7 - Rescued

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Ellysia's pov:

I tried to go back the way I had come but I couldn't find the right way, the paths all looked the same. I stopped walking and looked around me, seeing an immense number of winding walkways above and below me, I started to panic a little. I was beginning to become disorientated and my breathing hastened as I ran about like an elfling trying to find their mother.

I came to a small platform with a metal rail that overlooked some of the twisting paths and stopped by it. Breathing out deeply I gripped on to the bar, it was cold beneath my hands, but provided a small sense of comfort amidst my plight.

Suddenly a voice came from behind me, "are you alright He'n?"

I spun around to see a tall elf standing in front of me, he was wearing a navy blue robe with star-like patterns on it. A twisted gold band sat on top of his long brown hair and his grey eyes gave off a look of control and strength.

"I, I do belive I have gotten myself lost," I admitted.

He squinted his eyes slightly, "who are you ?" He asked, "and how is it you do not know me?"

A pang of fear clawed its way into my heart, he was a noble and I should know of him, but I didn't, "I am Ellysia Rose," I stated, "and I am sorry sir I do not know you, I've never seen many nobles."

"I am Lord Elrond of Rivendell," he stated kindly, surprising me, perhaps all royals are not cruel as I had once thought.

I bowed my head as I recognised his name, not meeting his eyes I stated, "of Rivendell, that is a long journey from here."

"I am staying for a few weeks on business," he explained, then asked, "and where are you from Ellysia?"

"I am from the village outside the city, my lord," I answered.

"Uh-huh," he murmured, then stepped closer to me, "tell me, Miss Rose, on whose authority did you enter the castle gates?" He asked in a way that seemed he was questioning if I snuck in without permission.

I took a step back, he was intimidating and I felt slightly overwhelmed, "I, uh," I stuttered.

"Mine," a deep voice stated from behind me.

I instantly sighed as a comfort filled my soul, it was Thranduil, I was relieved he was here now, but what he did next greatly surprised me. Stepping closer to me he put a hand protectively on the middle of my back, "she is here as my guest. She does not know all the ways of the palace so do try to be kind towards her."

"Of course, I wouldn't dream of upsetting such a fine elleth," Elrond replied, and took his leave of us.

I turned around and met my rescuer's eyes, he was dressed in a long-sleeved silver top that opened up at the waist to show dark grey breeches and long black leather boots. A large robe hung from his shoulders that was silver on one side and a velvety red on the inside. His long golden hair hung loosely over his shoulders and a twisted silver band adorned his head, similar to that of Lord Elrond's.

I swallowed, he truly looked like a prince, and suddenly I felt unfit to be in his presence, I bowed my head and stared at the ground as I said, "my lord."

He gently placed a hand under my chin and lifted my face so he could look into my eyes, "Miss Rose," he stated gently, his deep voice making my stomach flip a little.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "I hope this outfit is fitting for such an occasion," I started motioning to my dress.

He smiled at me, "it is more than fitting, ha na- verui bein bo cin."

I couldn't help the smile that came to my lips when he said those words, "thank you," I replied, "it was my mothers, and I mended it."

He looked genuinely impressed, "you did well," he stated, then held out his arm for me to take, "come," he ordered gently, "I heard you were lost, let me take you to the party."

I hesitated at first only due to nerves, but eventually slipped my arm into his and smiled shyly, "I still can't belive I'm here," I declared after we started walking.

He smiled at me, "I'm glad you came," he replied, "otherwise the night would have been incredibly dull."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I should think one would never get bored of a grand party like this," I stated.

"Oh no, believe me," he chuckled, "it isn't all it is talked up to be, it's really only music, wine and dry conversations unless you are here with someone you enjoy spending time with."

"And you enjoy spending time with me?" I questioned, gaining back a bit of my confidence.

"Of course," he replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked, a hint of teasing in my voice, "I can be quite a handful sometimes."

He smiled at me and replied, "I don't dispute that at all."

"Hey!" I laughed and pushed him playfully, any previous nerves vanishing as the elegant prince of Mirkwood transformed back to the friend that I baked cookies and raced horses with.


I held onto Thranduil's arm as we entered into the crowded hall filled with royal and nobles from all over the kingdom. I had felt very insignificant when I first entered the room, but entering it again next to the prince made me feel like royalty. Everybody turned to look in my direction and watched my every move.

We made our way over to one of the many long tables around the room and I let go of the prince so I could reach for a strawberry. I savoured the sweet taste and reached for another as Thranduil poured some wine into two gold goblets. He handed one to me and I took it gently, "thank you," I stated as I put the cup to my lips. It was the best wine I had ever tasted, back in the village food and drink never tasted this fine.

Suddenly an elleth dressed in a long red dress made her way over to me, her chestnut hair swaying ever so gently as she did. She was taller than me, but only by about three inches, she bowed when she arrived, and surprised me by saying, "it is wonderful to see you Thranduil, it has been such a long time."

"Estel," he greeted her, "Ha na- lovelui na govannon- cin ad- sui eithel."

She smiled, then turned to me, "who might your beautiful friend be?"

"I am Ellysia Rose," I answered, blushing slightly at her words.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you," Estel smiled, "I take it you are here as Thranduil's guest for the night?"

I nodded, "yes, I am."

"Well, do enjoy yourselves," she then stepped closer to the price and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, "I must be off, there are many more people I must see before the night is over," she declared and hurried away.

I turned to Thranduil, a little shocked by Estel's actions, "she seems nice," I stated.

He nodded, "indeed she is," he stated fondly, "she is a long time friend of the family, we have known each other since we were both very young, she is like a sister to me."

I nodded understandingly, "well it's nice to meet one of your friends," I stated, then smiled playfully, "I was beginning to think I was the only one."

Ha na- verui bein bo cin  - It looks very pretty on you.

Ha na- lovelui na govannon- cin ad- sui eithel - It is lovely to meet you again as well.

He'n - Child

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