10 - Separation

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Ellysia's pov:

I glanced down at the beautiful ring on my finger that Thranduil had given me only a week ago. I didn't want to go.

I had just received a letter from my Grandmother living in Lorien, she stated that she was sick and needed me to come to her, even with the elvish medicine, she would soon leave Middle earth. I desperately didn't want to go, but she had no one else, and wanted me to come and take care of her for her last days.

But I knew it was the right thing to do to go to her, and I had just finished packing for the trip. It would take me a day or two to arrive on horseback, I would camp under the stars by a fire at night and pray no orcs would find me. I honestly wished I had been taught in arms much better than I had, all I knew was how to use a sword, but not very well, and since I didn't have one, my small dagger had to make do. I would stay with my Grandmother for as long as she needed and then return to Mirkwood.

I hadn't told Thranduil what I was doing because I knew if I did, I wouldn't be able to leave, so I decided to pack and ready everything first, so I couldn't back out, then see him on the way there.  I hoped that it was alright to visit the palace, since I was not a noble or lady of any kind.


I sighed with relief, I couldn't belive the guards at the gate had let me enter, but I was grateful. I tied Legin to a tree in the gardens and walked into the palace, asking elves that walked past for directions to where I might find the prince. I was eventually directed to a large room, and I recognised it as the same from the night of the party.

I walked through a set of doors that I hadn't noticed before and made my way into a large garden. It was breathtaking, so many flowers and roses, with vines growing up the sides of the brick walls. There was a fountain in the centre with a long wooden chair beside it, on the chair sat someone in a long dark blue robe, it was Thranduil.

I made my way over and stated, "I have to tell you something."

He spun around with a look of glad surprise and asked, "Ellysia, what are you doing here?"

"I asked the guards at the gate if I could see the prince, and they said yes," I answered.

Thranduil stood and placed his hands on either side of my upper arms, "well I am glad to see you meleth nin," he said gently.

I tried not to give in to staying, and held back tears that wanted to come, I didn't want to leave now, not when we were just beginning to explore our new love; but it had to be done.

Sensing my sadness, Thranduil asked, "what's wrong my wonder?"

I swallowed hard and breathed out deeply, "I have to go," was all I could say.

He looked at me curiously, "go? Go where?"

I licked my lips nervously, "my grandmother is sick. I am her only living relative, and she has asked for me to come and stay with her to help, she lives in Lorien, so I will not be able to travel to see you during that time."

A look of dread and sadness came to Thranduil's face at my words, "for how long?" He questioned.

I dropped my gaze, "until she passes, but that could be anywhere from months to years," I replied.

I refused to look the prince in the eyes, not wanting to see what he thought of my announcement, "I'm sorry," I stated, "but it is the right thing to do, she needs me, I even thought of bringing her to here to live with me, but the journey would be too hard on her."

I felt a gentle touch under my chin lifting my eyes to his, "then you must go," Thranduil spoke softly, "she is family."

A tear dripped down my cheek as I nodded, "you must belive me I do not want to leave you," I whispered.

The prince smiled sadly, "I know," he admitted, "but promise me you will write."

I nodded, "I promise, every week," I replied, then reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, "I will come back to you, the very moment  I return."

Thranduil swiftly pulled me into a kiss, gently holding my face with one hand while his other held onto my waist. I returned the kiss, but broke it soon after, knowing that the longer I let our fea's mesh together the harder it would be to leave him.

We rested our foreheads against each other's for a few moments, sadness filling both our hearts, "I will miss you meleth nin," Thranduil whispered.

I felt a few hot tears run down my cheeks, "I will miss you too," I murmured, trying to keep my voice steady.

I stepped back and we stood looking into each other's eyes for a few moments until I couldn't take it anymore. I practically threw myself at the him, and he enveloped me in a hug, neither of us saying a word, for no words were needed in that painful moment.

I abruptly pulled away, not able to bear the pain of being there any longer, turned started to run towards the door that would lead me out of the castle. Tears were streaming down my face, blurring my vision, so I wiped them on on the back of my hand and left the garden.

As I was rushing down the long halls I felt a strong grip on the sleeve of my dress, pulling me back around, I glanced up and met the eyes of my love. His eyes were teary, desperation clouding them, he swallowed hard before speaking, "I don't want you to go," he managed.

I cried softly, "and I don't want to go either, but we both know I must," I stated before turning to leave again.

And again Thranduil grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, after looking into my eyes for a few precious moments he spoke, "I know we are not married yet, and, I think.. just promise me you will still want me when you return."

I let out a small sob at his words, "of course!" I exclaimed, "how could you think that I would not? There's no one else I would ever want more!"

I paused for a moment before taking his hand with mind and pressing it to the top of my chest, "I can feel you in here, and I know you can feel me too, our fea's are connected, we are already united in the eyes of Eru weather we are mated yet or not! Please, never doubt my desire for you."

He sighed shakily then quickly pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head, "I love you meleth nin," he murmured, "my beautiful wonder."

I sniffed as I pulled out of the hug a few moments later, "I have to go now," I stated, the depressing words weighing heavy in my heart, "no matter how long I am gone for I will come back to you, I promise, even if it took hundreds of years."

Thranduil stroked my cheek gently, "and I will wait for you," he breathed, his voice deep, "for as long as it takes; a week or a thousand years."

I breathed in deeply to calm my tears, as I nodded, not able to speak. Turning from him I made my way out of the castle, this time, he let me go, and I didn't look back.


Once I reached the palace front gardens where Legin was waiting, I hurriedly untied and mounted him, kicking him into a fast gallop. I gripped onto his mane as he took me away from the palace and into the dark forest, and eventually, out of Mirkwood all together.

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