiful, white gems of pure starlight.

"Thank you so much meleth," I stated as I touched the cold jewels.

He smiled and turned me to face him, "they were made in Erebor and fashioned just for you, several more are yet to be made," he explained, "all for my wonder who outshines the jewels themselves."

"They mean so much to me," I stated, cupping his cheek in my hand, "thank you."

He smiled, leaned down and kissed me sweetly, pulling me against him as I ran my hands through his white-blonde hair. We broke the kiss and rested our foreheads against each other as he whispered, "whenever you wear them, remember they are a symbol of my love for you."


"Recently Legolas has been asking me to spend time with him, so I suggested going on an adventure. He loves the idea, so I am thinking of taking him out of Mirkwood for a few days, to camp in the woods. What do you think?" I asked my husband one night before climbing into bed.

"I think that's a wonderful idea," he answered, "you just have to make sure you steer clear of orcs, maybe I should send a few soldiers with you just in case?"

"No, that won't be necessary," I replied, "I'll take a sword and my bow, and we'll travel on horseback. We'll be safe I promise."

Thranduil sighed and took me into his arms, leaning against the headboard of the bed as I laid on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, "alright then," he sighed, "but don't go for too long, I don't want to be apart from my dear family for too long."

I giggled and tilted my head back so I could see his face, "only a couple days," I murmured, "four at most, I promise."


"Do you have everything ready for the journey?" My best friend Estel asked me one morning as Legolas and I were about to leave the palace on our adventure.

I smiled, "yes, everything is packed in the saddlebags," I stated, "and we'll only be gone a few days."

She smiled and nodded, "well I hope you enjoy yourself," she replied, then bent down to Legolas, "you protect your naneth alright?"

He nodded, "I will," he declared proudly, "I am a warrior now!"

She giggled and kissed his cheek, before standing and turning to me, "Lia and Elli send you their love, they had to leave very early this morning," she explained.

"I understand," I stated.

"Well have a good time," Estel said gently, wrapping me in an embrace.

We let go of the hug a few moments later and she returned to the palace, leaving just me, Legolas and Thranduil standing out front of the palace.

I smiled and sighed walking towards him, "goodbye," I stated.

"You have fun alright?" He asked, "and be safe."

"Ada, I am so excited, please don't keep us!" Legolas piped up.

Thranduil smiled and scooped his son up into his arms, "enjoy your trip," he stated happily, giving him a sweet hug before depositing him back on the ground, "Legolas would you go and wait by the horse please, give me a moment with your Naneth."

He obeyed, ran over to Legin and held onto one of the stirrups hanging from his leather saddle, as Thranduil turned to me.

He placed his hands around my waist and pulled me close, staring into my eyes, "you be safe," he said softly, "take care of our little leaf."

"I will," I replied, "you do not have to worry meleth nin, about anything. We will be fine, I promise, I will protect our son with everything I have."

Thranduil leaned in suddenly and kissed me lovingly, the kiss was almost desperate, as if he was afraid that we would be apart for years not days. I returned the kiss with as much love as I could, to try to calm his worries.

When we finally pulled away, Thranduil still held me close to him and whispered, "im mel cin, my wonder."

"I love you too," I stated, regretfully pulling away from the hug and walked over to Legolas, helping him onto the horse.

I climbed up after him and called the Thranduil, "goodbye my love," I waved, then kicked Legin down the path towards the woods.

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