9 - The ring

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Before you all start whispering 'preeeeeecious' I'll just let you know it is not about that ring :) Also, sorry this chapter is short.

Thranduil's pov:

It had been a few days since I Ellysia and I declared our love for one another. When she told me that she loved me I can't describe the joy that filled my heart. Ellysia is now my beautiful wonder, she means everything to me and I can't imagine living without her. We haven't seen each other since the party and my heart yearns to be with her again.

I had decided to give her somthing to show my love for her,  it was a ring with twisted silver clinging onto a large white gem of pure starlight. As soon as I laid eyes on it, it reminded me of our kiss under the stars and I knew it was perfect for her.


I knocked a few times on the wooden door of Ellysia's house and a few moments later it opened. Ellysia was wearing a simple dark blue dress and her light hair was pulled up into a loose bun, with a few loose curls hanging down. Her deep blue eyes shone in the early morning sunlight and a huge smile graced her lips when she saw me.

"Good morning my lor- I mean, Thranduil," she corrected herself with a sweet awkward laugh.

I stepped closer to her and with a small burst of courage lent down and placed a quick kiss on her delicate lips. She returned the kiss and I could feel her smile slightly, when we pulled away I smiled at her, "good morning my wonder."

She blushed at my words, and dropped her gaze, "it is good to see you," she stated, "I wasn't expecting a visit today."

"It is acceptable for me to visit my newly beloved?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up, "yes it is," she smiled.

"And to show you how much this new love means to me, I would like to give you a gift," I stated, "but only after we arrive at a certain place."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "where would that be?" She asked.

"It is a beautiful area," I replied, "but I can't tell you all the details yet, come with me first."

She beamed excitedly even though she was confused, shut the door to her house and followed me over to Sael, "should I not be taking Legin?" She asked.

I smirked at her as I untied Sael's reins from the fence, "you may if you want," I stated, "but I would like you to ride with me."

She smiled and nodded, "I would love too," she said.


"Wait slow down!" Ellysia laughed as she clung onto me from where she sat behind me on the elk.

"I thought you liked it fast," I replied.

"Well I do," she answered, "but a horse's fast is different to a giant elk!"

I just laughed and slowed Sael a little, then noticed we were nearing the place I wanted to show her, "Ellysia, close your eyes," I instructed, "we're almost there."


"Keep your eyes closed," I ordered as I led Ellysia by her hands.

I had taken her to one of the many lookouts over Mirkwood, and this was my favourite one. It had such a clear view of the entire kingdom, the woods and the tall trees, the rushing rivers and the castle far to the left. The sky was a beautiful baby blue with soft fluffy clouds floating across, a few birds were flying from the tops of the trees, calling out their sweet melodies.

Once I was sure she had the best view I stated, "alright, open your eyes."

I watched as her eyelids fluttered open and she gasped with awe as she took in the sight before her, "it's beautiful!" She exclaimed, "I've never seen such a wondrous sight."

I smirked, "I have," I replied, "she's right in front of me."

She giggled softly, "you don't need to say that my love," she stated, shocking me with her words. The way she said 'my love' was like she had been calling me that for years, yet there was so much love in her words, and I adored the title.

"I do," I answered, "now, I have something for you."

She turned her attention to me and I pulled out a little silver box from my robe, "this is for you." 

She gently excepted the gift, took the box and opened it. Her eyes widened and she gasped, "oh, it is lovely!" She awed, "the most beautiful ring I have ever seen."

I smiled, took it from her, lifted her hand and slid the ring onto her middle finger, "there," I breathed, "for you, meleth nin."

She blushed at my words, although a smile tugged at her lips, "thank you," she said softly.

Meleth nin - my love.

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