12 - Together again

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Ellysia's pov:

Excitement filled my being and my heart beat faster with every hoofbeat of Legin's. I was nearly home, I had just passed through the dark woods and was on the familiar path towards the palace. I looked up and saw the tall trees with the birds flying to and fro, the flowering bushes shrubs. I breathed in the cool air, how I missed this wonderful place, Mirkwood, and now I was here to stay - forever.


I lifted my dress so I could move faster as I ran through the palace halls in search of the one soul I missed the most in all middle earth. I took the way up to the throne room, guessing that is where he would be, and breathed heavily as nerves washed over me again and again. Soon I arrived, and at first couldn't see anyone, just a few elves passing by. I fingered the sliver starlight ring Thranduil had given me as I looked around. Then I looked up and saw a large winding staircase that led to a great throne.

I suddenly gasped as my eyes rested on the new king of Mirkwood, he was wearing a silver patterned outfit with a matching long robe. He had tall black leather boots, and was holding a long wooden staff that was wrapped in strings of silver. His long hair was loose and hung down his shoulders and a crown of woody vines and leaves adorned his head. He truly looked like a king, the king of all Mirkwood. He hadn't noticed me, for he was staring out at the winding pathways of the palace with a heavy look in his eyes.

I held in my desire to run to him right away, and instead knelt with one knee on the ground, "my king," I started looking at the floor.

I heard rustling and when I looked up I saw Thranduil had almost reached me, having abandoned the staff and robe on the throne. I jumped up then and ran to him with a cry of relief and a million emotions. He wrapped me in an embrace, picking me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist, he held me close with one arm around my waist and the other on the back of my head.

"Oh how I missed you meleth nin," I heard him say, "I missed you immensely, more than words can express."

I felt tears start to slide down my cheeks as I clung to him for dear life, "I missed you too," I cried, my body starting to shake in his arms, "oh my love!"

He rubbed my back, "shhh, meleth, I'm here," he comforted me, "I'm here now."

I sighed and tried to calm my sobs, I had missed him so so much and now that I was here, it didn't even feel real, more like a dream. After a long while Thranduil set me back on the ground and looked me in the eyes, gently moving a few strands of hair out of my face, he smiled softly, "there you are, my precious wonder. Don't cry."

I sniffed and cupped his face in my hands, "you're really here with me," I whispered, "I can't belive it."

Suddenly Thranduil stepped forward and connected his lips with mine, my whole body felt like it was on fire inside as I kissed him back, I had waited so long to do that again. I could tell by the kiss he had missed me more than he let on, it was hungry, so full of passion and love. He held onto my waist and pulled me against him as his other hand caressed my face.

I reached out my arms and tangled my hands in his silky hair, tugging on it softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Thranduil deepened the kiss and I let out a tiny involuntary moan and my cheeks flushed. What we were doing was held sacred by those who were bound in marriage for eternity, so reluctantly I broke the kiss.

"I'm sorry," Thranduil stated, slightly out of breath.

"Do not be sorry," I replied, "we have been apart for so long, and now are finally together again, I wouldn't have expected any less of a greeting."

He smiled at me with a look of immense love in his silvery-blue eyes, "I am so glad you are finally here," he stated.

"I as well," I replied, "and you're the king, it is such a shock and although the circumstances are sad, it is a pleasant change."

Thranduil nodded, "it is a shock, and it still is very difficult to get used to, having this much responsibility is hard, I don't know how my Adar managed it for all those years."

I smiled sympathetically, "you will get used to it in time," I comforted, "and I belive you will be one of the best kings Mirkwood's ever had, or will have. It will be difficult for me to get used to though, I will miss you being able to see me often."

"I will be busier yes," Thranduil admitted placing his hands on my shoulders, "but I will still come to see you at times, and you are welcome to come to the palace whenever you want. Just because my title has changed doesn't mean I have, or my love for you."

I nodded, "good," I stated, "because my love for you hasn't changed either, it has only grown in the time we were apart."

Thranduil held out his arm for me to hold, "as has mine, let's take a walk," he stated softly.

I slipped my arm into his and sighed contentedly as we made out way out of the palace and out into the garden. I didn't ask where we were going, because I had a feeling I knew just where Thranduil was leading me.

We left the palace and walked into the dark woods, up the long path and eventually arrived at a spot I recognised well. The entrance to the woods was a few meters ahead of us, a large grassy expanse beyond it. Tall trees toward above us, blocking out most of the light, and the rocks and bushes hemmed us in, making the place feel strangely comforting. We stood in silence for a while as we watched a small stream trickle over the leaves and pebbles, almost as if it's soothing sound was washing away any sadness of the past four years.

"This is where we first met," Thranduil stated.

"You mean where you shot me with an arrow?" I teased, then added, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself."

Instead of getting annoyed the king smiled playfully, "im mel cin, Ellysia," he spoke softly, "I love the way you are, not afraid to be yourself, it inspires me, truly."

His words boosting my confidence, I stepped forward on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his soft lips, I felt him smile against my mouth before returning the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist. When we finally broke the kiss, Thranduil didn't let me go, and instead held me close, whispering against my ear, "I will never part with you again, my bein meleth."

Im mel cin - I love you.

Beine - pretty.

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